Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I just recently remade my panda Shasani as a monk, dunno if I wanna spec her as a spinning crane style monk or rename my Druid as her and delete the monk.

Which isn’t a big deal because the monks only level 1 and I’m really just using the class to keep the name from being used on me


Yeah, that’s fair! In a perfect world I’d love to see more ‘low fantasy’ sets catered toward the Draenei akin to their TBC concept art, but I know Blizzard isn’t known for their subtle armor design these days so I’m tryna meet halfway? I dunno.

Seems like most of the crystalline sets lean more toward the Draenei themed Paladin sets (aside from the LFR re-color from the Nighthold), it would be nice to see a bit of a mix of the two elements in a more understated yet still ‘Draenei’ themed design.

I would agree, to a degree. (Hah, unintentional rhyme) I think of all the Shaman on the Alliance side, Dwarves have the best fantasy for their own flavour of Shamanism. Particularly the Wildhammer, but I still think there could be ever so slightly more. (Like giving an option for Gryphon-themed shoulders from the Dwarf heritage, or fleshing out how Dark Iron shifted from enslaving the elements to revering them, etc.) The only reason I keep shifting back to Draenei instead of Wildhammer is because their HD totems look better, and I have a lot of Draeno nostalgia from the days of yore.

In all honesty, (maybe a hot take?) I think Dwarves should’ve been the Alliance Shaman race from the get-go and they shouldn’t have even bothered with Draenei if they weren’t going to explore it past Nobundo.

(Side note: I love the name Macduf, that’s so fun!)


They really need to flesh out Spirit and Chi and branch out into Eastern religion and philosophy to enhance shamanism as a class but also as a faith connected to spiritwalkers.


Thanks. I picked it because I was thinking of Scottish names for my Dwarf, and MacDuff from MacBeth came to mind. I played MacDuff in a High School performance of MacBeth.

It was high school and I wasn’t familiar with the play. Not knowing the play as I looked at the sign up sheet, I looked at the names of the Characters and was like:

“MacDuff has a cool name. I will pick that guy.”

He ended up having a solid role.


I’m sneaking in a bit of solo shuffle on my lock so that all 3 have a little treat in the vault when I get back, before we drive to Anchorage and get ready to get on a plane at “why damnit” o’thirty in the morning.

I am going to miss my cats and I will miss my weeklies, but I am not going to miss my radio and I have left the poor house sitter with a lot of mysterious bubbling carbouys and crocks to wonder about.

In the spirit of sharing about our characters, Sceo was born as an orc warlock back in Wrath, one of my earlier Wyrmrest toons. Sceo was a painfully pretty lady born with a twisted leg in those days, named Ruta because I was too sheltered to realize that the spelling was dangerously close to other things. She was mostly a bystander and a method for me to cope with my dodgy knee, though I didn’t really realize it and as I get further from the initial injury, the dodgy knee has become less of an issue. For now.

She was a great character for working through certain aspects of myself and figuring out things as an awkward teenager, but as time went on and I decided I’d rather be a cranky old lady than a pile of angst with pretty eyes, she sort of fell by the wayside. At some point I deleted her, brought her back, remembered why I stopped playing her, changed her to a troll with a vague thought of using the character as a continuation of one of my other toons, deleted her again when that didn’t work, brought her back, changed her name, and made her into a him.

And now I have Sceo the grumpy old sand troll man who talks to his demons very literally and is almost angst free. I’m pvping on him and it’s fun to have stuff I actually WANT to do at end game again.


Every time I say “I’m gonna make this new my new main” I always end up gravitating back to my druid after a few weeks. Boomkin’s just fun.


The one thing I always loved about druids is that they’re basically every traditional fantasy class rolled into one.

You can heal, range or melee dps, and tank depending on your mood and you don’t even need to switch classes. Just switch specs and off you go :stuck_out_tongue:

Now if only I didn’t have to shapeshift to do that…

Seriously the second least favorite of the “classes I should enjoy” specifically because of the need to shapeshift.

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Restoration is the only spec you don’t HAVE to shapeshift into. Though it is fun to buy the treant form from the legion order hall and heal as a sentient tree :stuck_out_tongue:

And the forms are the best part of being a druid. The new forms have been amazing and pretty well detailed


…no legit we did, I remember the outrage when they took our treant forms away and gave us that weird… tree thing.


“when they took our WoW treant forms away and gave us something that looks much more like every non-WoW idea of a treant”

I remember that. Mostly because my dear friend at the time was legit devastated when that happened. He really loved his treant form.

Oddly gave it back to us in Legion which…I don’t know why they took it away to begin with

https ://pbs. twimg. com/media/GAspB3mWEAAheqX?format=jpg&name=large

It’s a Mali!!

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It’s weird looking ok. just… weird. Its face is all… wrong.

And it cannot dance right. There is only one proper old man tree dance.


Basically: the tradeoffs for being a tree didn’t fit in the gameplay paradigm of that time

A caster DPS surrendering most of their off-healing capability for a boost in damage is something you can make a choice between in certain contexts when things go wrong

A healer surrendering their ability to do damage (and becoming a more visible target in PvP) for a boost in healing is … just what healers normally do, especially before the increased emphasis on healer DPS in recent expansions (which really started with Legion and Atonement 2.0 for Disc after the Atonement 1.0/Fistweaving space started to get crowded). Healer DPS is always a planned thing – a planned response to a situation that requires bursting or a planned strategy to a boss with a tight enrage timer, and tree form discourages dynamism by making it easier for a raid to stack high output healers and lose a heal spot to take another DPS altogether.

I fondly recall tree form – I’ve always been balance or resto – but I appreciate the shift in philosophy to make healers do more than healbot as someone who mains hpriest in all content.



That’s a pretty elf Druid :blush:

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Agree to disagree.

They aren’t bad looking. I’ve seen some very neat looking characters. Knew a Tauren who had some old Troll armor T-Mog that looked awesome on them.

I just don’t like the idea of my character specifically having to transform. The moment they give the class the ability to run forms like the option for the balance spec where we are still basically themselves than I’ll probably be able to play the class and actually enjoy it.


Thank you for posting it for me!!

I shall never earn the rights to post images because Blizzard knows I would turn this whole thread into a mini-instagram.


Not a problem.

In the future, posting the link into block quote made using "> " at the beginning of a sentence should enable you to post the link without needing to cut it.
