Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I read recently that trolls were basically disrespecting the NE’s by calling whisps Loa. That’s probably why they were not asked to come. Calling Elune a Naaru is also why Velen is not Welcomed by Tyrande.

Gotta respect Night Elven nomenclature.


At least none of the NPCs will talk to you as a Horde, apparently they are all yellow or orange tagged for you. I think they might go more aggressive in war mode.

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Damn… never liked Velen but damn… why is he still alive? That’s at least as evil to a priestess as the crap my Horde characters have actually done… I wasn’t here for the tree burning and I’m doing my best to not be associated with it!

Come on Velen it’s basic religion etiquette you don’t disrespect the other’s gods… that’s how wars get star…t…ed actually you know what you just keep going and see how she really feels after you give her the full run down about how Elune is clearly a Naaru… yeah I’ll just be over here watching…

Where did I put that popcorn?

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Rimbalt Runetotem is actually on the island too. He’s meditating on some rocks at the Dragonscale Expedition Camp in the Waking Shores. Found him today,

I guess we’ll see how it plays out in the future regarding the horde NPCs being there. Especially if they plan on dismantling the whole faction war thing that they been doing lately

Karesatae… we need to play nice with each other now… it’s just how it’s going to be. The Alliance and the Horde will slowly blend into a unified whole and… well I don’t know what’s coming next, but it can’t be worse than the war of thorns.

Four hours of sleep is clearly not enough…

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you never know when the cosmos is listening and will decide to call your bluff.


Imagine how awkward it will be when it’s discovered that Hamuul’s Moon Goddess Mu’sha is Xal’atath(who has a Moon Symbol on her face) and a rival to Elune and that he is daring to claim Cenarius is her Son and not Elune’s!

I know I know. I’m just super excited about retaking Gilneas next patch. Super worgen fan here, and I’m just…worried they’ll try and to pull something similar and ruin a good moment.

It’s why I’m not passing judgement on it at the moment and trying to be nice about it, even if I don’t personally like it :stuck_out_tongue:


they actually linked it via a dream portal to the emerald dreamway!


AWESOME! That’s actually really cool. The Druid legion order hall is now going to officially have access to every major night elven territory in game :blush:

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lets hope they consider adding one more portal for Tal’doren

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We can only hope. I love how beautiful the Emerald Dreamway is. Be nice to have a reason to use it again :blush:

Sounds like something that can be used to allow people into cities of opposing factions

I’m sorry, I blame not being able to sleep. Yep that’s what I’m going with.

I saw worgen carrying umbrellas.


That sounds adorable as heck :blush:


But… I wanted to help… you know to say sorry for not removing Garrosh quicker and not realizing that Sylvanas had gone over to the darkside sooner… :crying_cat_face:

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Hugs Is Oki. You can help because you’re a good elfy and you’re nice to Mocha Multishot Supreme Elfy. We forgive you :heart:


Unsubbing for a while. Meant to last month, but I was a few days late.

I dunno, I’ve just felt frustrated between what we know of the upcoming expansions and how off-putting the current patch has been. Since DF’s basically over, I imagine there’s nothing for me to look forward to any time soon.

What sucks for me is that I don’t have anything else to replace WoW as a time burner so I don’t know what I’m going to do.


Oh my goodness, now I know how other people feel when they come back to the Lounge having 29 replies. I must have FPTSD (Forum PTSD) from the Dark Times, because I swore I was gonna be reading a bunch of drama, but nope!! The worst thing is that Amirdrassil will allow debuffed Hordies to run around. I’m so happy the drama llamas are mostly gone and things are so much friendlier!!

I imagine that debuff’s just for the remainder of the expansion since, y’know, Amirdrassil is gonna be in zones we’re all still doing stuff in, but who knows? As long as the vendors don’t interact with Horde, I’ll be okay with it. And Malfurion should be there, with Tyrande. So the three of us can put the entire Val’sharah affair to bed before I officially swap to my Alliance toons. It would make for a nice finale for us.

Health Update!!

I’m already feeling a little better. Some fever and chills, some dizziness and swooshiness that absolutely is not related to my lovely, lovely cough syrup at all Nightsong!!! Oh, and the aches and stiffness and exhaustion.

But it all sounds worse than it really feels. I’m already starting to feel well enough to do some little things around the house, but I won’t push it. I miss my Txitter kitty/pupper episode, but I think they just showed up when I needed them most and now they trust me to go the rest of the way myself.

Thank you to everyone who has been there for me to listen to my feverish weirdness. A extra special thanks go out to Nurse Twinkle (for chatting with me whenever I was awake and not believing that I’m a slow writer) and Nurse Nightsong (for caring kindly and expressing concern about my cough syrup use).

I love you guys so very much!!

But I do miss my cough syrup, even though I’ve been told I’m cut off.