Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I thats something i did notice, its not only in english-speaking, its on some countries that are not english too.

Basically people always assumes that both go together, and even the term “Arab” is used wrongly most of the time in my sense.

Since i know quite a good amount of the story of the Middle East and North Africcca i always try to rise people awareness on the History of these places and prevent them to make bad assumptions.

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I would never use “Muslim” and “Arab” interchangeable tbh, as someone from an Arab Muslim background. That would be very strange to me tbh.


yeah well anyways…hope evryone had a good day



Well yes, thank you, I hope you did too! :grin:

(Insert meme of: “Everything is fine” here)

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I got back from my vacation and got smote by an unholy flu that knocked me right to the ground, so there’s a lot I’ll probably not do before the season/Plunderstorm.

Little salty that I hit 2397 in blitz at my best. Next season, High Warlord/Grand Marshal.


Me too!! But I do not think I gave you my flu. My cough was pretty bad, but not bad enough to project viral loads half a continent away.

Welcome back Sledgie!!


Sledgiesaur is back! Yay!

All is well now that our fav dwarf is back! :dracthyr_heart:

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I suspect that’s what I get for airports and worse… people.

Don’t put the ordering the world (of warcraft*) on me though. I am woefully under qualified.



Apropos of nothing, I have been watching so many videos of people taking trunks and busses and an old U-Haul box truck, and turning them into tiny mobile homes.

I wish I had the skills and knowledge and money and space to do this!! I would truly enjoy having a teeny Alynsa home that I could drive to places!! I would live there forever!!


Some of those look amazing too! Like omg! I wish I had the skill and money to to do that sort of thing :dracthyr_heart:


The old U-Haul trucks are the ones I keep looking at and thinking “yes, I could in fact live out the rest of my life like this.”

And then I watched some kids (well, very early 20s) do a U-haul truck conversion, learning the whole everything to do it from YouTube videos!!! And for under $18,000 too!!

Which I obviously could not do, not really for the money (I could save up every spare penny for about a year-ish), but for the tools and work space and just general lack of that type of handiness.

But it’s much, much closer to realistic than I ever expected!!

So now of course I am sketching out some vague, rough idea of what I would do with that space and thinking about how cool it could be.


I’ve been continuing my struggle to find a main alt. Currently I’ve been warming up to Frost Mage no pun intended. They’ve that satisfying AoE boom feel I’m looking for in an offensive caster.

I do wish Destro was in a better place. That’s probably my favorite but they’ve just been meh in PvP this whole expansion. Affliction’s not bad but if I already have Shadow spec for DoT classes. If I’m playing a magician I want explosions.

I took a screen shot of my lvl 80 Elves as a Warband. The one on the right, Ziggy, is a Void Elf, but you almost can’t tell because that hero spec gives him yellow eyes.

I can’t wait until Midnight, maybe we will get some Quelthalas type backgrounds



One of the seasonal workers in town has a retired ambulance van camper thingy, and you know… they’re pretty well set up. Storage inside and out, electrical hookups already in the box as well as interior lighting and heat. Sure, the gas mileage is terrible and I can practically guarantee that any working ambulance has had multiple corpses transported in the back with a medic sitting beside it awkwardly wondering what the protocol is for small talk when the patient is dead (“we don’t transport corpses!” “Ok, fair.” “Wait we can’t just leave this one here and law enforcement asked nicely” ad infinitum). But honestly that just means room for you and up to three friends transported on a backboard plus your driver and a kidnapped firefighter.

Yes, despite being slightly haunted and having the blazes beat out of them by their working life, ambulance camper is probably great. If you’re really handy.


I was literally just watching a video about a converted ambulance camper!!

Sledgie, are you spying on my computer?

Anyway, I think I am becoming addicted to this whole idea of living in a converted something. I would prefer a small bus or U-Haul, but at this point I would even enjoy an extra-large van.

I just need thousands of dollars and to steal someone who can do electrical stuff and gas stuff and plumbing stuff and-

Maybe I need to steal a few people.


I got my lvl 80 hunter, a lvl 65 panda lock, a Drac survivor hunter I’m doing just Dragonflight with and my worgen druid who I’ll also likely run through DF in my warband

Doing an actual deep dive into DF has been a ton of fun. Exploring things I either missed the first time around or just flat out missed. My drac will be my Main alt when I’m not doing current content on my 80 and it’s honestly been a ton of fun

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I am fairly set on dark iron warrior, dwarf monk, goblin hunter, earthen paladin.

I like having two Alliance and two Horde. For aesthetics on my screen if nothing else. And they’re 80 and solidly pvp geared (mostly from care packages from Aunty Diamict, the arms warrior, but details).

I’m not exactly the gearing/questing/leveling/pvping powerhouse I was for Dragonflight. Just less time in general for WoW this year, but I do have a few other leveled toons in case I suddenly decide I hate goblins or I suddenly realize I have never, ever, in 20 years of playing this game, really “vibed” with paladins despite having them at max level a few times and played them at endgame a few times.

I like the idea of paladins. On paper, there’s no reason I wouldn’t enjoy being a paladin as much as being a bear. And yet. I’m going to stick it out for a bit longer, but my usual Horde main, an orc death knight, is just off the top four in the roster… waiting… watching…


Call me old fashion but my ideal home would be a foreboding tower in a secluded wood. Preferably with an attachment on top for my personal dirigible - the only way to travel in style.

Then I’d be a shut in recluse, allowing the townsfolk in the nearest village to start rumors about what I get up to in my scary zeppelin tower.

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I just don’t know about tower living. I mean, do you have any idea how many stairs there would be?? I really hate moving things up stairs, and I feel like that is all I would be doing for the first entire year!! No, no thank you to #towerlife

I shall instead meet your zepplin atop whichever mountain I have driven my converted school bus to.

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I got Baldur’s Gate 3 as a gift three days ago, and so WoW hasn’t even existed for me since that day. But it’s raid day, so I’m going to be dragged kicking and screaming back into WoW while my half-elf cleric sits in the Underdark waiting for my return.