Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

BfA is the worst expansion ever! They said.

But like… We had this. I loved the black empire and mantid invasions.


Going down is always worse than going up. I also moved recently, out of an old farm house and into a 1 bedroom above an antique store in the historic downtown district of my small town.

Aside from being newly single in boomer-ville Midwest USA, the new place is awesome.


My niece moved up to a fourth floor apartment the other week. She ordered furniture but they left it down stairs. She thought they would bring it up.

That’s when I got the call.

After hauling it up and through the halls, I told her “that’s why god made Uncles. Anytime you need help, call me.”

But in my mind I was like “yeeesh, had to be the 4th floor”


So I am not in the middle of my move at all!! I… Am at the very beginning. Because wouldn’t you know it, but I started to get very, very sickly when moving. All I managed to get yesterday was my bed, which I then spent 21 hours in!!

I am hoping to move the PC and desk today, but oh my gosh. I just do not know!!


Best of luck, hopefully it’s just your body getting used to the new place and its microbiome…

Anyways… wishing you a speedy recovery and easier transferers.




Hugs Hope you get better soon! And your move goes smooth once you can start again.



Hardcore servers were down so I abruptly started a replay of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Otherwise known as the best action SW game ever made and I will die on that hill.

So I may’ve just forced myself into a full replay of that.


I remember that game. It was fun, at least that’s what my vague memories of it are saying.


Hello what did I miss?

Hello, Erevien. Just couldn’t stay away?

Alynsa is back… :dracthyr_love_animated:

ahem… :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

As for the rest not much has really changed, just the same people making the same old arguments as they try to find anyone who will agree with them that their obsession is valid.

So, you going to be good this time or just back to the same old behaviors? I seem to recall you mentioning you were looking into therapy. You manage to find someone to talk to?


I made a new discord and caught up on the story quests. My Birthday is next week so I treat myself buying stuff from Steam. Tbh I barley play WoW these days.


Hardcore WoW is weird because the most random things put the fear of God in you. I hit Hillsbrad like I was in SEAL Team Six and had no problems.

Only to nearly eat it over Mudsnout Gnolls because someone decided they should spawn faster than Catholic rabbits and have lightning bolts that hit like runaway ice cream trucks.

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Well, welcome friend. Happy birthday and hope you’re doing well.

Speaking of steam, I been obessesed with Team Fortress 2 and I pre ordered Doom: The Dark Ages


Happy birthday.

I like to treat myself sometimes as well.

Wait what… :face_with_monocle: An FPS where I get to be a melee nut and potentially not use a gun… :smiling_imp:

That was a lot of fun in Fallout 4.


You do get a chainsaw shield and mace as one of your weapons. Along with your standard demon killing arsenal :dracthyr_heart:

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I’ve mainly just been leveling my lock in Hardcore but I did start a game of Civ V with a friend of mine.

Sadly nothing will compare to a legendary game I played with another friend that’ll now be perpetually unfinished due to him dying.

His fascist Japanese, my democratic Egyptians and the AI’s communist Iroquois were in a three way world war for the planet. Both of us agreed not to side with the AI so it was a nuclear robo war without end.

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In my youth, I remember playing Earthworm Jim on Sega, and this song really stood out to me.


This absolutely mid game has had it’s song stuck in my head for most of mu life;


Well, wouldn’t ya figure? I finally start the move I’ve been waiting to start for two months, and… I got the flu. So the move has had to halt!! Because I am dizzy, weak, vertigone, and possibly delirious.

Which sounds all super bad and scary. But then there are the new neighbors, coming in to save the day!!They not only helped to move my PC and desk and bed, IE the important stuff, but then they came over with pork chops and mac ‘n’ cheese!!

Either they are truly sweet people or they plan to induct me into a sex cult. As long as there is more food, I might be fine with it. I’m not very much as all a sex cult kinda person, but a free mac ‘n’ cheese person?? Just make sure your business is done before the mac ‘n’ cheese.

Kidding, of course. No mac ‘n’ cheese is that good.

I did go to the hospital Nightsong, cuz I know you’re gonna ask. That’s where they said flu. They said fluids, yadda yadda, but… FLU-ids!! That sounds like I’m just making the flu worse!!



Oh good… I’m happy to hear you went and got yourself checked out.
