I was going to make a Papist joke, but that is not appropriate joke in this context.
All languages are beautiful in their own way.
But one of these days I’m going to visit the land of my ancestors, it’s been a dream of mine since I was a young kid.
Yes! I would love to talk about this!
Wanna know the difference between yogurt and h̶e̶r̶e̶t̶i̶c̶s̶ protestants?
If you leave yogurt alone for 500 years it’ll grow a culture.
Yes, all languages are beautiful. I love talking about languages! Grammar systems, comparative linguistics, the whole shebang.
Ouch. That’s an ouch.
I finish this week’s D&D game, take a bit to eat some lovely pizza, and come check on you guys.
44 replies. I nearly had a heart attack!! What trouble could you all have gotten up to without me?!?
… Languages and religion.
I love you all, and please always be you.
This is very cool, but doesn’t have anything to do with the Brittonic vowel shift before the split of isolated Gaelic languages in the Isles.
Look I’m a very accepting guy but if we’re discussing Christendom;
We got an ancient city capitol, our clergy dressed like wizards, and we got a graphically mutilated Jesus on the cross at every location.
Top that.
Half of this sentence is false. I was just being silly.
I still find it so bloody cool that you are a GM.
We missed you.
Hope your weekend was awesome and all things worked out.
I am entirely taking the piss. I’m decidedly without religion. No just God would be so debased as to allow my continued existence. But I went to Catholic school for my formative years and know prayers in Latin for some reason.
So far as I’m concerned the capitol of the planet is Rome.
It’s cold and I had too many things to do.
I was in a fire in the dark (because Alaska lol) and I thought my bunker gear was absolutely coated in creosote since it felt tacky to touch. But it was actually a fine sheen of ice over my entire body, as I found out when I got inside.
I love winter, but even I can admit that too much of a good thing exists.
I introduced, properly, the ancient and imprisoned Lords of Nightmare, a pantheon of gods imprisoned for millennia by the known gods!! They do whispers and creepy, and they may be tied to lovecrafts or maybe they fight the lovecrafts. Eeeee!!! And the shadow of all magic is wrapped up in all of this, and the main wizard player is so very tempted to join the baddies to learn more about what even is that!! And now the group is learning the history of the Knights of the Eclipse and how they play into all of this and just… Eeeeee!!
We just ended one major plot, and it dovetails into the new threat!!
Next week’s game is going to be set at a tavern on a beach. So they can have a day off…
Not beating the dwarf allegations anytime soon.
lol, I love it. I can see you had a great time.
Your poor players… I can only imagine the temptations and terror you are planning for that nice relaxing day at the beach…
If I was a dwarf, I could tell the difference between ice and chemical substance by touch. Probably. Depending on the setting.
You are a dwarf.
No, I do not think that is true at all. Dwarves turn into stone, it is their racial superpower. This implies they are always at least somewhat stony. Stony things have a noted diminished sense of touch. Therefore you might note texture, but not too much else.
Just stop trying to deny your IRL dwarfiness. We accept you as the beer-drinking vertically-impaired badass that you are, IRL Dwarf Sledgie.
Depends on the stone involved, there’s a lot of chemistry that is helped by stone, if they do have a stone form then Dwarves probably would also be more sensitive to the kinds of reactions their form can experience, much like how humans are sensitive to reactions with our own flesh’s material composition.