Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

That’s fair. It’s an aspect of the class not everyone enjoys. I get that.

I think most people know by now that my stance is that more customization options are the best way to go for a game as old as WoW is. Giving people more options to play characters how they like tends to keep people around longer


Speaking of playing characters how we like, I’m currently RPing my worgen druid as a friendly gnoll druid who is really super eager about helping other people.

Been some fun antics mostly because my character isn’t actively trying to eat anyone :stuck_out_tongue:


So I am a non-tanky type of person, except on my paladins. Beyond that single class, tanking just does not do it for me, which means for most classes I’m already limiting myself to what I can play.

Except druid.

Healing? Got it! Melee dps? No problem, ninja panther is awesome!! Ranged dps? Pew pew laser chicken!!!

I use the astral form glyph as moonkin, so the only time my character is forced into a shape I don’t recognize is kitty form, and I don’t mind that so much.

Oh, and flight form lets me pick flowers and shred the skin from the corpses of animals while mounted.

I love picking flowers and mutilating animal bodies while flying around as a bird!! It’s so cute and wholesome!!


That’s awesome.

I’m limiting myself to only a few hours of actual game time for the moment, otherwise I’d never have the time to work on my stories and hopefully getting them ready to make me some money that I might actually be happy about. Normal work is so soul crushing…


Hugs I wish you the best of luck on your writing! May they bring you happiness in the end


I’m the opposite I love the tanky classes/specs, except warrior I just can’t get into that class at all…

When I first came back I mained a Blood Death Knight and couldn’t stand the other specs because they felt so weak. Yeah they might kill faster but I never felt like I was going to lose the fight as a BDK… Frost and Unholy just left me feeling let down compared to Blood.

Shaman is… I don’t know how to explain it. I love the class, just wish they could tank and not need a shield for it.

I should love Druids, they fit all the markers for me, tanking to protect those I care about, the damage to end those who threaten the weak and the ability to aid/heal those who need it… now if only I could do that without needing to shapeshift. A similar argument applies to Paladins.

I really should main a Monk… but I don’t like the drinking aspects of the class and the combat elements while cool also feel like they could be better. I get that they are going for the more flowy style of martial arts but the style they are using just leaves me wanting something more impactful. I prefer more of a brawler style; they dodge and strike but it’s not so bloody graceful it’s more economy of motion and raw brutality.

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I’ve been tinkering with this a a mage look


That’s quite good looking.

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From personal experience, I always loved bear tanking. Once got invited back in vanilla to join a MC raid guid because they needed a good tank for Rag. So a druid always had a special place in my heart, even if I only recently got back into playing one again.

But I do enjoy pushing myself while I’m doing outdoor content and seeing how many mobs I can gather and beat down.


I know it is an unreasonable demand, but I wish they would release the warfront weapons and the new 1h sword glaives in a blue and silver coloration that matches the new armor…


I do not think a color pallette swap should ever be an unreasonable demand. It’s less intensive than making an entirely new model, and it’s something they do all the time for green quest items.


You’ve been listening to the forum trolls too much.

Those “people” act like there is only X number of total hours for all of the game’s development and that any deviation from the troll’s desired goals will somehow result in some other completely unrelated area of the game not being worked on.

If Blizzard is running such a model, then… well it’d explain a lot…

However, such a model is just bad business, and you are always going to have specialists. Also, the art team should have their assets set up for ease of modification so something as simple as changing some tints and throwing it into the oven to bake shouldn’t be more than a few minutes to maybe an hour depending on how messed up the software they are using is designed.


WoW is like any other MMO out there, if we actually dug through the files and found every piece of cut content, and or unreleased item/mount/expansion idea/cool concept, we could build an entire new game out of it.

It’s common for items to be drawn up, worked on, fully rendered and never released for any number of reasons. It’s a very reasonable request, since the items are likely already modeled and in working condition, I don’t see what the issue is


Blood Death Knight is one of the best specs in the game, always has been

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Oh yeah, I forgot my DKs are blood.

Not because I particularly enjoy tanking, though Blood DK is very fun soloing.

No, I swapped from Frost to Blood in BfA because after months of Emissaries and WQs, the only weapon I ever got was a two-hander. I tried about three minutes of unholy and said “nope, this is not the way for me at all”.

Then I switched to blood and started whacking things to see how it felt. Then more things. Then bigger things. Then more bigger things.

The next thing I know, I’m pulling a world boss in Zuldazar (it was late BfA) just to see what would happen.

I looted a world boss, that’s what happened!! You cannot kill me, I’ll eat your blood if you try!!

Yeah, other people came over when they saw what was what did the actual damage and I’m sure someone jumped around doing healer stuff, but I felt as undestructionable as possible. I’ve never gone back.


I healed +12 and +14 today. Felt easy. Which is pretty good considering that I was in perma-panic mode on +4 a month ago. Guess most of the rust has worn off.

I am now max reputation with everything in DF except:

  • Emerald Dream (400 Off)
  • Obsidian Warders (3000 Off, I don’t actually care but I do the pet battles to rack up side rep so I’ll probably finish this off anyway)
  • Soridormi (should come with doing M+)
  • Cobalt Assembly (I still don’t even really know what this is and I don’t care either tbh)
  • Wrathion and Sabellian (these look like pretty quick grinds at a macro level but god their elite killing quests are absolute slogs. I’m going to need to find a friend to do these with.)
  • Winterpelt Furbolgs (okay, it’s a language but same idea, at 19/100. I might put some grind time into this next week).

Easily the least painful rep has been for me in any stage of the game since there are no raid reps. I will probably visit LFR just to clear off raid quests from my quest logs at some point, but I do not enjoy raiding for its own sake and with how fun dungeons have gotten I doubt that will change. The board is pretty clear for me to start working on my other gnome rogue. Twinkletorch has just felt weird since Combat turned into Outlaw and I don’t want to give up the name or convert the character to something else, but I think it might be time to retire them as a played character.


Ok, I have now finally unlocked Dragonlands Pathflying, so my weird macros for mounts can all finally be fixed.

I do not like the Loam Sniffelens. They are cave-dwelling troglodytes and I am all set with dealing with their cave-based shenanigans.


there are no troggs in Zaralek Caverns actually


I’m’a bite you, Twinkle!!

Troglodyte, not Trogg!! Those are different words!! You know this, you are just mad that cave-dwellers are not as amazing as surface-dwellers. Which is a factual statement and you know it.


you’re too tall and the oxygen deprivation is clearly reaching the point of irreversible damage so I’ll take it easy on you, leverlegs