Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Under the whelp daycare in Valdrakken.


The new dryad and keeper of the grove models are so bad dude. The old ones had so much personality in their animations, meanwhile the DF ones are constantly t-posing.

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I liked the models they had in legion. Blizz should have just kept those instea of updating them for DF


There is a lot of stuff in Legion Iā€™ve liked so far. Obviously, I didnā€™t experience it as new content and the whole weapons = powers thing isnā€™t something I have to deal with but all in all not a bad expansion.

Say what you will about Illidan, but chucking him at the big bad and letting them fight it out was a good ending, two evils out of the way and taken care of, for now at least.

Also, yay brain wonā€™t let me sleepā€¦ wonderful.


Man, thank you for mentioning this. I thought I was the only one!

They went from whimsical and fey-like to downright terrifying looking with their DF reskin. They have this weirdly uncanny valley-esque way to them that sits so wrong with me. The art style for them seems so out of place compared to the player character models.


Flagged post restored, I am innocent!

Evil was defeated on this day.


Legion was alright. Lore-wise I appreciated it mostly as a palate cleanser from three awful expansions in a row; Pandaria had solid gameplay but I found it way too infuriating for its cultural depictions, and Cata and WoD donā€™t need much mention. Gameplay-wise, I appreciated that more emphasis was placed on specs versus class; they went too far with pruning, but I appreciated not having to use frost spells as a fire mage if I didnā€™t want to and other such things.

As far as quests go, Iā€™m a big meh outside of the general concept of order halls; my main two classes were very poor fits for the conceit though, and it showed. I was hooked on the launch scenario then the game pulled a Halo 2 to send us to places far away from the Legion, and then we went from being on the backfoot to ā€¦ defeating Space Satanā€™s army forever and locking him away. Even the Doomslayer doesnā€™t crush the armies of hell that efficiently.


A lot of the DF art gives me this vibe.

Kind of reminded me of the skin/filter they introduced to DC Universe Online, called Shaded, it very much gave the characters equipment a comic book coloring look, but for those of us that didnā€™t cover all of our characters in glowing gear the look was very out of place.


:smiling_imp: Excellent :smile_cat:


Ugh, that reminds me of the meh cel-shading Champions Online uses; the game looks at its best when you disable as much of those effects as possible, especially because stuff like comic outlines actively interferes with anti-aliasing, which is a hell of an engine choice, even for 2008.

I havenā€™t noticed anything about the Keepers etc. but theyā€™re not really my thing so I donā€™t look at them closer than necessary. In general I do feel like Legion was my favorite recent art style for the game, thereā€™s an extra cartoony vibe in the following expansions I donā€™t care for. I think the alpha of WoW and the lower fantasy arms and equipment that were made for it is my overall favorite art style for the game, but itā€™s obviously quite low poly and low res.

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Oh, I loved that game so much! Just got to grindy and I didnā€™t really connect with the community over there.

Totally agree on the graphics notes, once I figured out my settings the game was much better.

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There was a game?

There was a community?

My biggest gripe about CO by the time I picked it up was that it felt like an outdated tech demo. I actually did enjoy some of the trials and giant monster fights picked up an interesting cadence once Kaiserin became a dev but like, the questing experience was probably the worst questing experience Iā€™ve ever had in an MMO and Iā€™ve played since 1999.

All I remember about the community is the weirdo who was obsessed with redheads and hung out around the Alert dailies with one of 50 dozen characters over multiple banned accounts combatively proclaiming his love for ginger hair.

Incredible costume creator though, and love/hate relationship with freeform builds.

Also, while Iā€™m on the subject: absolutely incredible to have a game based in Detroit, where you decided you should destroy the entirety of Detroit and rebuild it, call it Millennium City, all of the notable heroes are white people (except the one black guy they promoted to main roster when they bought the RPG rights for the MMO) and thereā€™s no Lebanese community depicted at all but there is a Chinatown and there is a Little Italy.

Holy crap guys, I know you wanted the Marvel license, but ā€“ at both Cryptic and the original makers of the Champions RPG ā€“ if you wanted New York City, justā€¦ make it New York City.

I wasnā€™t there long but I always had a small fascination with Detroit as it was the first American city I ever lived in.

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Fair, though I was more interested in playing a superhero simulator and for that it wasnā€™t badā€¦ I also didnā€™t have any other options.

Oh yes, when I was playing my schedule aligned with a bunch of people who liked to stand around and pose while chatting. Not bad people, many of them were just friendly people who liked being buff furries and helping out. Had some conversations on the creation of good characters.

I would spend hours in there it was fun trying out different things looking for that unexpected combo that sparks the imagination.

Totally understandable. For me It was sweet because I could make the character I wanted. I know for end game though there was a lot of pressure to make characters that fit a moldā€¦ I didnā€™t really do end game much for that reason.

At first, I was all, sweet game in my home stateā€¦ then I realized nopeā€¦ not my home state at all.

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All very reasonable, donā€™t mean to impugn your enjoyment. In truth I spent many months there, just often quite frustrated that the gameā€™s range between its highs and its lows was so massive. Gameplay-wise, stuff like the blocking system, 3-D Movement, and the ability to use the environment for attacks was so promising and so little content delivered on any of it.

Iā€™ve mentioned Iā€™m very purpose-oriented ā€“ I like immersive builds, but I need content to be immersive in, and basically nothing except group content or ridiculous solo challenges was worth doing because the writing was so weak and the quest and world design so threadbare. So I felt a lot of that pressure to perform at a meta level with my quirky builds, especially since I didnā€™t like to mix wildly different power sources as is (was? itā€™s been a while) the meta for FF builds. I did pull off some very solid stuff but I spent maybe hundreds of hours just plotting those characters out, testing them, and grinding the cash for another rebuild.

Iā€™m glad someone else gets my frustration with the setting!

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This forum post will NOT burn!!

Wait now, hold up, wait a gosh dang secondā€¦

Nightsong, you were the other person playing this game?!?


Didnā€™t feel like you had. We all have different tastes.

Fully agree, that stuff was fun, part of the reason I ended up going to DCUO, only left there because that place is toxic and vile enough to make WoW feel kind and generous.

Yep, it could be very frustrating. Last I was there it was basically just an event cycle with some story content that they locked the final chapters of behind group content, for me that was the final straw, I could solo 99% of the story but that last bit was blocked from me so I walked. I might have felt different if all of the content had some element of grouping involved or scaled up to more players being needed, but nope.

Yeah, that was still the meta though the community was pushing back against it and even the devā€™s seemed to be helping in that regard, or Iā€™m just giving credit where itā€™s not due. When I left they were grinding through powerset revamps.

Nice, I used to play around with odd builds and goals, I was quite pleased with myself when I made a character that could keep fighting through the ice winds of the that frost giant monster in canada. Healers didnā€™t even need to watch me because of the build I was running.


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Might have been more enjoyable if there were only two of us playing that game. Sadly, it was a cesspool.

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Still boggling at the idea of an MMO with a worse community than this one. I know there are much worse internet and even other gaming communities in general, but WoW is my cadmium standard for mmorpg communities.


Oh Twinkle.

Oh my sweet twinkling Twinkle.

You have not yet dredged the depths of cesspooliness that is the free-to-play MMO community.

I feel I should protect you from it out of basic human decency.