Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Stop calling me that, my legs are the same level as the rest of me!! It’s all level 70 here, my legs are not higher level!!!


Yeesh Vegas can be cray.

I was working while the owner of the business was nearby playing with his phone. He says:

“There’s an active shooter at UNLV. They are shutting down the airport.”

I’m like… oh bother.

I went to UNLV, so it was sort of crazy to think about that going down. Having gone there, I wondered what a shooter would be doing on the 4th floor of one of the buildings.

It appears it ended up being a guy who didn’t get a job at the school, or something. And he purposely sought out folks.

Just eerie to think of stuff like happening in my old haunts.


That is super unsettling to hear about. It can be hard to not think about the ‘what ifs’ in those scenarios to be honest.

I recall years ago I lived in an apartment in a VERY unsavory part of the city because it’s all I could afford at the time. About a week after I moved out, I heard from my old superintendent that a woman had been assaulted and murdered in the same stairwell I took every day and night to go to/from work. He had always worried about me because I worked the night shift and would walk everyday.

Very chilling.


I am now home from work sick because I am a Covid.


But that just means I have nothing to do for the next however many days except to play WoW!!



Sorry to hear that hun. Get better soon. Don’t overexert yourself and enjoy WoW :heart:


feel better!


Here’s an adorable red panda to cheer everyone up :blush:


The A-Lyns-1 variant


Someone gave me cough syrup, and this is a very dangerous game they are playing.

You see, when I’m sick, I have a patented self-defense mechanism called the AlynsaBall. I curl up under my covers, pull them nice and tight, fall asleep and wake up to find I must have rolled around in them because now I cannot escape the covers until I’m awake enough and strong enough to struggle free. When I combine the AlynsaBall and cough syrup, my brain goes a little… Loopy. Even for me.

See, time loses meaning when I’m sick, as I’m sure it does for most of you. Minutes can feel like hours. Hours can pass by in seconds. Am I awake now? Did I sleep at all? How long as it been and why is my knee hitting my chin? Did I wake up as a cat?

And because time has no meaning, instructions have no meaning. Take once every six hours? Well, it feels like six hours, even though it’s only been two, so more cough syrup.

Now I know that’s bad, but in my defense, I haven’t had any negative physical effects from it.

And the mental effects? Well, let’s talk about that.

So in the AlynsaBall, hopped up on cough syrup, the mental images start. Not visions, not a psychotic break, just my brain throwing random things based on other things, and it leaves me to interpret them. Like a seer!!

I just crawled out of the AlynsaBall. Here is what I saw.

  • Toddy DwarfFace, but with her skin all grey and pale and her eyes all black.
  • Xal’atath (sexy elf variety) standing in Dalaran, dancing her little voidy heart out.
  • Sargeras, but it’s just his face and full of shock. Like :open_mouth:
  • Anduin, Sylvanas and a night elf lady wearing black dresses, the old model basic variety from Vanilla. Yes, Anduin too. That should have been obvious.
  • Batman in Teldrassil.

Now, as every good seer does, I shall tell you what these visions mean for all of us.

I think we shall find out we were all very wrong about the Void. I think the Void means us no harm. I think trhe Void has sent Xal’atath to host a wedding between Anduin, Sylvanas and the Darnassus Fishing Supplies Vendor in the neutral city of Dalaran, where we will have a dance party afterwards and Toddy will reveal the reason she is so fun is because Void. Sargeras will be shocked to discover how wrong he was about the Cosmic Party Force and Batman will look for clues about what really happened to Teldrassil, because Xal’atath tells us the Horde didn’t really do it.

This is what shall come to pass. So says the fortune telling AlynsaBall.


So you’re an AI image generator. Your name isn’t actually Alynsa, it’s AIynsa, we’ve been reading it wrong.


I saw the War Within trailer like a month late and it surprisingly had me re-up my subscription a few days ago. It’s weird because honestly, War Within itself doesn’t really speak to me. Like, Dragonflight going in looked much more promising and interesting. That’s not to say War Within seems bad, just not really my thing. Midnight however, that’s going to be up my Alley as a Blood Elf lover.

Maybe it’s also because I’ve recently started a DnD campaign with Grom inspired character though. Got me in the mood to get back in for a while.


Hm… still no ptr build push. I wonder if something broke badly. I was so sure today be the day, too.


I’m hoping it’s secretly that they are far enough along to unlock Shaman and are going to start pushing that out…

I know I’m hoping for the stars… but I got nothing else to, bloody writers block and the bloody cold and icy outdoors don’t help any since I usually go for walks to clear my head.


While I do really vibe with the story presented for TWW and Xal’atath looking down the camera at me did things to me, unexpected things, what I keep really fixating on?

It feels like this time, they might actually-actually be listening.

Like up until DF, it was all things like (read this in an Ion voice) “we hear player complaints about anime? We hear you? And we have implemented a fix. It’s not that we’re reducing the costs of some of the cosmetics or buildings or anything at all, but what we are looking to do? Ok, after you build up all your buildings to level 3 or higher in your covenant sanctum, you will get an extra 50% more anime after most of your annoying purchases that make you want to quit the game have already been made. We also included this neat new feature, where if you do a lot of Maw dailies, you’ll also get slightly more anime. We’re very excited to see hjow players react to these neat new changes that should fix the problem for everyone.”

Y’know, generally missing the mark with feedback and making some token effort.

