Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I COULD in theory do it easily. My problem is I get to easily distracted in game and than I’ll have to keep going all the way back to my garrison to find him again :blush:

Assuming I ever bother to build a garrison on this toon that is :rofl:

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Nightsong, I told you that in secret!!! You promised not to tell!!


Actual literal Karebear!!!


It’s me! I’m here to save the day, or ruin it. Depends on how many mobs me and Mocha Elfy manage to pull in one go :stuck_out_tongue:


You… :flushed: what? I… huh? :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Don’t worry. We took care of the bodies. I promise the Murloc Association will never know! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, now it’s my berry elf, my night elf dr00d bloomkin and future main for TWW.

Speaking of, I do just have to say that Dragonlands has made it so much easier to mainswap than past expansions. I was talking about this earlier, and it still just fills me with satisfaction that at this point, after two weeks of pushing for it, Maliastre not only caught up with Alynsa but even passed her by in everything except the side quests (which is my current focus). I mean it doesn’t hurt that I only played DF for a month, but still. No big, important forever-mega-grinds means I can just say “Hmm, I think I must druid now” and not face some massive hill to climb.


Oh good… wait… didn’t i… I mean what bodies?

Those things are evil I tell you true evil… Goblin Slayer might have been wrong about wow goblins, but if they ever saw a Murloc they’d know… oh boy would they know…

Sadly, Murloc Slayer just doesn’t have the same ring as Goblin Slayer… that and Murlocs are technically less morally objectionable then GS Goblins…

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I love that about DF actually. I was able to bypass all the main story stuff and get right into the Emerald Dream content, because I had already done everything up to Forbidden Reach when DF first launched. I still have a ton of quests and Zaralek Caverns on my druid anyway I could do. But after DF is over, my side project for the foreseeable future will be grinding Valdrakken Accord renown for the dragon armor.

I do have a boosted NE hunter I could do it one, 6 renown lvls vs 16 on my druid. It’s made leveling and doing what I WANT on my druid so much easier.


Exactly, what bodies :stuck_out_tongue:

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You gonna change your forum avatar as well?

I’ve considered changing mine but Nightsong is too blood good of a name to give up… and I don’t want to have to grind again for Trust Level 3 again… I’m hoping I don’t lose it but if I do it shouldn’t take much to get it back as it stands.

I think it’s tied to your characters NAME and nothing else. Long as you keep the name, you should be good. I think. I been able to post gifs and links and stuff for so long, I haven’t gave it much thought

I don’t think so. I’m far too attached to Miss Mocha Elf here and I already feel some kinda way about not playing her the very first thing when a new expansion drops. I just cannot detatch all the way from my sniper elf with the 360 Degree No-Scope Misdirect Barrage.

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At least you’ll still have her for those moments when you feel like barrage pulling an entire content +plus raid for old memories sake :blush:


You’re incognito, like me, otherwise I’d check myself… were you in the shadowlands forums beta?

I ask because those that were have account level TL3, which means all of their characters even brand-new ones have full access.

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I been around since the old forum was here. Long before they overhauled it. I couldn’t even recall when they overhauled the forums actually, that’s how long I been around

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Oh good, makes it easier for me to remember who is who… Some people swap avatars and I’m like… you post a lot like someone else I know…

Not that it matters that much… just like to know if it’s a new friend or familiar friend…

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I usually keep my names, but change the race when the mood strikes me. I did it with my hunter all the time. :blush:

No worries though, I’m defintley staying a worgen druid. I’m actually in a good place mentally and happy with the game at the moment. So no major changes for me. :blush:


This makes me so very happy Karebear!!

And same. Like, I haven’t been able to log in and do much these past few days and since Legion, that would feel like a pretty big setback. But now it’s like all I’m missing out on is doing some of the very many side quests I wanna do, but certainly do not need to do.I’m missing out on a casual side project I have about a year to finish, and that’s no big deal!!

If only there were less dragons, Dragonflight would be delightful!!


See I’m more a visual person so that pic next to your name is almost more important to me then the word next to it. Mithonic swapped bodytypes and my first reaction was “Who’s this imposter and why are they mimicing Mithonic…”

It’s all good though just how my brain gets.

That’s awesome.

Oddly enough despite not being able to make a Blood/Void Elf Shaman I’m actually enjoying my time here as well… though that might mostly be because of the people I’ve met though. :smile_cat:

I know right? I don’t hate dragons but this is Dragons upon dragons all the bloody way down…


We’ll make a deal. We can get rid of the SOME of the dragons. Just not the greens, because than I’ll think of Ysera and than I’ll be a sobbing mess all over again :blush:

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