Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Ok, i think i got it now!!! Thanks!!! Hum, i knew that person was weird!

Oh thank you, i actually wanted to tell you that, even if i were in disagreement wiht you in the past, even if i made fun of you (more your words than you as a person) even if i may be annoying, unseferuable, i will never actually hate you, thing is, i am always open for talk, always open to help, even if i had a bad day with the person previously, someone to have my real bad side really really really need to hurt me hard.

So yes, thanks for the compliments despite me being bad to you in the past, and again, i dont hate you, or anything, i always try when i answer to someone even when its in ā€œbad mannerā€ to differenciate the idease from the person, i think that, someone can have bad idea some days, good idease another day, the person itself can always be good to talk with.


lol you mean the guy who just made a joke on here about suicide, has a long history of breaking ToS including making threats, telling people to (would actually get banned if i said this but he didnt some how) and taking lore WAAAAAY too seriously?
I dont think hes on a redemption arc, I think people just dont care.


Yeah. True. A lot of us are that stage of Heā€™ll say something stupid eventually and get himself banned, so weā€™re stuck with him until than.

Better to be cordial and keep our own accounts safe than to act like him


Oh no, he wont get banned.
I have seen this guy say absolutely insane things that break ToS, flagged with what I can only assume are hundreds of reports, only to be unflagged the next day.

Anyone can just scroll through his history, they are all still there!


Than weā€™ll just have to continue to call out his insane takes in such a way that doesnā€™t get ourselves banned. Weā€™ve all done it before. We all know the routine sadly and the whole song and dance on how to react

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FF7 is great but it does hog a lot of the spotlight. FF8 was always my favorite, Iā€™m not sure why but it is.

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Well. Some people gonna try and treat Person X like a pal, others wonā€™t. Moving on.

So. Final Fantasy games, huh?

Ok, you can all judge and judge and judge some more, but the only single Final Fantasy game I have absolutely ever played?


No seven, no ten, no nine or one or thirteen or six point six three.

I did play rather a lot of ChronoTrigger when that came out, which is sorta the same, but I just never even once made it to playing a Final Fantasy game. Not for any reason, just never had the time (TBH, for almost every single one, I can say I was working and almost certainly be right) or the console or the patience.

The fanmade videos tho, I had plenty of time for those!! I think FF8 fan videos were some of my favorites!!


Calling out the disadvantages of the Horde is not against the TOS. Anyone who watched BFA happen can assure this is infact true.

ā€œExtreme Sexuality / Violenceā€
ā€œThis category includes both clear and masked languageā€
ā€œRefer to extremely violent real life actionsā€


After replaying the Warcraft RTS games I find myself hoping Blizzard will do a Warcraft 4 someday.

This was not directed at people my dude but the concept of a loathsome part of the community who continue to have bad opinions.

Who, apparently, are no longer people.


Iā€™m not having this discussion with you. I already told you it was wrong and everyone agrees. You can try to claim this or that, it does not matter.
Your obsession over this games stupid lore causes you to act like people behind the screen with different opinions are not people.
The very least, LEAST you could do is man up and admit fault.

No one is defined by their mistakes, but rather how they try to fix them.


Eh. I donā€™t agree. Just seems like the regular back and forth.

He specifically said Male Human Paladins, which are not real. Thatā€™s like saying Gnolls or Wisps or Dragons.

If he said Male Human Paladin Playersā€¦ likeā€¦ the actual the Peopleā€¦. I might think he was a bit overboard.

He has said some things I disagree with, to be sure. But that comment didnā€™t seem so out of left field for the setting.

This is just being disingenuous on purpose. You KNOW Erevien was talking about the players who play human paladins.

Heā€™s wrong, and will remain wrong. No need to pathetically try and justify what was said or even make light of what was said.

I know a few people who suffer from mental health issues and this isnā€™t funny, cute or something to be made light of. Itā€™s a very serious subject


What are you even on about. No one needs my justification.

However, when some one wants to speak for how ā€œeveryoneā€ feels, presuming they all feel the same , I will say:

That is not the case. I donā€™t feel that way. I didnā€™t find making jokes about MHP - which arenā€™t real - particularly offensive. Speak for yourself.

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Male human paladins is a mindset. It urges some players to act hella racist against the non human races of the game who are deeply inspired by real life cultures outside the usual stereotypes.

I already said I am not having this absolutely bonkers conversation with you or him.
He can walk it back as much as he wants, you and I both have seen things from him that absolutely checks out that he would not be referring to in game.

Thatā€™s my line, I have nothing more to say.

ā€¦and FFS letā€™s be real for a second here. Even if it was not meant to be that way, itā€™s still a topic that should not be treaded upon as lightly as it was even if it is in gameā€¦


I make fun of MHPs for the same reason we joke about Garithos, the Scarlet Crusade or Arthas even. It is a cringe af way to interact with Azeroth who dream of a time when humans were only a crusader meme. I mean No harm to the players behind the characters.

We know what you meant Erevien and no walking it back is going to diminish what you were implying. Nobody is falling for it.

Just stop. Do better. End of discussion