Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

We love ya too hun. The best lil mocha elf in the world. And you’re right, it’s nice that everyone is getting along and voicing their opinions without anyone going off the deep end about it :blush:

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Now it’s a perfect time to be a Worgen and Night Elf now. Since they got huge updates and they got their lands back. Specially the Worgen of Gilneas for so long.


If you like dark ARGs check out Grim Dawn, it’s got some interesting lore as well. Though I will warn you that the devs only give us information via biased sources, but they’ve never pretended it wasn’t.

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Be well and relax. We’ll be waiting when you can fully return.

Oh sure abandon our found family just when it’s starting to get it’s act together again… :smile_cat:

Get better.


Ok, but you are posting on a void elf. You are posting on a face kicked out of the found family!!

And it isn’t an abandonment!! It’s more that we’re seperated, agreeing to see other people and factions, discovering more about ourselves.

I will still visit on the weekends, and we can maybe go to Disney World!!

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That’s not my fault… It’s that blonde woman with the mortal fetish, she wouldn’t teach me to keep the voices in check and not go even more voidy if I didn’t agree to help the alliance… it was mean and tricky and the voices were so many and the voidy stuff was so… there… I was weak… I’m sorry horde friends! :sob:

That doesn’t sound right… that sounds an awful lot like abandonment…
Wait… See other people? Does that mean we were… :flushed:

Weekends? :sob:


What is this before me?
here upon this ground?
It looks familiar, could it be?
Could this be what hurt so?

I don’t know any longer
I don’t know anymore
I don’t know

Why does it feel like I’ve lost something?
Why does it feel that I’m all alone?

What is this feeling? What is this shape?
Why does it so much? Why does it feel so cold?

I don’t know any longer.
I don’t know any more.
I don’t know

What has happened? Where did it go?
I don’t know any more
I don’t know


:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :grin:

That was an interesting moment of inspiration. The reference to Disney world set that song/poem thing off in my head.

Now I’m off to bed.

Sleep well and respect your fellow players, you never know when they are having a bad day and need that extra hit of kindness. :upside_down_face:


No no no, see, if it were abandoinment I would never take you to Disney World, but I said that I would, so it’s okay!!!

Do you know how many very sad songs I had to go through trying to figure out what song you were quoting?

And I never did find it!! But now I am sick and sad because the sad music.


I’m sorry, Sarm. Take care.


I saw what looked like a song or poem and wanted to see if I knew it. I didn’t.

In Varsity Quiz I used to make more points than entire opposing teams. I am a Trivia/Jeopardy geek. Sadly, modern pop culture is one of my weaker points.

If this was a test with a mandatory answer - I would throw a wild guess and say it came from the movie “Soul” ? I never saw the movie, but the words sound like the commercial. Like maybe a soul leaving a dead body and staring down, seeing it as familiar.

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Tinkering, this is how I think if they do continue development things might play out:


“Shady People Area”!!! I love it!!

It is me, that is my area. I am shady people.


Just an original piece of momentary song/poetry. I often find myself singing little bits like that.


That explains a lot :blush:


I was actually delighted at the misfit tower even existing. Recognizing the DHs, DKs, Darkfallen, and Warlocks (!) need a place too was not something I expected.


It’s a slow start for things to come. I could see the commons as a place or a embassy area for the worgens, void elves, draeneis, and etc to be at or atleast around at the Belanaar Docks maybe.

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It just occured to me we are going to be getting two famous arcitecture styles over the next couple of expansions.

TWW is dwarven, so there is a lot of art deco with all its hard angles.

Then Midnight is Quel’thalas… so art nouveau for days.


Art nouveau and an emphasis on orientalist design.

Which will be interesting to see since Blizz hasn’t touched on that kind of aesthetic since TBC.

I am still so very full of yuck. I hate this!! I have all this time off, but I cannot do very much with it!! It took me two hours to clean up around the place, and it wasn’t even dirty!! I tried logging in to get through some side quests and could barely accomplish anything!! So I tried to read, and the words started moving.

I was feeling better this morning, but as the day progressed I felt more yuck.

I do not like and I wish it to end now.


That’s fairly normal. Your body can heal and perform the more intensive maintained during sleep, it’s part of why we feel so tired when we are sick, the other part being that we are using up more energy and resources to fight off the infection.

Healing takes time.

Are you able to eat foods like meat/eggs, dairy/yogurts and/or vegetables/breads? If so they are good for you, or whatever your diet supplements for them.

Also keep drinking water, or better yet something like a sports drink, if you start getting headaches switch back to water or try cutting the sports drink with water.


Not in substantial amounts, but I have been through this before and knew to expect it, so when I first tested positive and could still eat, I did load up on protiens and carbs so I wouldn’t be all empty. Right now, I can only manage half a can of chicken soup, so I more… graze than eat. Small bits at a time, no more.

Yuh, I’ve been doing this, along with tea with honey for my throat, and hot cocoa for morale.

You really are Nurse Nightsong!!
