Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

That’s fair, the greens aren’t the worse of them… and ysera… yeah they can stay…

You know maybe it’s just the aspects that are the problem? I didn’t dislike most of the non-aspect ones…

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I love dragons, so I can’t complain about too many of them. I always loved dragons since I was youngert

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No, I do believe the solution needs to be more… Thanos-inspired. Just a reduction of 50% of all dragons. But they do not need to dustify, they can just go away to the moon or something.

So long as Ysera and Senegos stick around, because those are the only dragons worth caring about and I cannot let Ysera make me cry again.

I don’t even like your people, pretty dragon!! Stop somehow making my eyes leak things!!


the dragons as a group are extra cultures that try to function as something like elves or angels but kind of flail miserably in that aspect. I think they’re mostly extraneous tbh but also fairly harmless at this point.

The aspects are demigods which only offer complications to the story and do nothing interesting imo.


YSERA! I don’t even understand! What are these pesky things called tears and why am I an emotional mess whenever something sad happens to you?!

She’s the only dragon in WoW that has managed to make me, a grown adult, ugly cry


And like not even once!!! It might’ve started when I murdered her because Tyrande told me to do it, but then when she came back? Bawling.

Now it’s Pavlovian. Now I just see Ysera and the lip starts quivering, nose starts sniffling, eyes get damp.

I have been behaviorally modified by a make-pretend digital dragon.


I felt really sad listening to the dwarf-form red talking about his black dragon friend… that hurt a lot… and than there is miss hero who ran in and tanked the fire totems… not cool dragons making me feel things like this is not cool.

Not too many I’ve met that are even aware that elves used to fulfil a similar role in many cultures as that of the angels/demons of the abrahamic beliefs. Heck I sometimes forget about that aspect when I get too into the DnD legacy version of Elves.


Oh and Twinkletorch you are included in those that make this such a good place to be.


Old pagan beliefs had the concept of Fae creatures being tricksters and creatures that would play some harmful and not so harmful tricks on people.

Is that what you’re referring to? I’m not too familiar with other more ancient religions

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Fae elves are more celtic and southern germanic, as far as European stuff goes the norse elves are the best examples of elves-as-angels.

But basically:

  • Closer to the divine
  • Magical powers
  • Beautiful
  • Immortal
  • Charged with some sort of guardian task
  • Ultimately meant to guide the mortal races to their coming age of glory

This describes Tolkien elves, it describes dragonflights and other 90s dragon-types like them, it describes angels, and it describes so many similar concepts across many cultures that I don’t feel right all calling elves or angels but often are.

This is also the framework that creates ‘human potential’, which didn’t spring out of a vacuum. It’s a hybrid of Tolkien and Howard, like a lot of the fantasy milieu.


Only pic I could find, but this is Karebear bear form. Cute little fluffbutt :blush:


That looks both terrifying and so bloody huggable… I like it.


My dream talon mount form is even more adorable, in my opinion anyway :blush:

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Fluffy Cat Raptor… :heart_eyes_cat:

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SOOO CUTE! squeels I love how adorable it is and it’s dance is the cutest thing ever :blush:


No, that would be happy duck. I am very sad they put happy duck on a cooldown timer. I require more happy duck in my life.

I love the new owl forms. When I do the dreamseed things I love to just run around and stomp on bugs. It is for some reason the most delightful thing ever to zoom around like


The Somnowls are pretty adorable. Cute little murder fluffballs that they are when it comes to squishing bugs :blush:

And Lucky Duck is best duck. Don’t want to disappoint Lilistrasza, do you?


I still need to get my runebear form. It’ll pair so well with the legion wood cat form. Some day it will drop for me.



First shot for me and I wasn’t even going for it, was just going for some loot :stuck_out_tongue:

I still haven’t gotten the Red/Green Dreamtalon form to drop yet, so I know your pain


seriously though, glad you got it.


Thanks. I used it for a bit before going back to my Umbraclaw form. It’s just too adorable not to use in my opinion