Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Oh good, sounds like you got this. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

With how many are in my family I’d hope I know something about it…


Ok people, give a Mocha Elf a hand here.

Saurfang and Anduin. What did I miss here?

Like, I did play during BfA but I was mostly tuned out. As far as I knew, they only first met when Saurfang tried to Suicide by Alliance, then they chatted about how the Horde is all evil while Saurfang was doing time in the Stockades, Anduin slipped him the keys or something, and then they only really hang out again when Saurfang is about to Suicide by Sylvanas.

Clearly I must be missing something, because Anduin is very deeply affected by that old orc.

We got the cinematic when Andy’s shrugging off the Domination magic. At first I shrugged that off; I guess it wasn’t worth the money to make a whole custom Tiffin model for a one-off, and they couldn’t think of any other dead people Anduin might know, so reuse Saurfang so Horde players can… See Saurfang?

And of course there’s Saurfang choosing Anduin as his second in the mak’gora, Andy giving Saurfang his sword to fight with, but I figured that was to show a united front against Sylvia. An orc warrior representing his own people with his body, and the Alliance with a sword. It’s nice and poetic and stuff.

But it struck me recently that no, there’s more here. In the War Within cinematic, the very first words Anduin says, and says with a freaking sneer, are Thrall’s own last words to Saurfang. Like Anduin is still hurting from that loss, so he wants to hurt Thrall with it too. Why else throw the last words to a friend back in his face?

I dunno. Did I miss some big bonding moment here? Did Andy and Saur go for drinks at the Blue Recluse and commiserate about their problems? Maybe ride the carosel at the Darkmoon Faire together?

Seriously, what did I miss?!?


I didn’t take it that way. Maybe I wasn’t looking for deeper meaning. I just took it as literally what a kid/young man would say to an older person who saw him making the same mistakes.

“I know what you are going to say…”

That is such a bratty attitude, but it fits with a kid knowing he is going to be chided, and knowing why.

It takes more than a bad hair cut and sand on your peach fuzz to be a Manduin.

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Anduin doesn’t feel like he can go back to lead his people because when he was tied to Arthas’s soul, he realized he enjoyed killing just like Saurfang did in the 1st war, and that broke his pure little heart. Now, he’s having an existential crisis and being accosted by whipers from a World Soul that speaks in the same tone as the Void.

Saurfangs last words were, “For Azeroth.” But what does that even mean? For the Titan, who is clawing at his mind? Or for the people of Azeroth who will be destroyed when the Titan Azeroth eventually wakes up. It’s all a cleverly marketed story to keep you asking, “Why?”


Just…wanna show off my Karebear tanking lil fluffbutt druid. That’s all. Don’t mind me. :stuck_out_tongue:


there’s a lot to criticize about the Anduin/Saurfang relationship but I don’t think it’s weird that someone he met for a short time like that could have had a profound impact on him; he is that sort of person.

what I will criticize there is that it feels like they are continuing to rely on Saurfang even in death as more of a foil to Anduin and a ticket for the Horde than a character in his own right. There’s not a lot of trailer to analyze but haven’t seen a lot to really cause optimism as to how they will treat the Horde fanbase.

I’m getting ready to swap forum avatars myself after a few mog and barber updates to my priest over the last few days as I finalized their RP persona, but my login screen, my forum login screen, and my armory profile all are using slightly different snapshots of my character and it’s bothering me


Don’t forget about Anduin’s daddy issues. Saurfang in that short time became like a father figure.

That’s why Saurfang showed up alongside his dad to save him from Arthas’s domination. Really he just needs to sit down and talk with a therapist and Thrall was the first ear to listen.


There’s a lot of daddy issues in this bloody game.


With all the fondness blizz had in the past with killing off peoples mothers, everyone having daddy issues seems to be rather odd :stuck_out_tongue:


I keep trying to practice my rogue’s rotation to learn it because god I have to track a lot of buffs and cooldowns now + binds I haven’t really played since 9.0

and the last thirty minutes of my life have been like

“I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Wait, adrenaline rush is up. If I go now, the cooldown will take several minutes to cycle back to where I can start over. I’ll go after the buff is over.”
(continue DPS for 2 minutes)
“ooh, adrenaline rush! Push it!”


And this is why I enjoy the simplicity of bear tanking. Turn into bear, aggro all the mobs, pop a few defensive cooldowns, proceed to go to town on everything until it’s dead.

It’s mindlessly fun :blush:


Bear tanking is by far the easiest tanking next to the paladin throw shield and lay down floor sparklies.


I have yet to tank since turning Alliance because gnomes and void elves don’t have a class I want to tank with. Dwarf does but like. It’s hard for me to play dwarf anymore. As far as what I get from playing dwarves (please note personal emphasis, dwarf-friends!), dwarf is just an inferior gnome.

I do enjoy my human paladin but I suppose also I feel like it competes too much thematically with my hpriest to be more than a side thing.


Blood Death Knight has got to be up there in simplicity…

Argro enemies hit them to kill them and recover health while doing so. Occasionally pop defensive when something hits extra hard.


I miss frost tanking on a DK. I miss when DK tanking felt similar to pally tanking but they went and messed it all up imo.

I miss tanking. I might go back to pally tanking M+ in TWW. But I have grown very fond of playing ret.

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The most hilarious thing that I seen is when a Blood DK and a Bear Tank team up in PvP and the entire opposite team jumps them and than it just feels like your fighting a raid boss at that point :stuck_out_tongue:

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Feel that.

Miss actually feeling like I was managing my runes and which runes I was using.

Instead of just waiting on them.


Now that’s a reference I haven’t heard in a while…

I, sort of, remember when Death Knights first came out. First time I enjoyed a class that wasn’t Shaman.


I can’t play my shaman anymore :sleepy: not since they butchered elemental spec. Healing only now. Elemental shaman dreanei used to be my main.


I remember when death knights came out.

3/4 of the classes/specs I played that expansion were casters and I was heavy into WPVP at the time. The last was rogue, who got to see their white damage mostly plonk off the armor.

These are not good memories.