Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I have no idea what your talking about but ok.

Erevien on social media has basically called for the extermination of all Muslims who donā€™t leave Europe

He has a history of saying such things.


Youā€™re in his new Discord? Check the politics there.

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Well, he was talking about general middle eastern people and used ā€œMuslimā€ as his euphemism for us (itā€™s pretty common for people to do so).

Regular reminder that not all Arabs are Muslims and not all Muslims are Arabs. The Venn Diagram has a very large overlap, but Erevien certainly wasnā€™t advocating for religious confessions from all European-descended Muslims so they could be deported right back to where they already are.


Really? I donā€™t have much a presence in social mediaā€¦ so stuff like this fly pass me easiely.

Oh so thatā€™s why he was apologetic and saying that he said things he regretted. Could he referred to that? I had no clue

I did join one of his but left, I tend not to linger long on those kinds of virtual social stuff, we just casually talk, ever since he mention something he do to himself, just to check his okā€¦ but nothing like I do with my irl friends.
We always talk about WoW nothing of that sort ever came outā€¦

No, he was pretty specific that he was talking about the things he said about Alliance players, characters and stories.

He has still, even recently, been just perfectly fine with racist rhetoric. No apology there at all.


Yeah. I meant Arabic peoples. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m smarter than that and do know the difference.

Same. I stay away for my own sanity. :dracthyr_nod:


Itā€™s totally fine, sweetie. Itā€™s more common for English-speakers to use Muslim and Arab interchangeably. Heck, Iā€™ve even done it a few times and likeā€¦ I know Iā€™m not a Muslim!!


So, howā€™s the moving coming along and how you feeling? Havenā€™t asked in a while and you been quiet on that front.

I worry :dracthyr_heart:


This is from more than a week ago.

Also apparently he thinks Kabul is in an Arab country.

Added another one I forgot.


I got cancer reading that.

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Well maybe he was apologizing for something elseā€¦ I donā€™t know the guy that much beyond the WoW stuff. I we never talk about stuff like thatā€¦ I usually skip quite a bit of post when things get to personal and heatedā€¦ so maybe I miss it.

I always been in the middle of sandwiches of these type stuff, have quite a few colorful friends online from all circles that I only interact for certain thingsā€¦ mostly for game ā€œstuffā€. I try never to get to deep when itā€™s online or a virtual relationship, I treat them almost like when you go to work or working buddies.

Obviously it changes if we start talking and that person now has a face, voice and is making room to know the real me and becoming real life friend and all that stuff.

But I get it, what your saying I will be more careful joking around now that I know a history exist outside these forums.

I use to play with someone from India and I got so much heat from him for generalizing his race with another, I canā€™t remember which wasā€¦ but under NO circumstances never ever, EVER say to a Korean that his Japanese, omg, I remember the raid chat was so lit, that we could not finish it, literally itā€™s like extremely offensive to them because of their history from what I read and have been told!

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Iā€™ve worked and been friends with a few Koreans over the years. And no joke. They take kind of stuff pretty seriously. A lot Asians will find being labeled offensive because so many people do it on purpose. Or are just that ignorant

Because itā€™s like China isnā€™t the only country in Asia. Asia has like 49 countries

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On to less Erevine things, yes.

Oh my goodness!! So, the move finally, finally got done last Friday!! Well, technically Saturday, but that was mostly me taking one final walk-through of my old apartment and making sure everything was clean for the landlord (it was, I am a very tidy person who has been accused of having mild OCD, but I just like things to look very nice). Two whole weeks of moving!! My flu started going away last week and by Wednesday I was mostly myself, but I have no voice.

My entire job involves talking to people and I have no voice!! Well, not entirely true, I just sound like an old woman whose diet consists of whiskey and cigarettes. It has led to someā€¦ Interesting phone calls with outside agencies I work with!!

I am almost entirely unpacked and even had friends over. Not the Mac ā€˜nā€™ Cheese Possible Sex Cult friends (more on them in a bit), but my DnD friends and some work friends. They all look and think ā€œoh, Alynsa, you unpacked so quickly!!ā€ But that is because they cannot see the still-taped boxes hiding in my closet and under my bed.

But I am unworried. I have my desk all set up, my DnD and other TTRPG books all on their shelves, I did find my dice (I told you guys about that) and pens and notebooks and random piles of papers with Very Important Notes (mostly NPC named I scribbled down) all over them, my kitchen is all set, and my clothing is probably all put away.

