Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Listen to the urge…

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I’ve been playing Xenoblade 3 the last week or two. Finished chapter 5 (out of I believe 7). I’m dead inside.

Is the story that bad/depressing?

Oh I love the story, the last like hour of chapter 5 was just an emotional roller coaster. Reminds me of the feelings I had when I first played KH 358/2 Days years ago, and that’s one of my favorite game stories of all time.

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There’s a new Hellboy movie coming out soon which seems pretty cool

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Friendly PSA… ice damming is bad for roofs and indicates a problem with your roof/attic and/or possibly that insulation you installed. To prevent ice damming you need good airflow in below your roof to allow it to remain cold in the winter.

I just got back from helping clear an extensive ice dam on a sibling’s house. Come spring… my knees already ache just thinking about it.

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The End and the Death Vol. 3 revealing that the Chaos Gods were the Warp Storm born during the Siege of Terra despite(according to the old Lore) gaining sentience from the Black Death, Renaissance and Crusades(with Erebus most likely choosing those moments deliberately to send the Warp Storm through time) and were working to bring about their birth brings forth new possibilities involving the Primarchs and Luthor.

Said possibilities being that the Primarchs reached into the Emperor’s past by reaching into the Emperor and brought about their births.

I’m sure that Lion and Cypher will stab into the bleeding Forest King and Lion will reach into his past bringing about the events that he remembers the Emperor doing then create himself before being unable to delve any further. Cypher will delve deeper and reach the moment where the Emperor stabbed the Forest King the first time and withdraw dragging the Forest King fully to the present and upon removing the blade the Forest King will heal and alongside Cypher become Emperors of the First Legion with their Son Lion serving as their champion.

The Sanguinor and Mephiston will do the same(presumably brought into the Forest King’s domain) and become the Emperors of the Blood Angels and revive their son Sanguinius.

The Emperor of Mankind asked someone why they slew his Son: Abaddon was who he was talking to. Abaddon will through the sword born from the first murder stab into the Emperor and reach into his past to stab the Emperor’s Son and grant the Emperor immortality leading to him to bond with various Souls leading up to the Horus Heresy where upon casting away his compassion for those Souls can only ask: “Why did you murder my son?” which Horus misinterprets to first mean Sanguinius and later to mean himself.

Abaddon will become the Dark King and is using every son of the Emperor as tools to bring forth his apotheosis.

Vashtorr is likely Vulcan… There is no other reason he is working with Abaddon and Perturabo to my mind. Dorn was likely grabbed for the sake of forcing him to bring about his own birth. Horus is likely leading the Legion of the Damned as a Fire God having already brought about his own birth when the Emperor stabbed him.

As for Guilliman: He is likely actually his adoptive father’s Son. After his adoptive father perishes he gets pulled into the Emperor and brings about Guilliman’s birth. His father’s freedom from the Emperor will likely come about this way:

Fulgrim will dangle the last Cronesword in front of the Aeldari with the suggestion that Guilliman can think back to what the Emperor said to him at the throne to purify it(and Commander Farsight’s Sword too) and when Guilliman notices that Mortarion and Magnus are poised to stab the Emperor realizes that his link to the Emperor is causing everything and beg his father to break the link.

Cue Guilliman’s father is standing in front of Guilliman in Ultramar and before he can attempt to purify him Fulgrim will stab Guilliman’s Father and in turn get stabbed by a recently arrived Angron and reach into their past to bring about their own birth and while monologuing make the Aeldari realize that the last Cronesword has to be corrupted to bring about Ynnead’s birth since the Croneswords are the Soul of the Aeldari and Slaanesh is part of the Soul.

Cue the Aeldari using the Croneswords alongside Ynnead’s avatar to complete Ynnead’s birth as the Soul of the Aeldari and remove the Aeldari Souls from Slaanesh weakening him causing him to try to reclaim his power from Fulgrim in order to survive and retreat.

Since Fulgrim is digging into the Emperor through Guilliman’s father Fulgrim is able to use the power he is digging into to survive and regain his senses as Slaanesh and the Daemon separate from him.

Since Angron is digging into the Emperor through Fulgrim he gains enough lucidity to cast Khorne from himself with the words Blood for Freedom, Blood for the Emperor, Skulls for the Golden Throne! Khorne at that moment loses 3 of the 7 skulls that adorn his neck.

Mortarion and Magnus who used Guilliman’s link to reach into the Emperor will bring about their births and reclaim the necessary power to free themselves from Tzeentch and Nurgle.

Commander Farsight hands himself over to Aun’va only for Khorne’s rage to drive him to attack Aun’va and realize that Aun’va is a machine which causes him and Shadowsun to turn on the Ethereals and when Khorne tries to induce Farsight to say Blood for the Blood God he will instead say Blood for the Greater Good and cast the Bloodletter out of the blade causing another 1 of Khorne’s brothers to separate from the Skull Necklace of his!

