Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Ok, so what you are all telling me is that MaliMain needs to Emerald Dream harder.


Yes, yes we are saying that :blush:

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the good part of me having spent 4 hours in the last two days just practicing my rogueā€™s rotation is that Iā€™ve been slacking on exercise for all of Fall and I really couldnā€™t excuse not doing multiple trainings a week when I was doing multiple trainings a day to make my rogue fight goodā€¦

ā€¦did you know you can fight on a training dummy so long your weapons break?


That I did not knowā€¦

What I find really strange though is monks punch and kick so bloody hard they, apparently, make their weapons cringe hard enough to take damageā€¦ thatā€™s just nuts to me.

Yes, I might have rolled a new monkā€¦ that is also a void elfā€¦


I forgot where I put my glasses for three whole hours and could not find them no matter how hard I looked!!!

I have since found them, but I do not know why I felt they needed to be refridgerated.

But now I have cool glasses?


Well of course they are they are yours. :grin:


Blame the cold medicine.


See, I wish I could do that, but there are a few complications.

For starters, I have been out of cough syrup for two days.

But more importantly, thisā€¦ may not have been, likeā€¦ Yā€™knowā€¦ The first time I have left my glasses specifically in the refridgerator. Or in general, in very strange places overall.

Maybe I should just blame the Alynsa.



How often does this sort of thing happen and has the rate picked up over time or stayed consistent?

Have you mentioned these issues to a doctor or nurse practitioner?


I used to do this all the time, I forgot my dog once at the park. She was fine.

Iā€™d lose my head if it wasnā€™t attached.

putting glasses In the refrigerator is not bad. Plus now her glasses are nice and cool. Itā€™s a spa treatment.


Oh no, it isnā€™t a condition at all!!

I donā€™t always need my glasses, so if they act as some minor inconvenience (like I was wearing them in a warm area and now Iā€™m in the fridge), Iā€™ll take them off and put them where ever is convenient. Or more appropriately, where ever is close to my hand.

And because I mostly only need them for reading and some similar tasks, it could be a little while before I really acknowledge Iā€™m not wearing them in the moment, at which point Iā€™ve not worn them for a couple hours and donā€™t necessarily remember where or when I took them off beyond a vague notion of ā€œI was in the kitchen, wasnā€™t I?ā€


Sorry, might have overreactedā€¦ Iā€™m grinding through bastion so kind of annoyed and sad all at once and sadly I have a family history with memory problems.

Lost a few members to various types of dementia and itā€™s on both sides of my family so Iā€™m a bit quick to notice it.

Not excusing myself just informing.


Oh no, donā€™t you worry about it Nurse Nightsong!!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I have weird habits and idiosyncrasies, and youā€™re close to the first to think they could be symptoms of more serious concerns.

But nope. I just sometimes do weird things and donā€™t pay attention.


I wantā€¦


I wanna see a male orc in that. For the Horde!


I do not wish to see a male orc wearing that. No.

Because it would be twice as funny on a male tauren!!



We just need a chorus line thatā€™ll solve the problem.

Get all the guys lined up and dancing.

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Use View in 3D and look at the Orcs and Tauren then.

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I was going to suggest that but the Wowhead one is broken right nowā€¦ also itā€™s different in game. Lighting is much better.

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Look I made your distant relation.

Donā€™t let the other night elves know though. I will loose my moon license.