I really adore this video. I just found it a few minutes ago and I’m already in love with it
This is awesome!
I know right? Celia and Lucy are from a novel called AMYGDALA and combined with Little shop of horrors.
I remember trying to watch the old Dune movie… I couldn’t make it passed the little cartoon intro.
A coworker told me I should watch the new Dune movie… and I never did. He looked kind of mad after a while that I never watched it. Like offended that I wouldn’t check out a movie he thought was awesome.
I just couldn’t muster up the interest.
I found both versions of the dune movie to be largely forgettable really. I personally don’t get the love affair for the movies themselves. Maybe the novels are good, but I could never care enough to actually read them.
Idk if I called Lynch’s Dune forgettable. That somehow was the most bizarre movie in his filmography which is saying a lot.
It was to me. It’s what I refer to as a good background noise kind of movie, one you put on when there’s nothing else to watch but you don’t really feel like paying attention to.
But that’s me.
David Lynch’s Director’s Cut (the one with the animated introduction and all of the weird dialogue changes that he had actors come back and voice over different lines) is absolutely terrible. The theatrical version wasn’t, well, great in the grand scheme of things either but was significantly better than Lynch trying to “save” something he felt needed saving. What was great about it was its production. Scenic design, costume and makeup design, effects and cinematography; it was all outstanding, especially in 1984. As much as I have a special place in my heart for it, though, I can’t argue that anything about the screenplay was good. I cannot fault anyone for not liking it.
Jodorowsky’s Dune would have been truly amazing, however. Salvador Dali as the Padishah Emperor whose throne was a toilet? Hells yes.
It’s just so bizarre. David Lynch has his career post “Eraserhead” (1977) thanks to of all people, Mel Brooks, who according to legend left a showing of Eraserhead and walked up to Lynch saying “You’re a maniac. I love you” before later helping to produce “Elephant Man” (1980).
I literally can’t imagine a worse fit for a big budget space opera movie.
It was the early 80’s. Star Wars had given producers the impression that any grand science fiction might be a viable property. Throw money at it, see what sticks, kill what doesn’t. Dune was just not the story for that.
Admission: I am not a money person, just a production design sort of person. Also I was like 7 when I first saw Lynch’s Dune. Because I’m old.
Which is ironic when you think about it, because Lucas wasn’t sure the first Star Wars movie was going to be any good and expected it to flop hard, which is the reason I think he started working on Indiana Jones shortly after.
No one knew back than the behemoth of a IP that Star Wars would later become. It’s easily the most famous trilogy that came out of the late 70s. By that I mean most people who never seen the movie can identify Vader by his breathing alone, most people know who Luke is, etc.
In news nobody cares about I finally found the perfect theme for my Worgen Druid who is a Dalaranian (French in my book) who was a bardic hedge mage who was cursed by a witch after spurning a Lordaeronian noblewoman;
And for those wondering here’s this character’s;
The twentieth century was wild when it came to new forms of media. The latter portion of the century is really when marketing started taking over creative control. Now we simply have algorithms to generate creativity to us.
Not really, though; lots of new technologies for creating music, film, and other creative endeavors have resulted directly as a way to get away from or around the need for massive funding from production companies that insisted on creative control of the end result. And then those methods become adopted by the big baddies, then new media solutions emerge and the cycle continues.
I believe you mean, “Dalarannaire”
I will never learn French. Far too much animosity from my German and Italian roots, both of which are prettier languages.
Seriously German gets a bad rap because decades of WW2 media has planted it’s wartime shrieking as the general parlance. Like what language would sound present if being shrieked by soldiers in a machine gun nest?
What about this sounds scary?
It’s basically the only pep rally song for white brunettes with dark eyes I’m aware of. So obviously I know it.
My friend, I went to University for a Bachelor’s degree in German. Don’t you try to tell me how pretty German is.
Romanian is far lovelier.
Star Wars was one of the first instances of Space Fantasy with Warhammer 40K coming after that.
Star Trek introduced us to Space Sci Fi while Star Wars introduced us to Space Fantasy.
Most Space-themed TV Shows are between Star Trek and Star Wars in terms of Sci Fi and Fantasy. None seem to go to Warhammer 40K’s level though I think they should!
If we were to get Space Fantasy shows where entering Hyperspace sends you straight into a Crystal Labyrinth, Bleeding Hells, Diseased Plaguelands and Paradises with Seas, Lakes & Rivers of Wine & Pink Perfume and Mountains, Trees, Grass & Roads of Gold & Platinum then things would get interesting…
Fun fact I learned it was a Romance language due to my first girlfriend, a Romanian I met in summer school drama I was taking to not look like a degenerate in court. Hadn’t heard her speak it previously until an intimate moment.
I was expecting;
“славянские звуки”
But got something way more Spanish / Italian sounding. Also how I learned about the diversity of languages in China many years later. India also works in similar ways but I learned that from chatting with liquor store employees.
Actually, the language I wish I could have continued studying was Swahili. Just two years of it in the late 90’s.
But the sweetest thing you can say to someone you deeply love is Nakupenda Malaika.