Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)


Erevien didn’t mean Male Human Paladin players are on suicide watch!!

He just meant that players who play Male Human Paladins!!!

It is totally very really different.

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At first I was wondering what you were talking about. It is evident now.

Is it even that? Polite discussion is hardly redemption, imo.

I suppose you are correct, but you say it like it’s a bad thing.

I can have arguments with people in one thread… and a civil discussion in another. I can hold back my vitriol if someone else is being polite.

Especially in the Lounge thread of all places.

Not walking back on anything. You just love to blow things out of context. I never met such a tense hostility on the european forums.

Not interested in your excuses Erevien.

Before I spoke up, it was all “how you doing, happy birthday, let’s chat about video games, you doing okay??”

When you’re talking about a guy infamous for saying how black people existing in Stormwind offends him, to suddenly chatting like he’s your pal, it certainly feels like trying to give a redemption arc. And clearly others saw where I was coming from, since it quickly ended.

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You are the one being rude here. You expect me to do better but you either ignore me anyways or start attacking my own heritage because “he is a german so he must be n.azi loL”. I have nothing else to say to you now. Have fun. Somehow.

He might have some friends that wish him well. I don’t know if that is redemption. I suppose redemption is in the eye of the beholder.

To paraphrase Sylvanas: “Who needs redemption, anyway.”

I was looking at the whole thing quite askance… but not because of this Human Pally comment that has people in an uproar. That didn’t seem like a big deal in particular.

To be frank, I found some irony in this MHP post that is being discussed …with that poster’s own blow up after Undermine was announced. That blow up got him some much needed time off.

I took some monthseof therapy and distanced from the forums to take care of my mental health.


Erevien… this isn’t really something you want to stand your ground on or be proud of. It’s nothing to be ashamed of to admit you might have done something wrong.

That’s because it’s Europe. I know a few people from there who don’t consider it racist to believe that people of different “races” shouldn’t mix or interact with each other. They often pretend it’s about “culture” or “nationalism”. They tend to not have a problem with people visiting or being friends but nope to “mixing”…

This is the US forums. While we might be in the midst of a cultural backlash moment from those who can’t handle progress, we are still striving to be a more inclusive and accepting people… at least that’s what I keep myself sane as I navigate this world as one of the privileged while aware that when diversity is embraced the world is much better off.


I’m not in an uproar about it at all tho. I’ve made what upset me very clear, and I did not mention yet another in the long list of funny suicide jokey jokes made around here even once, beyond finding the whole “I wasn’t targetting players, I was targetting players” argument.

Yeah, I saw the things they said to you on the EU forums too.

You’re just blatantly lying now.


Most people discussing here (notice I didn’t say everyone ) seem to acknowledge that Erevien has issues. He acknowledges it himself. He is seeking help. Good for him.

I remember when the various NEFPA were spamming the Forums after Teldrassil burned, we had some unstable NEFPA talking about “self harm” too.

But the NEFPA were more sinister about it. They changed Forum Avatars every time their drama got them banned. At least Erevien is owning his issue and seeking help, instead of rolling new Alts like the Night Elf Forum Posting Alts after Teldrassil burned.

I take it for what it is - madness.

It springs its head every now and then.


I never saw any night elf posters literally go on Twitter tirades about how my IRL people should be executed if they don’t leave “their” homeland. They certainly wouldn’t have been given credit for at least doing it on main instead of handle-hopping.

So maybe it’s just not the same for me.


It’s not even remotely close to the discussion that’s being had.

He knows it, and he doesn’t care.


but that’s every thing i stand for :exploding_head:


I am more of a Sunfury guy myself.

I mean, you are right that I don’t care about Twitter drama. I never use Twitter, I don’t have a Twitter account, and I tend to leave the Twitter drama at the door.

I wouldn’t know what those NEFPA do on Twitter, either. I am just discussing what’s going on here.

I deleted my twitter and now I am only on threads.

I wanted to say that on the witchcraft thread, but since we are at it : Yeah i feel like its all you do actually “not agree with people” you dont even care about the topic, just like you did not care about the overall topic in the witchcard thread, you just aimed at "proving me wrong and correcting me and overall being “not agree”.

Because overall, you did not even give your thoughts or pov about what i was talking about, you just “did not agree” and pointed things you considered were wrong.

Which by the way, is useless because it dont do anything to make the topic of the thread evolve, just being annoying.

Huh, well guess I’ll call myself out on it.

This generalization is inappropriate. While my prior statement is correct, in that it is true to my experiences, it is also true that I know that Europeans as a whole are not inherently racist.

Back when I played DCUO I moved to the EU servers because of how bad the US servers were.

Same, I avoid that place, here and a few select discords and Subreddits are the only “social” media I have. I have been tempted to get a bluesky but that’s a different situation entirely.

Sure I did - as a matter of fact, I posted in that thread before you did.

So, you are wrong. Again.

I did not post just to disagree with you. I do care about the topic. I actually posted in that thread before you did.

So, maybe think about how ego centric you are.

I posted in that thread before you did.

You have an ego issue if you think it is all about you.

I am not the only person who disagreed with you. And I posted in that thread before your posts

It isn’t all about you. But I appreciate that you give me so much thought.