Every few months I am surprised when I get Trust Level 3 back. I lose it again rather quickly, before I even know…and get busted down to a low level skamp
But I never lost the ability to post simple you tube links.
My word. I think I can be uncouth… I guess I have not reached that threshold
Though if you want something posted just share the link and I at least will post it if you want. Though in all honesty I’d be shocked if they stripped access from your other toons… So you might be able to share videos on other profiles, since it looks like you were here for the forum’s beta.
Doesn’t help that people are using their alt profiles to mass flag posts thus resulting in just needing a single very spiteful person doing it.
Interesting detail, roughly 1/3 of caloric intake goes to sustaining our brains. That’s based on a normal caloric intake mind you. It’s also dependent on how active the mind is. I’d guess yours is somewhat higher due to all that creativity you keep talking about.
Thus far the laser chicken seems like a solid “easy to play, hard to master” spec. The actual moment to moment rotation to deal damage is pretty simple. But at least with PvP utilizing your alt forms, CCs and CDs to maximum efficiency seems to have a learning curve.
Also the stealth + tracking on cat is fantastic. So far I’ve been great at defending and ninjaing nodes.
It’s one of those classes that has a little bit of everything for everyone of all skill levels. But once you get the rotation down, it’s a really fun class to play
I adore being able to switch between a tank, a melee kitty or a ranged death chicken based on whatever mood strike s me.
But my Mobile Death Chicken rotation is usually just spam buttons until enemy stops moving.
I was in an old battleground… Original TBC era doing my normal Enhancement Shaman thing of hunting the loners… the irony… and a pair of cats decloaked into Death Chickens and just gutted our offense. I was so caught up in the spectacle I got stun locked and killed by a rogue. We lost that fight because of those two Druids. A fellow pvper at the time switched sides for a bit and found them… they were a pair of twinks.
Ran into them a few more times before I outgrew the bracket they were in, we didn’t always lose when they were around, but we had to work a lot harder.
I just can’t seem to get back into pvp like I used to. Heck, I remember losing and still having had a blast.
It’s why I love being a bear tank in PvP, even if my overall Item lvl is only 258 because the entire opposing team just loves mobbing me because one on one there’s not many classes that can kill a tank.
I also find when tanking, that solo rogues tickle…a lot. They’re only dangerous when they severely out gear you or they’re working in groups to keep you stun locked.
There is this thing with boomkins, where suddenly one single thing utterly changes everything.
It could be realizing the full scope of a talent or spell. Or it could be some small ting you do and realize how well it works out. Or maybe you just get a new pair of gloves, and suddenly you go from pulling one or two mobs at a time… To pulling every mob in the Emerald Dream that you can hit with a Moon/Sunfire and your only regret is that you’ve run out of mobs.
It’s my number two class; like Hunter, there’s always more to learn, and every time you learn something new, it increases your overall performance exponentially. And whenever you’re stuck thinking “dang it, I wish I could do X”, you find out that actually you can with a slight talent swap.
Some classes are swiss army knives. Druids are the entire toolbox.
I’ve to admit charging pecker first into Disc Priest after not having played for the better part of a decade was a dumb but brilliant move. After that learning curve everything has been fairly simple.
Still miss the Legion version. Last time the spec actually did solid DPS. Miss that “Death or healing, I care not what you seek” vibe. Granted it was probably a bit OP but man do I miss being jumped by Rogues and going;
Warhammer 40K The End and the Death Vol. 3 is now out on Audible!
The Summary the Reddit Threads give not only state the stuff I have already posted but give interesting context on the Black Rage:
It’s the Emperor himself fighting against Horus’s Chaos Side. Horus during the fight thinks he is forcing the Emperor on his grand throne while fighting his mind(actually fighting the Emperor himself unbeknownst to him) on the Vengeful Spirit failing to realize that he is trying to put the corpse of Sanguinius on the throne and is being distracted by the Emperor himself.
After Horus casts off his Daemon side he then realizes it is Sanguinius he shoved on the throne meant for the Emperor and regaining his lucidity begs the Emperor to put him out of his misery and gets stabbed by the Emperor’s Sword obliterating his Soul in the process as the Emperor’s mind faces Horus’s Daemon side in endless battle as the Emperor is placed on the Golden Throne on Holy Terra.
Abaddon has the Emperor’s Golden Eyes after gazing into the Astronomican’s light and calls his Legion the Black Legion so I suspect the Emperor is possessing him and yet another persona of the Emperor is fighting Horus constantly while possessing the Blood Angel Bodies as the Dark King persona(who serves as Horus’s father) seeks to bring about his freedom and ascension by destroying the Golden Throne.
Once the Golden Throne is destroyed the Black Rage will gain enough power to manifest a physical body ending his influence in the Blood Angels as the Emperor directly manifests in the form he presents to Sanguinius. The Despoiler’s Son Horus will notice that the Black Angel Emperor is now physical and take physical form to fight him even as the Sanguinor AKA the White Angel Emperor helps aid him against Horus.
I have an idea of where Higurashi When They Cry Mei is going:
Shion(41) will spawn Hanon(Han-1 I.E. Hanyuu-Shion basically), Mion(31) will spawn Rion(61 I.E. Rika-Mion basically), Rena(07) will spawn Hanna(Han-7 I.E. Hanyuu-Rena), Nao will spawn Naoka(Now-5 I.E. Rika-Nao), Satoko(3105) will spawn Hantoko(Han-105 I.E. Hanyuu-Satoko) and Ritoko(6105 I.E. Rika-Satoko), Satoshi(3104) will spawn Ritoshi(6104 I.E. Rika-Satoshi) and Hanyuu-Delta(Han-4) and Rika will spawn Hanrika(Han-65), Rika-LambdaDelta(6534) and Takano Hanyuu.
Hanon might in turn create a Saon(31) persona becoming a Green-haired Satoshi as well as a Reon(01) persona becoming a Green-haired Rena while Rion might create a Mitoko(3105) persona becoming a Green-haired Satoko. Cue complaints from Mitoko about Hanon refusing to stay Saon who she thinks is too cool to get rid of.
Something similar will happen to Hanna and Naoka with Hana taking the form of Retoshi(0104) while Naoka becomes Naotoko(Now 105). Naotoko will complain when Hanna keeps dropping the Retoshi persona.
Takano Hanyuu will probably spawn Kururu Isshiki(Me K Ri), Hanrika will probably spawn Sakiko(Me K Ri) and Hanyuu will probably infect Eua’s Failure(K2) with shortness in order to age just as Rika will infect Bernkastel with shortness in order to get her proper height.
Rika-LambdaDelta will probably spawn Kuroe Ironside(Ri/6), Riya Viljakainen(Ka/5), Mitsuyo(LambdaDelta/34), Lady Mi(3) and Kosuka(Shi/4).
It could also be a Dune reference since it does look like a low-tech Stilsuit. Tanaris does have a Mad Max vibe to it.
That said trying to make the Wastelanders a significant faction was reaching. Figured it another case of Blizzard thinking you had to have humans involved for a story to have any meaning.
I saw the most recent Dune movie and barely remember anything from it other than the things Star Wars took inspiration from. It was boring to me, unfortunately.