Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

A very interesting figure to say the least, her husband was a big badass too.

But i think she sadly disturbed too much the unity that the Empire brought, and i am still glad Aurelian was able to defeat her.

I do not quite have words to express the level of pure exhaustion I feel right now.

My move is 85% finished, but that is the 85% heaviest part. So much furniture, so many crafting supplies, so manyā€¦ Stuffs!!

There has not been any further mac ā€˜nā€™ cheese sex cult offerings, but my work family finally showed up last night to make up for not helping at all. And it was very obvious how well they know me because they brought chicken, corn, potato mash, and buscuits. Note to everyone: Alynsaā€™s forgiveness has a caloric value.

And between us all, we went from 20% moved to 80% (the extra 5% was todayā€™s unpacking) and the only time the first aid kit was officially used in a proper fashion was a single bandaid!!

I do not believe I will truly be finished moving until someone needs an emergency room visit, because I am very much certain that is how moving is done.

Now I need cookies. I shall fetch cookies now.

Good bye until cookies.


Welp looks like player housing is going to be in Elwyn and Durotar. So Iā€™ve lost interest. They say you can customized it to your heartā€™s content but I want to live in a spooky forest.

Iā€™m just not interested at all anymore. Blizz always finds a way to a take a cool idea and make it a complete hassle for the average player/casual. And the article makes it sound like itā€™s going to be more akin to a job than anything thatā€™s actually fun to do

Itā€™s just another thing in game I wonā€™t be touching

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Your heart would not be content in a spooky forest. You think it would be, but it wonā€™t.

Donā€™t you guys have phones???


IDK, Iā€™m just trying to quote standard Blizzard responses to their poorly considered ideas being called out.

Cubicle Crawl anyone?


I dont know why, but i knew it would turn out to be somehting ā€œmehā€ and well, i was never one of the ā€œwe want housingā€ person, i dont care about housing at all i just want new races that it =p he more races the better!! i am never the ā€œho but we are bloatedā€ person =p

But well, i wanted to put my house in a zone like zeure isl or vale of eternal blosssom or zuldazar, guess notā€¦

I just hate the whole neighborhood idea. I wouldā€™ve loved having a house in Duskwood, by myself.

But the main reason I dislike the neighborhood idea is because so many people donā€™t interact with anyone outside of their little friend circle or guild.

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Wait, so I still do not get to live in Eversong Forest, yes?

So I can still organize my proletariet revolution against Lorā€™themar and the bourgeois for keeping me out of my rightful homeland?

Ok, then I do not need to make any changes.


Viva la Mocha elf? Or ummā€¦.We have cookies, please donā€™t hurt us? :dracthyr_heart:


More likeā€¦

I am here to eat cookies and overthrow the unjust politicial systems of Azeroth segregating me from my ancestral homeland.

And I am all out of cookies.


But, if i want to be fair, from what i saw in the news, they dont directly say that we will only be able to do our housing in these 2 particular zones, they say its their ā€œbaseā€ zones, but it dont confirm, nor infirm that its only here.

Highly recommend The Substance but it is firmly lady horror.

I do to a point get aging fears though to q poibt. Iā€™m in my early 30s and am going to crash out if I lose my hair, as someone whoā€™s always kept it on the longer side. I canā€™t grow a beard so elvish flamboyance has been my ticket.


Iā€™m approaching my 40s, trying to hang on to my hair. Itā€™s in fine shapeā€¦ but not as it once was.

I remember being young and shaving my head, because ā€œit would grow back anyway.ā€

Nowā€¦ I am not so sure.



Know what I do not like the most about moving? Losing all my things.

I have unpacked every single box. All of them, every box!! But I cannot find anywhere at all my special box of DnD dice, the pretty blue dice I made specifically to have a big box of pretty blue dice.

The rest of my dices? All found. Even the ugly dice jar full of ugly dice.

But pretty blues?

I think they have chosen to flee.

If you happen to find pretty blue dice wandering your neighborhoodā€¦ Well, they are not mine because I do not think any of you live that close.


What if the dice goblins put them on the kitties who tailor market and someone bought them?! :rofl:

Or they are in hiding in a corner somewhere :blush:


I found my pretty blues.

Iā€¦ I must have unpacked that box while very feverish. I cannot imagine any other reason I put them in the refridgerator.


you know you would find them easy there! :game_die:


Iā€™ve seen people do all sorts of stuff with dice.

Keeping them in the fridge seems like a thing. Maybe they roll too hot


blue = water = coolingā€¦

He gets itā€¦


Came this close to eating it. I was assaulting Hillsbrad Town Hall to murder their Magistrate and destroy important records but unfortunately it turns out humans used it as some kind of nest.

So I was carefully line of sight pulling them around the corner in groups of 1-2. But one Mage got a frostbolt on me and I left my Voidwalker on defensive. So Chikrot my overprotective blueberry charged in and aggroā€™d the entire room. Thank God for that sacrifice ability. Ran out town with a conga line chasing me. Only thing missing was the Benny Hill music.

Iā€™dā€™ve had to turn in my Forsaken Card if I let filthy humans get my goat.