Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

It was common to log into the US server and hear someone ranting about how the US/World would be a better place if only all the other races weren’t in it.

To make even weirder the people making these claims usually has an [H] appended to their name flagging them as being on the “Hero” side.

Another common thing was to log into a lobby zone, basically a capital city over there, and see many toons with names that were racial slurs or references to just vile stuff.


Despite Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord being FAR from perfect and absolute gong shows in their own right, playing SoD on a non-RP server gave me a fat dose of reality on the general toxicity that is the standard WoW experience.

Even though I’m not an RP’er, it made me grateful that these spaces exist, for all their faults.


The new dragon models all look they have rubber skin.


It likely comes down to the fact it is new artists, using newer tools. At the end of the day our models for players are mostly all Cataclysm era, as their decidedly not HD skin mapping shows.

Drakthyr are more in line with the current art style and tools output. Hence their toes look like toes and they actually have decent skin definition.

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I can’t even imagine. I was on an RP server and while the players were fine, those actually moving around and playing, the chat was nuts at times, not all the time but in bursts. Got lots of ignores in that first day.


Yeah, though I’m of the opinion that art should stay consistent to maintain immersion. It’s like seeing venta black, even though it’s real it just looks wrong.

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No kidding, I don’t really engage in any sort of GD chat on any server I’m in but even just reading some of it had me depressed for humanity.

Thankfully I play with a really solid group of IRL friends, otherwise I would DEFINITELY not be playing it because having to group with the general playerbase alone would have been enough for me to check out.


It;s why I have all the chat channels turned off. A lot of the weirdos hang in trade and say some really gross things. I even got a few whispers/threats when I had Kare as a Draenei, that I actually thought about quitting a few times

The community has definitely improved as the younger generation started playing though, they don’t seem to put up with the crap that the rest of us tend to do


gamerbro culture is mostly a millennial artifact yeah. Sometimes I wonder about those people though.


100%! Preservation of sanity is key.

I feel like being a Draenei is a weird ticket to people saying gross things to you, since there are some communally accepted fetishizations of the race particularly on RP servers. Oddly enough, of all the races I’ve changed between, the most harassed I have been was when when Naovi was a Vulpera. By Alliance mains no less. Bizarre.


Well, I’ve dealt with 4chan extensively so I would probably be fine in theory, but it’s not my idea of someplace to have a good time.

As someone who enjoys heroic themes that are often called vanilla, bland, wussy, and boring… I wish that were weird, but gestures broadly at this very forum.

My comfort food is getting to do the right thing; maybe after a long struggle to get it right, maybe just automatically. A lot of people though are into the hero thing and its aesthetic trappings so that they can get a pat on the back for anything terrible they want to do.

The community has gotten worse over the years. PVP servers back in the day, which i used to play, is the community of an RP server today.

Classic is especially popular with streamers so i bet it looks a lot like a twitch chat but minus the cute from the younguns.


It’s weird because when I played a vulpera on WrA for a few months, I found my interactions to be mostly wholesome and not that bad. I think that’s mostly because Horde WrA has a really big furry community, so I fit right in.

Most of the gross harassment I’ve gotten was on my draenei. Which is why I’m glad I’m maining my worgen druid now, nobody bothers me for the most part

But seriously, I can’t even say what some of the things were that were whispered to me on draenei because it would get me banned, that’s how gross they were


Hate for most races is a bit like the tide, it comes in, and goes out again, then comes back in aiming at the new ‘in’ thing to hate.

First Vulpera, then Drakthyr, soon Earthen.

The cycle continues.


Gen Z chat is decidedly more hostile. Millennial chat is mostly Chuck Norris jokes.

In the Beginning there was nothing … then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked nothing and told it to get a job.


Don’t think it’s hate we’re discussing here, more like creepy crap.

I get a lot of it on my main gnomes, but nothing compared to what I get on my humans and void elves.

It’s almost always male Worgen with the creepy messages for me to the point I sigh now when I see a random tell and /who says they’re a Worgen


Wait, other people are sending you creepy messages?!?

I feel less special.



I never get creepy messages. I guess I am just not pretty enough.



Your messages are always lovely and warm and bring a smile to my face other than when you harass me for my digital life choices! But still not creepy. You fishy person.


Every creepy message I’ve ever gotten in WoW was from a dude, who sounded they never talked to another human being their entire life.

It’s ALWAYS some dude that make things weird and uncomfortable.


You have been deceived, it is actually Blizzard’s AI bots studying player behavior.