Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

He is not quite MochaElf flavored, more like full chocolate coated.

But he looks very good!!!

Edit: And do not worry. The night elves like me now. Me and Tyrande are battle-besties, and Malfurion has been fangirling me since Cataclysm.


Of Course! How could I forget.


Well, to be fair, it seems they donā€™t really advertise my very close, sometimes too personal ties to them. See, it all started this one day when a dragon tried to do an Azsharaā€¦

I woke up from a very long nap brought about from months of exhausting jousting tournaments and was told personally by Thrall that I had to save the world. So of course, I looked at where he needed me to go most, saw it was very wet there, and promptly went to the other place.

As soon as word reached Malfy (he lets me call him that because we are very close, sometimes too very close but weā€™ll get there) that I was on Mount Hyjal, he totally begged me to go find him.

ā€œHere she is folks!! The Terror of Terokkar!! The Nagrand Nightmare!! The Icequeen of Icecrown!! The Wintergrasp Warrior Princess!! ā€¦ Alynsa!!ā€

Which was weird, because I think Iā€™d only very recently race changed (or it mightā€™ve actually been after this, but for story purposes, weā€™ll fudge it).

Anyway, he was super-psyched to have me there and proceeded to have me solve all the problems going on at Hyjal. Me personally, the only one he could trust. Because when you cannot rely on a druid to do something, call in a hunter to tame those druids!! He told me everything. Specifically how some fire guys were trying to burn Nordrassil down for reasons, and I told him ā€œno world trees are gonna burn on my watch, buddy!!ā€

So anyway, I singlehandedly saved Hyjal, so Malfy clearly thought I was the coolest elf.

Maybe he even recalled me from that time I went back in time and met his younger self at the Well of Eternity? It hadnā€™t happened yet for me, but obviously it did for him.

So then some time passes, the Legion invades, Iā€™m coaxed out of my Garrison money machine by taking the money from my money machine and the promise of a cool bow. Once more, called to personally and single-handedly save all of Azeroth. Sure, why not? I have enough Garrison Resources, I can take a break.

So given the choice between zones with weird names like "Azooma, Valā€™shanana-nanana, Stormwind and Highmountain, I picked the one with a big tree on the mapo because I like trees.

Things get weird here. I show up and suddenly Malfyā€™s all like ā€œOMG!!! Alynsa!!! I missed you soooo, sooo much!!! Come, ride me, I want to take you to a secluded glen!!!ā€

Like I said, too personal.

Anyway, after that awkward moment, I go around waking up more lazy druids (druids effectively being useless at saving world trees being a trend here, you might notice) when suddenly Malfy much have heard Tyrande was coming around because he runs off with some guy he knew when they were kids and leaves me to deal with a very upset Tyrande.

Iā€™m not gonna lie, it was very awkward. She didnā€™t wanna hear about how Malfurion gave me no choice but to ride him. Instead she made me go with her to look for him, and I guess she must have found him for a bit because while Iā€™m poking things inside a house, I hear outside:

ā€œTyraaaandeeeā€¦ I neeeeed you!!!ā€
ā€œIā€™m coming my love!!!ā€

I did NOT need to hear that, and I reported them both to the Alliance HR department, but it never went anywhere.

Anyway, I thought that wouldā€™ve gotten everything out of Tyrandeā€™s system but I guess it didnā€™t, because she proceeded to punish me by making me kill the only good dragon I ever met until Senegos, then when I cried over it, she triumphantly collected my tears and told me to bring them back to Dalaran to show everyone, and even named them the Tears of Elune.

The next time any of us met again, I think I was dead or something. I dunno, I was in like the Death Emerald Dream or something, and Tyrande sent her daughter to bully me. Tyrandeā€™s very petty, you see. And aparrently Tyrande was blaming me for not stopping Sylvanas from burning down Teldrassil.

I cannot really blame her for that. I already had a proven track record of tree-saving at that point, but in my defense I was very, extremely busy not playing BfAā€™s pre-patch, so there was nothing I couldā€™ve done.

Shandris was very rude at first, but we actually bonded very quickly when she told me her mom had jumped into a hole and mustā€™ve gotten lost. Tyrande might have always been rude to me, but Iā€™m a noble elf and I understand that itā€™s mostly that Tyrandeā€™s mad at me because of Malfurionā€™s actions. Itā€™s really mostly that. Really.

So me and my new bestie Shandris do some Maw stuff until we find Tyrande. Aaand sheā€™s still mad at me, but thatā€™s okay because Iā€™m noble and I will not make Tyrande do Torghast runs alone, and so Tyrande runs off to think about her attitude problem.

When Tyrande was about to blow up from too much Night Warrior, I helped her out and we both realized that the sisterly bond between two cool elf ladies should not be broken over some silly druid boyā€™s forceful mounting. She wanted me there when she gave Sylvanas the harshest punishment Warcraft has ever seen; indefinite Maw dailies.

