Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I come in here to see what y’all are up to and now I want pancakes, damnit.



They are cruel, sinister scallywags, assaulting me with cravings most dire.

But instead I shall have some kind of pie sheppard from the store because it looked delightful.


I’m surprised he can yell with the ball-gag in his mouth.

Pie shepard? Or shepard’s pie?

My mom made us Shepard’s pie all the time when I was growing up.

It is that. It’s not something I’ve eaten very often and I’m still not entire sure how I feel about it.

It’s just cooked ground beef, corn and potatoes layed on top of eachother? Yeah that’s shepard’s pie. It’s hit an miss. The meat needs to be spiced and the corn not watery. If you put a melted layer of cheese on top it’s better.


So dealt with my first rodent pest problem.

Via a non-lethal trap and releasing the little fellas in the woods near a creek with good tree cover and food nearby. Granted the reality they’ll probably be completely outdone by squirrels and starve to death isn’t lost on me but hey, I gave them a fighting chance.

Which is more than most give apparently. Was quietly horrified at how long it took me to find a non-lethal trap. Non-lethal bait was unavailable but not necessary for me because I know rodents go bersek for peanut buttwr.

Like it’s actively concerning to me how much merchandise was dedicated to the violent death of small mammals. Seriously if you’ve a true abundance there’s actually this age old solution called owning a cat. Give the mice a warrior’s death at least glue traps are some Saw level sadism.


These were mice of course. Which are too small to be reasoned with. If they were of the superior rattus norvegicus the solution would be much simpler;

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When does more news for War Within going to show up like the alpha builds or something? So far right now I have nothing to talk about in terms of Midnight and Next Expansion since I pretty much got all caught up with the lore for the most part.

For the most part I pretty much got nearly all the quests done in dragonflight and I’m just farming for transmogs, mounts, and etc before the next expansion while hoping that Gilneas becomes a city, next class combo like paladins and stuff and etc.

HI!! This is gonna be long, because I’m doing a story telling thing!! Fair warning, you can skip!!

So when I decided to come back a few weeks ago, I came to a conclusion that I would do something different. I would main Alliance.

My very first character was a night elf priest, later changed to blood elf, now human. Very early on, after seeing a troll player and in a very Alynsa-esque moment, I decided I needed to be where those people are…

But I never truly abandoned my Alliance toon. I’d hurry up and level pre-Alynsa Alynsa (when she was a trolly hunter), but whenever I’d face some roadblock in my leveling, it was time to swap to the priest. And for the longest time, I’d split my time between Horde and Alliance. It was mostly a 2:1 split favoring Horde, but over the years I maintained full sets of each class on both factions, would gear most of them through the easiest casual manner possible and generally stay up to date on both factions’ stories.

But then something changed around mid-Legion. Actually, early Legion. I slowly stopped logging in to the Alliance characters for months, until after a year I just didn’t even cap most of my alts on Team Blue.

Then BfA happened. And just no. No thank you, I am not gonna play through and emotionally deal with the Alliance story after the Horde one made me quit. And rejoin, just to quit. And rejoin again, just to quit. And like two other times on top of it.

So when Shadowlands arrived with its level nerf and I looked to see what carnage my Alliance toons were left in, it was disheartening. I cannot explain why, just that it was. And I emotionally just fully quit on them.

But then the Dragonflight pre-patch happened. If I recall right, I was once again returning from another absence with three weeks before DF. I remember power-leveling the last remaining members of my Horde team via the pre-patch event (farming doohickies!!) in no time at all. And so I logged on to those Alliance toons.

I owe a lot of people here thanks for helping to keep me motivated through that. Mith and Micah/Shasani for being my personal cheering squad. Sledgie for jumping into BGs with me and never once publically shaming me for how bad I am at PVP. And a bunch of other people who 3:30AM Alynsa forgets being all helpful.

When Dragonflight launched, I had both of my teams rebuilt. A fully capped and Doohicky-geared Horde, and a fully capped and Doohicky-geared Alliance. And making the switch then was so, so tempting.

I’d settled on powering Alynsa through DF, then jumping to my night elf druid, my official “Alliance Main” (sorry priesty, but resto druid is so much more fun than holy priest and I don’t even understand disc anymore). But too many dragons and too much IRL got in the way.

And when I was considering coming back, it wasn’t Alynsa I was craving to play. It was that druid who missed her shot. I didn’t even know what the current patch was all about; I just knew druid was what I wanted to play. And then when I poked around pre-resubbening, it felt like fate. I want to play my druid? Well, how about an entire patch all about night elves, and druids particularly??

So after a day making sure Alynsa was all good and up to date in case things worked out differently, I started druiding.

And I remembered why I craved playing this character.

Ahem. I’m kinda rambling, but don’t worry. We’re almost to the point. I mean, there’s not really any point, but we’re almost at what fits in the place of a point. This sentence is also rambling, so moving on.

What really struck me was how almost fresh and new everything felt. Not in Dragonflight, though with only two or three weeks of playtime in it, that obviously also felt pretty new.

No, it was Stormwind. Ironforge. Teldrassil some places that only exist now outside of time and space.

I honestly got lost trying to remember where the Stormwind barber is. I forgot until recently that Stormwind has a whole other auction house.

Doing the unlocks for my Alliance-side Allied races made me realize how Boralus is like… Huge!! I know most of it’s for questing and stuff, but when you only played Horde, and you don’t do world pvp, you at most only see small sections of it. And the rest of those BfA zones!! They look so damn pretty when you’re notcovering the countryside in Alliance blood!!

A special thanks to Twinkletorch for dealing with my whispers about how different all of this was.

