Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Thus is the glory of the Knight and the Bear. :smiling_imp:

Yeah I main Enhancement Shaman and while Iā€™d love for it to feel less like a slot machine, Iā€™m really hoping they donā€™t really mess up the spec during the unlock/revamp phaseā€¦ whenever that isā€¦

I donā€™t remember them being that crazy, but I wasnā€™t really into pvp by that stageā€¦

Mostly I just remember being big into dual weapons and being psyched that dual weapon tanking might be a thingā€¦ then real life decided I needed a break from wow and here we are having only returned a during the summer.

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I used to be heavily into playing BM hunters. It just got old lately. Itā€™s not as fun as it used to be. I might make a worgen monk next. Always wanted to try a tank specced Monk. I hear theyā€™re super fun.

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I loved mine for a while, I got tired of the theme after a while, super engaging class and can be a very fun tank. Might make another one eventually.

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They seriously reduced the efficacy of any caster damage against them.
Death gripping people off of mounts.
Long duration ranged snare.
Army of the Dead long CD.
Incredible self-heals.
Hits very hard through your lack of armor as cloth or leather.

Self-rez if you managed to outplay all of that. It was like a paladin that was much more aggressive. You can Mass Dispel bubble or outrun the paladin in most phases of the game, there was absolutely no way for anyone but a druid to peel a DK in a 1v1 and even druids struggled with it outside of an arena-like environment with pillars to break LoS. In group play, DKs were a little more reasonable because they didnā€™t benefit as much from or to their group, but it was still pretty wacky.

Self-rez was the worst part. Iā€™ll never claim Iā€™m a great player, my lifetime max is like 2.1k 2v2/2300 RBG as Fire back in Cata or MoP (although I guess I can brag a little in that Fire was very bad for PvP in those days, as with most of the gameā€™s life). But I would outplay DKs that jumped me, because I categorically did not jump people and used the flag as a way to make the game more exciting, and then after I blew EVERYTHING to stop them, self-rez to finish me off. I had to run even from victories because I didnā€™t know if itā€™d be on timer or not.

I have never in my life ever complained about PvP balance except DKs. Wrath pre-patch was the most busted Iā€™ve ever seen PvP (though I hear BC prepatch was even worse lol, but I was unsubbed at the time) and Wrath live DKs were the most busted I can ever recall another class being or feeling.


I still find the whole druid thing funny because I never intended to make one my Main again, after not playing one for many years. The whole leveling experience to 70 felt so smooth and than switching to a DPS spec when wanting to do dungeons was a nice perk.

I forgot how much I love the versatility of the the class and that you can basically do everything with the simple switch of a spec


That victory wasnā€™t victory alone is evident that something was wrong. I donā€™t really remember those times, sadly. Replaying classic has been a strange feeling of nostalgia and a gut punch as I realize just how wrong my memories of those times are.

I had a similar experience with Shaman. Iā€™d made a Death Knight and leveled them up (60 at the time) and enjoyed it and was teaming up with a monk and watching them so I tried that class outā€¦ bloody hells that was new and different!

Then while working through Dragonflight on my Death Knight I started remembering Shamans and even after being told they were crap and couldnā€™t do anything rightā€¦ I made one and basically fell in love with the class all over again.


I find it interesting that Blizzardā€™s whole ā€œprespectiveā€ based lore has now bled into their other series. The new Overwatch history book is now done so that it is told from viewpoint of researchers, thus allowing ā€œbiasesā€(ie retcons) to be possible.

Unreliable narrator is a good hedge, though Iā€™m not sure itā€™s good enough the way Blizzard retcons ā€“ the flaws in the narrator have to be consistent with their known psychology and biases, still reflecting an underlying truth

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Yes! This! So totally this!

I love unreliable narrator because itā€™s a reflection of the ā€œhumanā€ condition not because itā€™s an excuse for lazy plotting.


My druid preparing for his next misadventure in pulling multiple mobs :stuck_out_tongue:


thatā€™s cute. whatā€™s it from?


League of Legends I think. Found it on the GIFY app :blush:


Explains the WC-similar art and armor style.


Did you see they are adding more Pepe costumes for Dragonflight. Pepe can now dress up like Alextrasza.


Coincidentally I was just saying to myself earlier today ā€œdoes literally anyone care about Pepe? I know someone must but I still donā€™t even know what the hell Pepe is although I have a reasonable idea via sheer inference by now.ā€

More power to you, lots of stuff in this game for not me people, but Iā€™ve literally never seen anyone talk about him other than achievos before now.


Pepe is the best thing they added to the game. Pure joy in dressing up this little bird that sits on my head.


I know who the little bird is, I still have no idea how you get him, and if heā€™s a toy or a battle pet :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah I just came back for Legion and saw a bunch of references to Pepe and figured ā€œwell, Iā€™ll get him whenever I get himā€ and I have never gotten him

Then they didnā€™t mention him for a while so I just kinda figured that had died out

Apparently it depends on doing the all-holiday meta achievement and I just straight up ignore most of the holidays so I guess Iā€™ll never get Pepe


Heā€™s an achievement reward from WoD you have to find him in a tree in your garrison click on him so he sits on your head for an hour and you run all dungeons and raids in WoD with him on your head. You get his whistle itā€™s a toy. Then during events and in expansions you find him to unlock his different costumes.

His Winter Veil costume is a little santa hat and beard and he makes snow fall around you.


ohhhh, I see. itā€™s not the holiday meta-achievement, it just has a similar name


yeaaaaaaaah Iā€™m still probably never gonna get him. Not enough of interest to me in WoD content to bother.