Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I don’t chase holiday stuff much, but I decided to do the Valentine’s boss at least once a day this go round.

So far I have gotten the new love broom to drop as well as the dragon riding appearance. Pretty happy about that. No rocket yet though. Even if it doesn’t end up dropping, I’m pretty happy with what I got so far. So it wouldn’t be a total bummer.

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Love all the people who keep coming back.

Oh well. Just more proof of how pointless it can be to try and be positive and supporting in this world.


I’ve decided I need a break.

I can’t keep dealing with the BS I’m seeing and pretend I’m fine with it.

May your days be many and filled with the happiness you need.



I wish you the best hun. And I understand the sentiment, this place in particular can be depressing

It’s always best to walk away for a while and take a break. Hope all is well for you :dracthyr_heart:

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Come back when you are ready!! We shall still be here!!

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy Spoilers

Final Fantasy 7’s Sephiroth according to translations( only uses the Ore Pronoun when asking Cloud who is Tifa while all other Sephiroth instances use Watashi.

Furthermore in Remake the Sephiroth who uses Ore also switches to the Right Hand as soon as he is alone with Cloud at the Edge of Creation. He only switches back to the Left Hand when Cloud attacks that side of him.

Incidentally while the the Text Dump didn’t delve into it the fake Glenn also uses Ore according to reports.

This all means that someone is impersonating Sephiroth and the real Sephiroth is capitalizing on that person’s questioning Cloud about Tifa to make Cloud attack her. This person is seeking a Promised Land in Wutai and will wipe out Wutai’s denizens to get at it.

Tifa surviving what would otherwise be a fatal wound… Tifa also was able to dive into a Mako Pool in the old game and come out unaffected… Are those 2 things connected?

What is Tifa!? Is she pure Human? Is Sephiroth the only successful experiment of Hojo’s?

Jenova can’t return to the Lifestream I.E. die so Tifa not dying from an otherwise fatal wound or being phased at all by diving into the Lifestream suggests that she is as inhuman as Sephiroth yet Aerith can’t sense anything wrong with her! Whatever is keeping Tifa from the Lifestream in otherwords isn’t detectably Alien by the Planet’s definition!.. then again the Cetra couldn’t detect Jenova…

Of course the imposter knowing about Sephiroth’s plan to use Meteor while also aware that Tifa should be dead suggests that the imposter must be Tifa! What is Tifa if her OG Self is immortal and incapable of returning to the Planet?

Sephiroth once met a Girl named Alissa who took the form of his Real Mother and if my guess judging from Hojo appearing at the Edge of Creations surrounded by Purple Energies in the trailers is correct later takes the form of Hojo at the Edge of Creation. What was the result of their confrontation?

The Shadowblood Queen according to Ultimania was Jenova yet the ingame description says she was a Cetra Queen who went rogue so Jenova must simply be someone the Calamity of the Skies infected with it’s Virus.

In otherwords it is possible that Alissa was the Calamity, tried to pick a fight with Sephiroth and got a beatdown losing her memories and reverting to the form of Tifa which she obtained after she switched places with the little girl who threw herself off a bridge at the Calamity’s urging after it took Cloud’s form.

On to the impersonator of Sephiroth’s goals: He/she is after the Promised Land in Wutai.

Furthermore Sephiroth has the arms of the Whisper Harbinger which fell off it before it exploded. No doubt he was the one who sent that Meteor down on the Cast Members’ heads(now that they served their purpose by eliminating the Whisper Harbinger and granting him it’s arms) only for the fake Sephiroth to drain the Whispers it was composed of.

The fake Sephiroth tells Cloud: “Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it? Let’s see.” which means that once Cloud destroys the Black Materia forcing Sephiroth to use the Whisper Harbinger’s Arm he replaced his missing arm with to force the Whispers to create a Meteor he will have 7 seconds to chop off the Whisper Harbinger Arm from Sephiroth.

Once the Arm is chopped off the fake Sephiroth can absorb the Whisper Meteor like the first one and then move in to grab the Whisper Harbinger’s arm for himself before leaving Cloud’s group to fight an angry Sephiroth as he the fake Sephiroth makes preparations to use Shinra’s war with Wutai to gain access to the Promised Land he(or she considering I suspect the fake Sephiroth is OG Tifa) so desires.

Welp. Made it to 30. Then I accidentally aggro’d a Southshore Guard while hunting Murlocs.

We couldn’t have blighted that town enough.


A shame.

As a Horde Vanilla player I never felt bad about what happened at Southshore.

I did feel a little bad about those Dwarves in Dun Garok, though.

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Oh no, Bene!!! I am so sorry that happened.

But at least you had fun along the way and didn’t play it so overly-safe as to ruin the game, like most HCWoW players do.

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Hey!! About that, i hope you not too upset at me for the talk we had about the worgen heritage quest and worgen players!


Of course not hun. No worries. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. :dracthyr_heart:

We’re good. I do enjoy talking to you


It’s just a pisser because rather than a personal failing it’s because a guard sprinted across a river and two shot me. I was giving SS space but was unaware of how far out their guards were.

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Oh my gosh, the stories of Vanilla questing where Southshore NPCs were buggy as can be… I would be able to fill this entire thread with just stories of “that time I was within the vague vicinity of Southshore, mining some node, when all of a sudden Surprise Guard killed me.”

I swear they gave all guards in Hillsbrad an increased aggro range of approximately one quarter of a zone, just because of the world pvp that used to happen there once upon a time.


I swear NPC guards on both sides back than had what felt like a zone wide aggro radius. Be minding your own business and before you know it, the last three towns worth of guards are chasing after you :dracthyr_heart:


Did you already do the cursed quest when you have to help resurect a guy in like the graveyard near the city

I was hunting murlocs for the Elixir of Agony questline. One of those bastards sprinted across a football field to gank me.

Damn you Southshore! I wish I could kill you twice!



He was everyone’s favorite weapon against the villainous Alliance players in Southshore. I shall never forget the many, many, many times I watched him turn the tide of some back and forth with the evil aggressors of Southside against the innocent, noble citizens of the Tauren Mill.


Yeah that one! I remember when i did that quest looong ago on OG vanilla…

I never did HC, but i heard this quest is quite dangerous

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Hello, it’s a poster you don’t care about or think of. Been away from the forums because I found a community I like more and don’t get frustrated with, but am having trouble sleeping atm so I caught up on two months worth of posts in this favorite thread of mine. New Years resolutions aren’t something I’ve much participated in, but things have coalesced enough over the end of the year that I am feeling confident and selfish enough to embrace villainy and see how far I can push the limits of rulebreaking. I don’t scare easy, but sometimes I get this reoccuring nightmare where I get a forum notification (you know the ones that are blue for a new response/like and green for moderator action such as suspension) except that it’s in an unusual color such as yellow or red which I assume is bad, and facing fear is an interesting thing. So I will be embracing the potential for self destruction and doing things not out of worry for how others might view me but instead for my own enjoyment.


I fully approve of this outlook.

While I do not go full villainy, I have been trying more lately to focus less on being a good girl and more on being a happy person. Or at least a person who is amused with their own antics.

We are all here on these forums ultimately to have a good time. If that means stepping on toes, then you just gotta accept that some toes need to be stepped on.

EDIT: And I do remember you. You used to post on a hunter, a night elf hunter IIRC. Welcome back!!

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