In Orgrimmar, I know where everything is to the point where I barely notice the screen. Doing my Darkmoon Faire monthlies is rote behavior. Go to the Drag, grab flour, all profession things are lined up right there, easy peasy.

But I don’t recall where all the vendors are in Stormwind anymore. I had to think and look (because I am way too proud to ask guards like some noob). I forgot for a few minutes that the leatherworking vendor wasn’t in the Mage District like half the profession people. And Simple Flour? You will never know exactly how long it took me to figure out the cooking vendor was not near the Cataclysm recipe vendor and was, in fact, at the other end of town. You will never know because I am honestly too embarrassed to tell you guys, and I tell you a lot.

This sounds like it should be a bad thing, but it’s not. It was fun trying to recall five year old memories of vendors I barely even used back then. And yeah, after the first few toons it was all back to rote memory of where things are again, but I found myself still looking around more, still trying to think of what else I’d forgotten. And that’s when I’m noticing the people.

My Horde and Alliance teams are on different servers, a habit going back to the very start of my WoW prison sentence. I was originally on pvp servers, and you couldn’t have characters from both factions on the same server, and when I swapped to RP servers, I assumed that was true on those as well (I’m sure nobody who read previous stories from me is shocked at that). Both are on the biggest RP servers for their factions; WrA for Horde, MG for Alliance (Hey, I joined MG shortly after it opened up, and Goldshire has gone downhill since then!!).

On Horde, most casual roleplay happens in the Valley of Honor. But on Moonguard, people just do it everywhere. Casual roleplay, pervs, not that other thing (though they probably also do that everywhere). Everywhere I look, there’s something. And it’s so refreshing.

What was the point of all this again?

Oh, right. I’m Alliance now.

Yeah. So that. I’m like… Doing Alliance things only, at least for the next little bit. I’ll keep doing my weeklies on Alynsa, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop posting on her.

But if you have suggestions on what I should try out Ally-side that doesn’t involve BfA, I’m listening!!


Out of context statements which are still 100% accurate.


See?? I knew you guys would take that wrong!! I even intentionally put a clarification in there!!


Quite welcome hun, it’s great to have you back and in a better place, emotionally and otherwise. I always love these little tangets you go on, they’re often quite funny :blush:

(It’s me Micah/Shasani btw. Just been too lazy to name change because my old forum name has sadly been taken for a while now. WAIT! I can go reserve the name Shasani!)


I live out in the boonies now, and its always a race if i can catch and release rodents before my cats torture them to death for sport. I once heard a squeaking noise while i was cooking, and it turned out my orange bimbo had cornered a mouse and was stepping on it to make it squeak.

Funniest was a old fat vole got into the house, and walked up to and sniffed the other cat. Cat sniffed him back, and walked off. I guess its not fun when they don’t fight back or run away.

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Alpha isn’t due to start until next the middle of next year, so we’ll be waiting a while.

Still plenty of content coming for Dragonflight in the meantime.

My guess is February or March.

Okay, I have a little rant so indulge me… (or ignore it, yanno…)

Alliance Shamans suck.

Now, I’m not saying they HAVE to suck. I don’t WANT them to suck… but they suck. Blizzard has spent a ton of time fleshing out Blood Elf Paladins for them to fit into the Horde, going so far as to offer Blood Knight themed sets and even quest chains to really solidify the idea of a Blood Elf Paladin. One could argue that Sin’dorei culture is more aligned with the Paladin class than say, the Draenei and the elements but there is a VERY weird absence of any attempt to allow Shamanism to ‘fit’ into the Alliance with it’s own Alliance flavor.

Nobundo had one of the coolest short-stories to introduce Shamanism to Draenei culture but then was promptly dropped like a hot potato only to briefly cameo here and there when a token Draenei is needed in the Earthen Ring. One could even argue that he’s not even a Draenei at this point since THEY STILL WON’T GIVE US PLAYABLE KROKUL.

Heck, even Zandalari Prelates got a big ol’ story with a big ol’ dino (granted, he died - R.I.P King :sob:) BUT! The only thing Kul Tiran got in the way of Shamanism is Tide Priests which are a weird mix of Priest, Mage and Shaman and Dorian Atwater who doesn’t even know what a Shaman is.

Listen, I’m glad that the Horde gets this, I am not complaining that they shouldn’t. I’m just asking for a little something, ANYTHING to give even the slightest bit of attention to Draenei, Dwarf and Kul Tiran Shamans.

This may be stemming from the fact that the Shaman sets in the Trading Post are exclusively Horde themed and it’s making me sad. Can I have like ONE set that is crystalline or maybe gryphon themed? We have SO many Troll and Orc sets, why can’t we have ONE Alliance leaning Shaman set?

To a lesser complaint: Why the hell do the Krag’wa weapons have wolves on them? WHERE ARE THE FROGS. GIVE ME THE FROGS. I have SO much wolf-themed crap, why are you teasing me with Frogs and NOT giving me frogs?


Agree with everything you said but this.

Draenei designs are over saturated with purple crystals. A set designed around the idea of a Draenei shaman should look akin to what we saw in the Draenei concept art pieces from TBC.

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(Cursewords here on my Dworf)

I agree about Draenei and maybe Kul Tiran - Blizzard hasn’t developed them when there is so much already there. Some full blown Tidesage/Hydromancer stuff might compliment the Kul Titans. The Broken as a cosmetic option during the Heritage quest would be a boon to the Draenei.

But I think Dwarves have it pretty good. As always. I think Dwarves fit into the current Shamanism stuff pretty well. With the storms and winds and earth being so much a part of their themes. And adding Fire for the Dark Iron.