That is hand’s down one of the most beautiful languages;
Speaking of languages, it’s a shame Gaelic is slowly going the way of Latin and looks like it’ll be a dead language in a couple more generations.
There’s a handful of places in Ireland where it’s still the main language of the people living there.
I am a language nerd, but Romanian doesn’t sound that way to me at all.
What’s weird is Portuguese. Its phonemes and consonant sounds are like Czech speakers speaking phonetic Spanish.
I thought there was a good thrust to maintain the languages in schools and such? Welsh has been a thing in public schools, Irish too?
Is it just because people don’t like the Welsh?! Come on!
Yeah, there’s been a big push the last couple years to keep the language alive and have it spoken more often. It’s such a beautiful language too and the Irish are a wonderful people.
(Might be a bit biased due to my Irish/Italian heritage )
Been my experience as well. I still don’t understand it, but I love listening to it, especially in music.
May be because my ears are more primed for English, German and any number of Slavic languages. That’s at least what I heard the most growing up so pretty much any vaguely Italian sounding language strikes me as the same. By the time I was born only my paternal grandma could speak it.
But all my elders spoke German on my mother’s side. Amusingly I lived with my maternal grandma and her sisters when I was a small child for about a year or so because my parents overreacted to a shooting outside our apartment. And kids being the brain sponges they are I picked up the language.
My mother did not because she was the only child of an Austrian and Irishman and my family was still not speaking German openly because of the whole, ya know, N@ZI thing.
Probably factors into my sheer disdain for those bastards. I mean probably also the diverse landscape I grew up in, they’re kinda threatening the existence of several of my close friends and family members. But the “You bastards drove my family out and nearly had them abandon their culture” is an intensely personal sticking point.
I don’t understand it either, but the language is soo beautiful. I was at a concert two months ago, a group called Celtic Women and they sang a few of their songs in Gaelic, and it’s just a really beautiful language to listen to.
Hoo boy do I have a story about that. Maybe another time.
Good story or a story related to The Troubles that rocked North Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a long time?
Until the tentative peace agreement was signed that is
I love that group. First heard them on PBS, everyone in my family stopped talking and just sat mesmerized by the music. That’s quite rare in my experience, most of us don’t really listen to the same music.
What? No, nothing like that. Jeez
They were one of those happy accidents I stumbled across while trying to find a certain music video I had forgetten the name of
Been listening to them for a couple years now. They’re amazing.
Oh, sorry, when you said ooh boy, I thought the worst. It’s an old habit when people mention Ireland. The troubles is usually the first thing people think of
I’m sorry about that, I could have phrased it better
No worries at all friend. No one was harmed in the phrasing of that sentence
My “another time story” had more to do with language and “heritage” and how much they are so very muddled.
Hope it’s successful. Being an American Catholic I obviously have a whole swath of my family are aggressively Irish. Love the folklore;
Literally every language from that growth near France sounds like drunken yammering but you know. Keep it around for history’s sake.
Pulls up a chair
So you were saying? In other words… please continue I consume documentaries in bulk, this sort of stuff is interesting to me and there are few topics I don’t find interesting.