Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

The time will come when you won’t.

I’d love for everyone to be able to respectfully disagree on things, but the vast majority of people are simply too short minded to be able to do that especially on these forums and a larger part of the Warcraft fanbase. It’s been fostered for too long and settled too deeply at this point. I’ve thought about why that is, and it’s a piece of a larger picture; people ask what the meaning of life is, and the answer is conflict. Without conflict life is stagnant.



Walking Dead???

I wasn’t expecting anyone here to get that reference, well done

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I remember hunter. And I remember that you also posted some stories in the RP forum.

Void elf hunter?

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Welcome Back!

I don’t remember but I do love posters reads to be spicy/chaotic and full of colorful flavor or passion!
So I’ll be looking forward to you embracing your villany post! It sometimes inspire the best stories or characters in one’s own headcanon! Soooo post awaaaaay!

Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts Missing Link…

Notice how the Villain has Young Xehanort’s Ethereal Blade?

What if Mickey reacted to Young Xehanort’s Keyblade because he recognized the Keyblade instantly from his Time Travel to the KH X era? He would like Xehanort have to wait out time to get back to his own era but would meet the Master of Masters and face off against him.

That would mean the Master of Masters possessed Xehanort, used his Time Magic to rewind Xehanort’s Memories and send his Heart back to where he found it then duked it out with Riku before splitting himself into a Heartless and Nobody(Young Xehanort distinctly disappeared like a Nobody in KH3) after rewinding Master Xehanort’s destination.

Yes that means the Xehanort Replicas were possessed by the Master of Masters’s Heartless who was later eliminated in the form of Armored Master Xehanort.

The destruction of both Heartless and Nobody would recomplete the Master of Masters in Young Xehanort’s Body and since Xehanort had his Heart expelled from all 13 Darknesses that means the Master of Masters will probably have his Blue Eyes back.

Just wanted to say that it is awesome that you do that, the goal in life is to be happy, so if it makes you feel happy then keep it up!

Just want to say you are awesome in my opinion! no matter what!!!

I wont be here next week, i will go to a travel! :blush:


Hope it’s fun!

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I think it will!! Finally visiting Rome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Have fun! :dracthyr_heart:


I made a Drac hunter. Decided to park his scaly butt on the Isles and I’m just going to have fun. I’ll try and do the Undermine(d) story. But I probably won’t be doing anything too seriously.

Time to get back to having fun and enjoying myself with WoW. :dracthyr_heart:

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Yuh, having just finished leveling my 9th (!!!) character in the month and a half I’ve been back, I decided that I have enough for now, and shall only be doing very light stuff. I’ll run by blue elf druid through Undermined, but everyone else can just sit their butts down and wait until the final patch for their gear.

I dunno even why I decided to level so many so quickly!! I mean, because twisted timewalking made it easy, sure, but I do not wish to try and keep up with all nine!! And I do not even really do much with professions anymore, so it isn’t for their profs.

I think I just wanted to have a bigger team to throw into older raids to collect even more transmog.

Also, miss you Nightsong!!


I miss her too. I swear she kept me sane while you were on your break.

You both are amazing people. Just wanted you to know that incase nobody’s told you lately :dracthyr_heart:


I just made a Draenei cuz I want to see the heritage questline.



I don’t have many alliance characters.


Why on earth are you responding to me with this? Did you somehow think I would care?

LMAO!! lololol
Oh, hush you… play nice!

Let him try Alliance maybe he might like at least some of it… and change his tune! Well… maybe… :woozy_face:

Some people we’ve grown tired of Playing Nice with though. :dracthyr_heart:

At least I have anyway :dracthyr_uwu:


Yeah, nah.

I’m not playing nice with a guy who has advocated for the forced removal of my people from Europe and the extermination of any left behind.

But you have a good time being pals with a guy who has IRL advocated for racism.