And weā€™ve been cool ever since!! When Tyrande and Malfy realized I was also dragonriding in the dragonlands, everyone agreed that Malfurion should stay away and go do Ardenwelding so weā€™d all be more comfortable, and hey, Tyrande felt so bad about punishing me before by making me kill Ysera that when we ditched Malfy, we got Ysera back!!

So itā€™s only natural that when Tyrande needed help saving a brand new world tree, she first called on a true expert, a master tree-saver, me. Who has saved every single world tree I was ever around to save. We hung out, became battle-besties and now sheā€™s just waiting for me to go slap a bad dragon around for her to formalize my saving of my third of three world trees.

Now you can see why the night elves like me, I hope.



Well, I mean, everything I said did happen, more or less!!!

You cannot prove me wrong at all!!!

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When I first played WoW as a young kid, it was off my cousins account where everytime I came over Iā€™d play some it on his computer and he allowed me to have my own server, and play my own character off it. Back then it was TBC and Wrath, and I was always just a low level Paladin Belf because I didnā€™t play often, only when I came by his place.

But when I first actually got my own account and game, I started playing Alliance because that was the faction my cousins were in. However I never really liked much of the Alliance - I was always a Belf and Tauren fan and the Alliance races were always a bit too boring and peacenik for my liking, even though Illidan and the DHs had been my fav in WC3. Yet with Cata, came Worgen with their enjoyable rainy and gloomy aura, and also ofc theyā€™re sick Werewolves and that didnā€™t hurt either.

I played Worgen the entire time on my first account in Cata and MoP, but when I came back and played in WoD and on, I switched to Horde because Worgen were so damn goofy model wise, and also because I just liked way more Horde races - plus Horde was just a better PvP faction at the time. Now that Factions are starting to break down the walls between them though, and Worgen are getting their city back, Iā€™m starting to level a Worgen hunter up and Iā€™m feeling all sorts of nostalgia. Iā€™m excited as hell to get that gloomy, rainy city back.


It is the best thing ever they have the Gilneans some Victorian era umbrellas to walk around town with.

I have been considering making a Worgen as well.

Alynsa Health Update for the Nurses

Other than a lingering cough, sore throat from said cough and a general feeling of exhaustion (both normal and expected), Iā€™m pretty much okay. Focus is still a little rough, but depending which people in my offline life you ask, that is par for the course or Iā€™m somehow more focused. Do not listen to them for they are liars and decietfuls!! It is in fact a little rough. And I am mostly back to eating normal foods, save for the afformentioned sore throat.

Big loving hearts to all of you who have been very kind and very nice and very tolerant of my extra Alynsa-ness these past few days!!


And you kept your promise right? Right?

Horde player with no agency stares into camera


I mean the key word there is watch.

If I am too busy watching myself be unsubscribed, then it is really not my fault the night elves didnā€™t come and find me and put a Teldrassil in front of me.

Itā€™s kinda on them.


Itā€™s funny because when I initially rolled my worgen Druid, I intended for him to be just a low level pvp/dungeon alt. Than all the fond memories that I had of being a worgen came flooding back and remembering how much fun druids are, I never looked back

Iā€™m glad I rolled that Druid. Itā€™s made WoW honestly fun again

Iā€™m thinking of race changing one of my paladins to a troll, or, alternatively leveling up a troll shaman. I want to level a Zandalari for the Heritage armor but I donā€™t want to really play a shaman though, I want a troll paladin but I canā€™t have three paladins thatā€™s insane.

Ideally I want to race change my paladin and get heritage armor, but I canā€™t. I could power level a shaman dungeon only healing get my heritage armor and yeet that Shaman, then race change my pally but thatā€™s a 2 week commitment ugh.


I was thinking of race changing my boosted NE hunter to a worgen. Or rolling a new one. Havenā€™t decided yet

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Someone reply to my Qā€™onzu thread so I can reply please



Guys, donā€™t ever make me Boomkin, I just spam all the buttons until the mobs die.

Iā€™m only positive of two things when it comes to them

  1. Pretty sure thereā€™s a rotation to Boomkin and

  2. I am most assuredly doing it wrong :blush:

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Ok, I did it!!

Iunno, that sounds exactly like the Boomkin rotation I am using.

Laser, laser, bigger laser, weird fireball, more bigger laser!!!


The algorithm god Yā€™tube decided I needed to be smacked in the face with teenage angst nostalgia and inserted The Black Parade into my playlist. I am unsure how I feel about this.


I was just jamming to Ghost and suddenly next song.

Wait ā€¦I know this

When I was, a young boyā€¦


Yes, I think I did say I broke all of the algorythms a few days ago, so this is all because of me.

I gave the algorythms my Covid.


when i was

a young boy