4 of the 7 War Gods that worked with Khorne to bring about their birth will be freed from him as he is left fuming in rage. Sorry Khorne but Blood for Freedom(Angron), Blood for the God-Emperor(Lorgar), Blood for the Emperor(Dorn), Skulls for the Golden Throne and Blood for the Greater Good(Farsight’s Sword) don’t permanently tie into Blood for the Blood God(Karn the Betrayer/Skarbrand) unlike Blood for God and Skulls for the Skull Throne(Khorne)!

Khorne’s sacred number will become the same as the number of Chaos Gods born during the Siege of Terra: 3(which is also one of Nurgle’s sacred numbers alongside 7 which means there are 4 “Gods” that will free themselves from him in the end).

Tzeentch will become 8 after Magnus’s freedom which means 5 more “Gods”/Concepts to separate from him. Slaanesh will weaken the fastest, Khorne will weaken the second fastest while Nurgle and Tzeentch will take longer.

This sounds like a curse I utter when the sidewalks are frozen over.

“Ice!! Damning!!!


I had to buy a webcam for business. Set it up and stuff. I have rudimentary knowledge. But I wish I had it set to record this BG I just queued into….

As a Horde Rogue, I zoned into a Battle for Gilneas where the Alliance had 3 Nodes and 1400 points to the Horde’s 200.

I wanted to see if I could even make it off the boat before I got saddled with a loss…


Wait 5 minutes to lose a BG in half a minute. Zone in and can’t even get off the boat before it is a Loss.

I would have liked to have replayed that for the lulz. Blizz should do something about that… maybe not let people enter BGs that are over…

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Honestly I think there should be a Surrender Vote option that cedes the game. I’ve been on both sides of curb stomps innumerable times and there’s a particular cruelty to the CTF maps where the dominating team will hold onto the flag and run out the clock farming the enemy graveyard.

Which isn’t particularly sporting or even fun. I’ll take a nail biter close match over a steam roll anyday of the week. Be easier for everyone if the obviously outmatched side could just wave the white flag.


Definitely warming up to Balance Druid. It’s actually kinda funny it took me this long to try a Worgen one.

Shame there’s not a Horde Druid flavor I love. Feral Druid by way of Revantusk Primal is fun but in a serial numbers filed off sort of way. That’s entirely RP.

Granted the Worgen aren’t much better but at least I’ll have an excuse to lounge in Gilneas now.


After 23 attempts after I started counting (and I think 24 attempts overall), I finally got all the Infinige Dragonflight customization manuscripts from Chrono Lord Deios in dungeon finder.


Oh, man, I love the Zandalari druid forms. Hands down the best boomkin form, too. Makes me wish I “got” Balance. Maybe I should try it again.


I just wished to pop in and say hi to all of you. If I’m less chatty lately, it’s nothing to worry about at all; I’m still here, just not as much. Doing stuffs is all.

Like getting my warrior to 70 tonight, and going from 307 to 425 ilvl!! Nightsong was my emotional support person through all of the gearing.

… Did I remember to respec my talents from my whackadoo leveling build?


hugs Sorry if I been kinda less chatty lately myself. Still here, still ocassionally commenting and giving out likes, being the end of the expansion and all, there’s really not much to talk about that hasn’t been talked to death already.

That and I been rereading an old series that I adored as a young adult. So :heart: to my peeps :wolf:


So, a lot has changed. I went from thinking of this forum as a community I was proud to be a part of, to a place where I simply post just to get my thoughts out, and if people disagree I will fight them. Some of it’s my fault. Some isn’t. There are relationships I can’t fix due to either my own actions or true colors of others being shown. I just want to take things easy.

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If you ever thought being part of this community was something to be proud of…

I am glad you changed your mind.

A hobby or a pastime, perhaps. People who like a story and talk about it… it is not something to have pride about. Especially when the story changes at corporate whims - or worse - creative choices that are just bad.

A great song to vibe to while playing my worgen. Really gets me in the mood while tanking outdoor activities

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I don’t have any one song I play. I try to find emotional beats that fit though.

It can help with writing scenes and sometimes to reconnect with a character I haven’t played in a while.

Can’t tell what I’m working on right now right? :smile_cat: :crying_cat_face:

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I do not appreciate the fact I cannot now, nor will I ever, be allowed to put YouTube videos in my posts because of how naughty I have been and continue to be. Thank you all for reminding me of what a rebel I am.

First, you are always welcome here. Period. The past is the past, and while we all should learn from it, it’s foolish to dwell in it. Welcome back Doness!!

Second, taking things easy is what I’m also trying to do. I just… Cannot work up the umph I used to have to fight every fight that needs to be fought here. It sucks knowing that no matter how many people may agree or disagree, you’re one person flagging you away from a forced time out and a deleted post.

Third, and final bit: I am hungry. I must eat food.