And my neighbors are adorable!! Still not sure if they are just very nice and feeding a new neighbor, or if this will somehow end up involving a sex cult, but either way they make delicious food and bring stuff over at least once a week!! Weā€™ve gotten to talking and they seem very nice. They wanted to know if I wishes to watch a Supperball with them last Sunday, but I told them I had DnD and they were very understanding. I do not know what a Supperball is, but I do tend to prefer my suppers to not be in ball shapes, so I think I dodged a bullet (or ball) there. They are probably not in a sex cult.

Doness, I do not know how you could put up with joining and going through his Discord for five minutes. Seriously, youā€™re stronger than I am.

If one of my work buddies invited me to their Discord and the first thing I saw was racism, I would treat them the same way I treat Erevine.

Racism is racism. Online or offline.

To be completely fair, I know some Arabs (and some Muslims) who get offended from that confusion.

But I was a whole entire adult Arab woman living near Logan Airport just before and for years after a certain American national tragedy occurred, and after the abuse I took for years from people for being of Middle Eastern descent, swapping Arab and Muslim just doesnā€™t much phase me.

Itā€™s also why I might be more sensitive to someone advocating my death based on my race.

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LOL it reminded me when I was visiting my close and best friends in Oregonā€¦ we met a friend of his and I told them I was from Puerto Rico and they said is that in South America or in Spain! All because I was white and had a bit of Italian mix racial look! :rofl:

I literally laugh and show him where PR is and he dinā€™t even know that we are American citizensā€¦ it was hilarious and super amusing! It really dawn on me how small my world is, I was truly humble by the realization that there so many types of Latin people! :rofl:

Really? I dinā€™t see thatā€¦ then again when I join I think he just created that discord, not sure how many he has, because he posted recently he open a new one! Iā€™m not in it, I really donā€™t last to much on thoseā€¦I just msg him directly :rofl:

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Heā€™s had several discord servers. And each new one manages to be worse than the last one. I think Discord mods keep shutting them down with rate that he starts new ones

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I would NOT be surprise with what you guys have told me! lol

Holly S*&^% what in theā€¦

Honestly when I was in one of those discords nothing like that ever pop upā€¦ it was pretty new so now Iā€™m not sure if it change later.

There been so many virtual social places I left when stuff started to get weird like thatā€¦ but they were more like injecting politics to factions or racesā€¦ Alliance and Horde were the most asinineā€¦

Where the ones I attended the Alliance where the oppressors, colonizers and their mission was to indoctrinate the Horde and make it more Alliance likeā€¦ so you can imagine what happened when Horde got its ā€œCounselā€ lol I didnā€™t want to roleplay as a Horde slave, I wanted to roleplay as my Darkfallen Warlock Night Elf and betray them to Forsaken (I a f* Undead Warlock, nothing victim about that! Also I donā€™t like roleplaying victim scenarios like this*) but the GM would not have itā€¦ it was the Story of the Alliance as they understood it with how WoW been telling itā€¦ if I played my Warlock Darkfallen it was to role play as the Alliance tries to reform meā€¦ and put my Demon to ā€œproperā€ useā€¦ Ugh, I just could notā€¦ it was too much! :face_vomiting:
This one I just told was a tame oneā€¦ it stick to WoW but you could see the underlinesā€¦ lol There are some who when like you show meā€¦ and beyond.

This is one of the main reason I kinda never linger too long in virtual spacesā€¦ with the exception of the WoW forumsā€¦

Blizzard may not use or ever use these cool concepts and ideas, points of views, even some posters are like NPC characters, discuss hereā€¦ but that does not mean we can not use them ourselves or tell dev game and writer friends about them, so they can use them as inspiration for their own stuff since its never was used in the game!
To me the Story Forums is a gold mind of concepts or ideas and Blizz only scratches the surface of itā€¦ which sometime and rarely makes it to game in some version or form.

Sorry I didnā€™t replied I literally didnā€™t even see the post until now. I was not even told I had your reply.

Well. Hopefully now you understand why I wonā€™t just ā€œhush and play niceā€ with a guy whoā€™d rather see my people dead for the crime of existing in his spaces.


This is honestly why I am instantly cautious of people who put THAT much stake into race stuff with this game. RP is one thing but I donoā€¦
Just exhausting.