It’s not like this drama wasn’t brought here, multiple times, and was discussed even by you.
I do not know why you’re so very invested in dismissing this when you did not even need to involve yourself in it to begin with. You could have always dismissed it by not bothering to get involved in the first place.
I think it depends on the gravity of the “reason” why the person got “burned out”
For example, when i see big social media users being very very problematic like sending death threats and such things and when they are getting backlashed by being bad they leave for a while and then return, and when they do its like nothing happenned for a lot of people.
Or for example people legit doing scams, getting called out, they go away for a while and return and magically its fine…
Some of these reasons to me should be a perma “hate that person” for everyone, unless they really make amands, but they dont since it dont matter.
And these things are very very true wiht some people on twitter…one that start with a B and with a L if some ppl here know.
My particular points you did not, i was actually curious to know your thoughts on the legion becoming more sci-fi.
Well, as i said, i had a feeling of unfinished busness not knowing your actual position!
I think its a bit more complicated than that, the thing is Europe is not like the US (oh really?!!! duuude!) What i mean, is, well there is a lot of different countries with a very different history behind each of them, and they not like “a mass of people” thinking the same. Its why i say its bit “more complicated”
And then i see this :
All fine haha
I feel like you would be a good friend of that B…L on twitter
I stay away from most social media because I have to follow politics as a part of my job, and I would rather not be driven insane. Well, more insane but that’s beside the point.
Thats a good thing, i also did the same, but i still have informations from friends who are on it still =p
But yeah, one of the main problem i think is that, you are kind of “forced” to see people you dont want, because even let say if you watch thing are even remotely linked to wow, you will get all the threads as recomendations =/
So I thought Gladiator 2 was borderline unwatchable.
I don’t really care about historical accuracy that much, it’s a movie afterall. But when you’ve zombie baboon bersekers and war rhinos it might as well be in a fantasy setting.
It could be fun action shlock but it takes itself so damn seriously. And no. You already had the coliseum filled with sharks. This is dumb. Be dumb fun now you’re not allowed to try to have serious drama anymore.
I know. But I suppose I just find it amusing is all. Movies like 300 and Gladiator are known for a lot of things, historically accurate is rarely one of the descriptors
I dunno, that sounds exactly like the kind of movie I’d want to watch.
Like, a movie about the moon landing with a brief intermission to that battle with vampires that never gets brought up again, then back to the moon landing?
lol buddy, I’m on the fence with all that’s happening in the US, just watching from my country… there been a strong cultural shift that affecting a lot of people. The things happening on the news I still can’t believe it’s actually happening… it almost feels like a movie, still waiting on some stuff to be confirm as true and I’m extremely worried about some of my friends in America. Last time I talk to them they didn’t sound ok…
Tensions are high…to the point that you can’t even talk about any game with faction (not just WoW) without turning into a IRL political stuff… I had to pull away from a few WoW chats from What’s App since most only main Alliance Players there were apparently Republicans and the only mains that we had were Horde apparently were Democrats… and I was the middle guy trying to keep the peace with a few others just trying to stick to the game or stories, but getting hit from boths side because apparently you can’t have common ground nowadays with both sides! Lets just say it got very nasty and ugly…
2025 started also with a lot of drama besides the political stuff… I never seen anything like it, it’s like everyone is going through difficult personal stuff. Good time to inspire to write interesting stories but really hard to find the time or calm mind to do anything! Had to leave my job because got both my parents sick and my brothers are full on with their own family crisis… nothing new to me, as I thrive in chaotic environments but still limited in what one can do or would want to do.
But still CHAOS, looovvveee it as it show such colorful sides of all life!!!
Just stay positive and like others have said stay away from social media rot like your doing and remember it’s the internet, misunderstanding will happen… just try to have fun with the read.
BTW when are you going to update your character to reflect the Sunfury theme! Fashion transmog is the true endgame of all online game! NEED TO REPRESENT with your avatar!
Really stalled in my late 20s in HC. Can’t find a SFK or BRD group to save my life and I’m running out of quests that can be solo’ed. Thinking the only safe, albeit extremely boring, option is to just grind it out to 30.
The thing which annoyed me most in the movie was the depiction of Caracalla and Geta which is completly wrong and here to invent a false depiction of the romans emperors.
Roman emperors were not dumb kids that were completly brain deficient…i mean, some were but it was a very tiny minority, and if they really wanted to put a dumb emperor kid from the Severan dynastie, Elagabalus was just out there…
But no, they had to put a duo of mini Commodus from the 1st movie, which already was a wrong depictions of the real Commodus.
I really dont like it because, it gives you the idea that : Good guys have cool beard, muscles and badass, while bad guys look like kids, without beard and mentaly deficient…
While we did see time and time again the roman emperors that you could look completly badass, but be a big jerk (its what the real Caracalla was.)
Also, what i find very silly, is that, they could have made them look like how they actually looked in real life, which man, they were Syrians you know? But no, they had to make them look like white persons for some reasons…