Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I can make quite a lot of dishes but in my experience nothing, and I mean nothing, gets you laid like a well made grilled cheese sandwich.

Just yellow and white American cheese - from the deli not from a bag, obviously - on two buttered pieces of Texas toast style white bread put in a now archaic but reliable George Foreman grill.

Cut diagonally and serve with tomato soup.

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Bene, are you trying to seduce an old woman with the flu?

Cuz if so, it could be working!!


Careful Iā€™m single and like my women like I like my wine. Which is to say- I enjoy them in general.

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See I keep trying to let her know her age isnā€™t a problem.

Oh well.


I mean tbf I havenā€™t measured ages but in my experience most women are ducking goblinoids who just want food and warmth.

It can be a struggle getting your foot in the door but if you can show a woman you can produce tasty food and make basic repairs youā€™re pretty much locked in.

Thatā€™s the secret. Learn how to fix a pipe and make a few nice diners.


Anyone else wish Warhammer 40K Games had Free Roam? They all have wonderous environments!

Imagine visiting the Locales of Darktide without the Chaos Insurgents and doing the same with the locales of Chaos Gate Daemonhunters and Space Marine 2!

Imagine seeing Cathedral City built upon Cathedral City wandering through each one and gazing upon Tech Priests waving Censors and Staves over the Machinery while also anointing them with Olive Oil while also preaching at the Tech!


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Oh, my dear benediktionā€¦

I can do far more then fix a pipeā€¦ I am for all intents and purposes a general repair and maintenance workerā€¦ all the consequence of my upbringing and the need to be able to make repairs and get back to work.

The dinners Iā€™m a bit rusty onā€¦ too much time cooking mac and cheese, reheating meatballs and cooking spaghetti. Still trying to find some good spaghetti, I live kind of away from everything so shopping and cooking becomes a case of working with whatā€™s around and making substitutions.

I do think Iā€™m pretty good at ā€œdoctoringā€ up stuff.


Perhaps then youā€™d just like a pretty Italian man with long hair who makes you nice food and calls you beautiful?


I wouldnā€™t turn down the compliments or the food, but Iā€™m sorry to say I donā€™t really have an interest in guys. You are being awfully sweet though.


i got a meme for tonight!
the caption on the should read when nori tries to rp lol


I missed the sale but it was still good. Playing as Zenobia in Total War Rome 2 yesterday and it was fun. I didnā€™t realise 270 AD was already majorly christian influence in the empire.


I finally have my coffee maker and espresso maker working and shall be indulging in my first cup of caffiene since Sunday!!

Yes Nightsong, I do know that just because coffee is made with water, you do not think it counts as drinking water, but I still believe that science experiments have not yeilded enough results!!!

Because I cannot move any more stuff today, it is looking like today shall just be about maybe playing some Classic Timewalkering.


I have that discussion with my mother every time she is sick or her blood pressure is off.

Me: ā€œHave you been drinking enough water?ā€

Mom: ā€œI drank coffee.ā€

Me: ā€œā€¦.ā€


Coffee is just flavored water with zest. I shall fight on a really short hill on this :rofl:


In this caseā€¦ close enough. I use additives to water to make it not taste like minerals, so Iā€™d be a hypocrite if I faulted you for having coffee.

Especially considering I know what itā€™s like to not have my caffeine fixā€¦


Muddy Water is as opaque as Juice(which is to say not completely) so no surprise there.

Chocolate Milk is Water with Chocolate and Milk added in.

Juice is Water with a Fruitā€™s Minerals added in.

The reason I get the Stevia Waters from Shopperā€™s Drug Mart is because Stevia cleans the teeth with itā€™s anti-bacterial properties which is good for the Sabbath. Yes it decreases the quality of digestion during that day thanks to itā€™s Antibacterial Properties but is an acceptable price as I notice the digestion returns to normal over time ensuring the waste comes out normally.

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so i heard guildwars 2 theory that makes a lot of sense to me and its that Queen Jennah
is one of the hafs of Dwayna goddess of air and life in disguise


Ok guys one of my friends who has been catching up in the 2024 and 2025 fantasy and sci-fi Series recommended me Secret Level and Oh my goshā€¦ its sooo good! First episode had me really giggling with excitement! It was about D&D and made me wish Chromatus got an animated model and got his story brought to life in WoW so badā€¦!!

It was better than I ever hope! God I wish we get stuff like this for WoW or even side stories like D&D do with Neverwinter and BG3 titlesā€¦ :drooling_face:
Also the episodes are contain super short stories very good stuff if your just looking for inspiration for your own stories or are just grinding for the Siesbarg Mount! (yes Iā€™m slowly but surely grinding it, I think I even saw and met Bigfels character we even waiveā€¦ at least I think it was him/her)

Oh that a really old one never confirm but the game constantly teases you on itā€¦ I use to remember quite a few more cool unique speculations back in the day, but I havenā€™t played since the previous expansionā€¦ The camping looking expansion just like FF14 vacation expansion was definitely not the type of adventures I like to play in my RPGs.

Have you play the last expansionā€¦? Is it good?
My last was the one were we befriended the Body Horror Demons to overthrown their cannibalizing kindred in that dimension we open in the Magic City. I think it was called Wayfinder.


janthir wilds is the latist one and itā€™s one of the best yet in my opinion
has player housing as well


Depending how it goes with Undermine"D" Iā€™ll probably check GW2 story then, thanx!