With Dragonflight, it felt like they listened a little more. “We’re giving you flight right off the bat, but it’s special flight with special mounts you can only use in this zone for now, so you’ll need to either make a weird macro or keybind two mounts seperately. They do go faster, but so much faster that unless you have a great GPU, you won’t be able to see gathering nodes because they spawn behind you. Also, Renown will still not be account-wide, but most of the unlocks will be! So if you swap mains, you still have to grind up all the renown all over again, but your other alts will be fine.”

But now it’s all like (this is just in whatever Alynsa voice you made up) “account-wide renown? Sure, but how about if we also give you account-wide transmog stuff from raids too. And while we’re at it, someone in the back mentioned account-wide banks? Well, we’re not doing that because it would muss up your own inventory, so we’re gonna actually still do it, but it’s a seperate bank so you have two banks sorta. Oh, and regarding account-wide renown? Yeah, I hear you guys already groaning, and you’re gonna hate this little caveat… Account-wide rep (but probably only for TWW at first))!! Boom, gottum!! Oh, hey, while I’m here. Y’all been complaining for over a decade… A freaking decade about the solo player experience, and that MoP-style dailies weren’t it. So what if we just added more world qu- AHH!! Gotcha again!! Nope, we got a whole new system that sounds super fun!! And it’ll give you Vault Stuff!! Everybody loves Vault Stuff, amiright? But wait, you see the Vault Stuff UI still only has three rows? Yeah buddies, cuz we just took PVP right outta there so you can get your best rewards the way you used to before we mussed it up!! Come Home!!!

I need more cough syrup.


Oh good… I’d much rather listen to the mocha-elf.

Take care of yourself, Alynsa.

Now back to my I can’t story-so-it’s-time-to-grind…


So Demise could be a reincarnation of the First Ganondorf not the other way round eh?

Furthermore Ganondorf’s plan in Ocarina of Time is based on how the First Ganondorf did things…

Every Demon King is an incarnation of the First Ganondorf’s Malice including Demise, Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, Four Swords Adventures Ganondorf and Calamity Ganon!

Just to note the Green Light that Rauru manifests when stealing Ganondorf’s Magic is a Light purified version of that Magic which causes one to think: Who has associations with Green? Link… Who Ganondorf was looking forward to fighting…

Why did Ganondorf incarnate Link as a Hero resembling the Kokiri?..Obvious answer: The original Ganondorf is a Kokiri! A Ganon Dwarf! Which means that Ganon was the name of some sort of Corruption of Power infecting the Denizens of Courage known as the Kokiri.

I cannot stay awake, nor can I stay asleep. I figured I could get some stuff done around the place, but then suddenly my entire Txitter was funny kitty and puppers videos interspersed with people doing random things, and now my productivity has fallen to 0!!

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Just realized that Ganon might be a distorted version of the word Cannon…

In that case Ganondorf’s seeming recognition of the name Link was a memory of the Cannon Dwarf who held that name that he was a reincarnation of.

I dare say that once the Cannon Dwarf breaks free from his seal the Princess Zelda of that era will in the absence of a Link seal him away herself as well as add Seals to the Depths to get rid of the Demon Corruption and since her ability to use the Secret Stones are limited she will create 3 Spirals: Red(Power), Blue(Wisdom) and Green(Courage) with the Blue Spiral coming from her own existence!

A new Hyrule will evolve thanks to the new leaking Magic.

When Rauru sealed away Ganondorf his Shrines’ purification of Ganondorf’s Magic caused the Gerudo, Gorons, Koroks and Zora to evolve into the forms we see in Skyward Sword(Rito became Kikwi, Zora became Parella and Gorons became traveling Hermits) and later(when Ganondorf’s first incarnation Demise was gotten rid of) Ocarina of Time(Kikwi became Kokiri, Parella became the Graceful Zora and Gorons became a Shamanistic Race).

Yes that means that the Races of Tears of the Kingdom revived over time due to Rauru’s Magic going away and Ganondorf’s Magic gaining dominance. Of course the Rito didn’t revive from their original Race but from Zora descendants who used Valoo’s scales.

Zelda’s Shrines purifying the the Magic will(unlike the primitive bestial Rauru’s Magic) evolve them back into Ocarina of Time’s state.

Since the Zora’s Domain is at it’s most wonderous the Zora nation will be more Magical than before! They might turn into outright Sea Elves! Of course around the time Purifying Magic of Zelda weakens the Zora might resurface as a barbarian race to join the Sea Elves!

Gorons will be more Shamanistic than before and be fighting the Dwarves who(after surfacing due to Zelda’s Purifying Magic weakening) will take over the Mine building.

Gerudo will start to look like Malon. Talon mention that Malon’s Mother looked like a Gerudo by the way so the Gerudo starting to look like Malon is not hard to imagine. Traditional Gerudo will start to appear to contrast these Farmer Elves.

Rito will become Angels only for traditional Rito to re-evolve again.

Yiga will probably change into a race resembling Agahnim(in otherwords into a gender-neutral version of the Gerudo).

Hylians might straight up become Elves!

The Game’s setting will be right when the Cannon Dwarf breaks out of his Seal(during the era where Magic and Reality mingle) and need to be slain. The final battle between Mysticism(represented by Link & Zelda, the Kokiri, Sea Elves, Hylians, Gorons, Angels, Malons and Sheikah) and Barbarism(Cannon Dwarf Link, Deku Shrubs, Koroks, Zora, Humans, Dwarves, Rito, Gerudo and Yiga) will happen when both are at their peaks.

Do yourself a favor and abandon Txitter. You’ll have withdrawals, seriously, but you’ll be better for it.


No, but see, the kitties and puppers are there and they are making me smile because they’re adorable!!