Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Because kitties and puppies and baby seals are very cute… I know. I have dogs and have had cats because of that very fact.

But kitties and puppies can be found outside of Txitter.


I saw one person say it, and thought it was a joke. I see more people say it… and it still looks like a joke.

“Txitter” looks like an amalgamation of the word “zit” combined with the phrase “exit Twitter” . As if it is telling you it is a disgusting place you should leave.

Or my logic just sees an exit sign when Twitter is discussed.


It is a joke, I made it up. Txitter sounds like Ticksitter, or Tick Sitter, so it is what I call that app. It is where you go to find tick babysitters.

Yes, but see, they have taken over my whole timeline and I simply must know where it ends. Me and my cough syrup. We shall find out how deep the kitty and pupper hole goes.

That sounds naughty, but there’s no rabbits on my timeline, so calling it a rabbit hole is not appropriate.


Not the first time I’ve had to bite my tongue over something you’ve said.

Well you are sick and medicated so enjoy yourself and remember to check in when you can. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


New Mana Game coming out next Year!

Visions of Mana!

Nice to see Flammie help us! I wonder what the areas are called?..

I wonder if we will see Anise, the Mana Beast and Julius again…

The Anise of Dawn of Mana was a Tree Maiden who tried to release the Echoes that accumulated in the Mana Tree and turn the World into Mavolia(Makai/Demon Realm in Japanese) with her as the Demon Mana Goddess. Dawn of Mana’s sequel Children of Mana also has Benevodons though they are benevolent rather than a manifestation of Mavolia.

The Anise of Trials/Heroes of Mana is behind the Benevodons(just how jealous of the Mana Goddess of Dawn of Mana is she?!) and Mirror of Anise but the dark power she serves Mavolia was ruled by his Dark Majesty… Who is also weaker than Anise(no surprise since she is a failed Mana Goddess).

Anise being a failed Mana Goddess will continue to exist wherever there is a world with Mana in it in the same way the Mana God Julius and the Mana Beast will.

Whenever Mana weakens the Successful(Julius and the Mana Beast) and Unsuccessful(Anise) Gods of Mana manifest to do whatever they desire(Julius to consume all Mana and marry the Mana Goddess Candidate, Anise to vent her envy of the Mana Goddesses and the Mana Beast to restore Mana).

Anise’s methods of venting her envy of the Mana Goddesses is through 3 schemes:

  1. Use the Mirror of Anise to destroy the World
  2. Use the Portal to Mavolia/Demon Realm/Makai to destroy the World
  3. Back another rejected Mana Goddess to make her into a Mana Goddess who would remake the Worlds into her image

All three plans failed one by one. Imagine if she attempted plan 3 again more successfully and the overthrown Mana Goddess ends up becoming like Anise, Julius and the Mana Beast(I.E. a curse that exists as long as there is Mana and revives when Mana is low to retake her rightful place as Mana Goddess) despite being an actual Mana Goddess!

In any case I want to know what the areas of Visions of Mana are! I personally hope there are places physically resembling the Elemental Palaces of Secret of Mana!

At first I thought they were talking about Twix candy bars and my mind thought of puppies and kitties handing out lil Twix bars to everyone.

Don’t mind me, it’s been a long few days with beig sick ‘n all :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do have a habit of wording things a little spicy!!

And I reached the bottom of the… Kitty and pupper Txitterverse. Beyond this lay sharks (scary), people jumping off buildings (scary), people running themselves over with their own motorcycle (not at all fun because I hope they’re okay), and Alex Jones (not today, satan!! Not today and not the next!!).

Good bye puppers and kitties. It was very fun getting to see your antics, but this is a depth I do not wish to explore.

YouTube is calling with police corruption caught on bodycam, cryptozoology monsters, Sims 4 and WoW content and thunder/snowstorms.

I think I have broken all the algorithms.


Explains all the random videos I been getting lately.

Silly lil mocha elf :blush:


I’m generally not a big animal person but I have found I adore watching videos of huskies in small doses. I’m not sure what it is.


Well, duh!! Twinkle!! You’re not a big anything!!

You are a gnome!!


I think people generally like husky videos because huskies are quite sassy and talkative dogs :blush:


yeah they’re very communicative, which helps. My AuDHD keeps me extremely purpose-oriented, communications give me purposes. With most animals I am like “this is a small frail thing that is cute but I have no idea what to do with it”, which goes double for most animal videos.


I could never own a pet because I would be a neurotic hypochondriacal mess!! Oh no, fluffy isn’t running as fast today as he did yesterday? Must be cancer and a broken leg and Fluffy is also a covid and Fluffy is going to die on me any second now, gotta run to the vet ASAP!!!

But short Txitter videos stolen from TikTok? That is exactly fine. Small adorableness, scroll on, and I do not worry about the Fluffy.


I have a husky. I’ve talked about him before. I love him he’s like a derpy man trapped in a dog body.


I am like that once I spent $400 on my cat to find out she had anxiety that was being triggered by my anxiety.


This was my introduction to huskies like a decade ago and it is my ultimate cheer-up video:

Talking husky puppy - YouTube

That’s incredible.


The vet reacted wierd though he said that was the reason owners put thier cats down. I was like are you kidding? We are bonded sisters in anxiety now. I diffuse lavender for us both.


Emergency, emergency!!

I am out of cough syrup!!

Repeat: I am out of cough syrup!!

Stay tuned for further updates as this developing situation continues to develop… Or something.



Are you perhaps using too much?