Fun Fact: In Japan the Word for 7 is pronounced Na…
In Final Fantasy 7 an A(Aerith) perished with Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus each having their own A(Azul in Dirge and Angeal in Crisis Core) die.
FF7 Remake is about trying to N a Remake. FF7 Rebirth is about trying to N a Rebirth while I suspect the 3rd Game is going to be N-Aerith Reverse(FF7 Reverse) as it reveals that Cloud is dead not Aerith!
Secret Level was really hit or miss for me. The D&D one was cool but Tiamat showing up at the end just made me laugh. Like that group is smoked. That’s a literal God and they’re struggling with cultists.
The Warhammer 40k and Armored Core ones were great. And I liked the Pac-Man one for being so completely bizarre. But the others were more miss than hit for me, and I remain baffled how Concord got an episode.
It would definitely be cool to see a WoW episode but I would still get down on my hands and knees and beg Blizzard to hire Powerhouse Animation (the Castlevania guys) to animate a story about 5 new adventurer characters set in Vanillia WoW. Make a storyline about gathering this five man band that culminates in one of WoW’s classic dungeons.
Said it before but you get a young human warrior farmboy from Westfall as our protagonist who teams up with an older dwarf Paladin to be his mentor. They travel to Booty Bay and enlist an Undead warlock and Orc rogue to rescue a Kaldorei Priestess from like BRD or Zul’Gurub. Who of course is a Leia type who was already freeing herself.
With 5 characters thus established you can do stories digging into the deeper lore with them. But keep it an adventure story focused on a rag tag team of unlikely allies. Because that’s what’s the game is about.
Those were the same for me, the ones I like, that and the MegaMan one, when I was extremely young… got all nostalgic! Thats rare, I am not a nostalgic person and I almost never like how most Heroes are written… even more rare me rooting for one! lol
Totally agree, Vox Machina has that vibe too… but the studio that writes and animates Castlevania would get it right for sure! I can totally see it being very successful! Valve did this too with Dota: Dragonblood. (freaking love that short series to death)
Blizz could even use their own studio who does their short WoW HD cinematics and illustrated story to do those if they wanted, like League of Legends did with Arcane.
Then again knowing my friends, if they do a CGI Series of WoW I can see players and people will want Blizz to create a WoW theme game or side game with those type of realistic graphics just like my friends would, like the popular BG3, Witcher 3, Dragon Age, etc… so nvm!
I just do not understand the pressing need to give a redemption arc to a guy who once said that all people like me (Arabs) should be deported from europe, and those left behind should be exterminated.
I just do not understand why people here would wish to give that type of person a redemption arc.
First, I am super sorry someone said something horrible like that and its effected you.
Second, I dont watch the news but I hope what ever is going on over there you are safe. I’m assuming a politician or someone said something stupid…as seems to be the norm these days.
Oh no, I’m talking about someone here who is being given his redemption arc after having said things like that for literal years, being known for it, having the evidence screenshotted, linked directly to where it was said, etc.
So it’s a little frustrating seeing people I trusted, people who knew about his behavior, people who would once shame said behavior, now just… Call this person friend.
The GW2 story is great. From All MMOs I have played it is by far the one with the most impact of personal choice. SWTOR fell from grace with bad patches and ESO just announced they won’t get new expansions. The market for these games seem to shrink right now and in the end only a few will remain.
I’ve heard rumors of a potential Team Fortress 3. But it’s been years since we heard anything about it. And Valve is notorious for not doing threeequels to certain titles.
So that’s the funny part about Blizzard’s TOS; if I say who it is, I get banned. It doesn’t matter that there’s years of evidence, of actual proof, of his behavior, attributing his name to that is bannable.
All past hostility asside, I know you’re smart enough to figure it out pretty quick.
Maybe even before their birthday.
It’s also worth mentioning since you’re new that we don’t have a wealth of people like “Person X”. We’ll get the once-a-few-months troll drop in and use WoW races as their favorite racism stand-in, but they never last. “Person X” is really the only 100% true problematic person we have. At least in that regard.
I figured since you’re new, I didn’t want you getting the wrong impression about how prevalent this issue actually is.
It’s just kinda off-putting seeing the welcome backs and well-wishes they’re getting. Probably why my mood’s gone all sour on this place lately.