Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Misdirect Barrage!! Distracting Shot (I miss that spell)!!

I managed to find my old WoW Txitter account this morning and now I do not know what to do with it.

Should I leave it a hollow and empty shell?

Should I take screenshots of the dumb things I do in-game so people can laugh at me?

Post a review of all the best mailboxes to dance on?

Fishing reviews?!?

I do not know.

I shamelessly admit that I buy it from a local store near me, but itā€™s sooo good :blush:

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No shame in that. Gingerbread sounds really good. Egg nog one sounds good too (unless Iā€™m one of the only weirdos that actually likes Egg nog.)


I like it with a little alcohol in it :blush:


TFW you are logging on to all your alts for trivia night in the Caverns of Time, and you randomly get an achievement for 400 mounts, and it both scares you and leaves you perplexed.

I thought I already had 400 mounts???

Has Blizzard been jipping me on my mount totals this whole time?!?

It was a joke at first but then blizz got scared and gave the mount up at the end :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got a deal to have KFC chicken for basically free yesterday and I gotta be honest Iā€™m still not sure it was worth the money I paid for it

you can go a long way with me with bland unflavored chicken as long as it isnā€™t dry. this isnā€™t dry and it still manages to be horrible.


There is nothing worse than disappointing KFC. My old worksite had a KFC close enough for me to get food from, and I was super excited!!

And thenā€¦ Disappointing chicken.

I can feel your pain.

Yeah, they knew better. They knew if I started looking into it and found out I was being stiffed on my mounts, I would be very upset with them and the last time that happened, it ended very poorly for them.


KFC can be good but I donā€™t think theyā€™ve added anything good recently. The fries they replaced the wedges with are really good, I like those. But then they replaced their popcorn chicken with nuggets, which is a big downgrade. Those nuggets are not good. Itā€™s unfortunate.

I miss the wedges. :frowning: I tried to order them yesterday and they didnā€™t even know what I was talking about. I was gone from America too long!

Itā€™s only a breakfast menu item but Wendyā€™s has really good wedges

Now Iā€™m hungry. You have all awakened my hunger.

And I must consumeā€¦


Waffles. You need waffles.


Everyone knows pancakes are the superior food :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean french toast is the superior product.


With pancakes is the breakfast of champions :stuck_out_tongue:


Remeber there used to be a troll poster who used to put a pancake at the end of all his posts?

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Oh yeah, I totally forgot his name. :blush:

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I remember PancakeTroll!!


Pancaketroll! Thatā€™s what I called him too!