Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Extraterrestrials are more likely to move random Humans offworld and give them advanced enough tech to create Interstellar Empires for the laughs and chuckles than mess with random Governments.

Any Extraterrestrial capable of ruling our Government from the shadows is more than capable of terraforming a Planet and ruling it in broad daylight in their own name! Especially since any interstellar police force is impossible for anyone except God and his Angels so no one is going to object to their reign except God himself and the only Aliens he would drive to the shadows are those who would actually comprehend what he is capable of I.E Demons.

In a society filled with people claiming to be Christians who are supposed to hate Demons said Demons wouldnā€™t bother using the stereotypical Demon form(and passing themselves as Gods as they did in the past will anger the Monotheists enough that the Western Countries will be aiming every gun they have on them tearing the planet apart by firing their weapons) and their true forms are probably too large to effectively use to rule the planet. Therefore they have no choice but to use subtlety.

Iā€™ve been in a Season of Discovery vortex and came back to see 111 replies since I last checked yesterday and I was like ā€˜oh noā€™, but now I see that itā€™s still good vibes and I DONā€™T have to silently disappear for a little bit. I love that! :sob: :heart:

I had forgotten how absolutely mind numbingly addictive WoW can be. Season of Discovery got me out here trapsing through caves for HOURS. We just got a massive amount of snow where I am so itā€™s peak cozy vibes, Iā€™m not even madā€¦ I just wish I didnā€™t have to work today!

I have an UD Shadow Priest at level 20 (Shadow is amazing this season!) and Iā€™m working on Droma (re-born!) and Shaman tanking is a dream! (Even though Iā€™m horrifically bad at it.)


Is this satire?

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Iā€™ve lost count how many hours Iā€™ve lost exploring Amidrisaal/The Emerald Dream this patch. Itā€™s sooo beautiful and the events are fun to engage with too

How is Season of Discovery? I noticed a lot of the runes they added are ones we have in retail :blush:

Hard to tell with sometimes. Itā€™s a interesting theory regardless :stuck_out_tongue:


The Emerald Dream patch is gorgeous. I wish I had the same enthusiasm but Iā€™m finding it somewhat alienating as a non-NE. Even on my Worgen Druid, I just wish there was more variety in the Druids that are there. (But, in the same breath I understand why there isnā€™t.) I feel like it needs a bit more Horde representation maybe? I canā€™t quite put my finger on it.

I race changed Nithae (again) to a Night Elf and that seemed to help with the immersion a bit, but I think I just have SO MUCH Night Elf story fatigue that it feels almost like Iā€™m just too tired to enjoy it fully, which is sad. Iā€™ve waited a LONG time for this content. Iā€™m really glad people are enjoying it though. On a light note, the transmogs are stunning, I love the visuals and Nithae looks like an absolute dream on the new mounts. I canā€™t get the damn boots to drop to complete the blue/white mail set though! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Itā€™s incredibly fun! Itā€™s basically the same game with a slight twist of adding very OP retail-esque abilities that you can find via hidden means, so it requires you to adventure outside of your normal route which is a super fun way to mix it up. Itā€™s been super fun to be part of the real-time discovery since there was no PTR for this release, it really adds to the nostalgic part of WoW in that noone actually knows what to do 'cause it isnā€™t on WoWhead yet!

Thereā€™s also the added twist of some classes having new roles like Shaman tanks or Mage healers. Itā€™s been SO fun! (Iā€™m also honestly loving having friends to play with as well!)


Best part about SoD is that you can play it like an actual RPG and build however you want.

Feel like the build variety is the largest incentive within the game and makes it particularly fun to go through, and way better than base classicā€™s inability on trying to be experimental with a build that feels particularly different or fulfilling to come up with.


Well, your thinking is quite limited.

For example:

What if Humanity was like, the loser of some cosmic war, and we got put on Earth as a sort of internment camp, and they just visit us now and then to make sure we havenā€™t learned to leave the solar system they put us on?

Or what if the universe has been scoured and scourged, but ultimately good aliens won, and they learned after some great and terrible war to leave younger species to their own devices. So they just monitor us - people make the example of tagging wildlife or catch and release.

Those are just two extreme ways to consider reasons for aliens existing but not outright taking over. I am sure I could come up with more if I wasnā€™t getting ready for work at the same time.

EDIT : I just had the thought of other Alien Planets having ā€œHuman Rights Activistsā€ demanding their Alien Governments treat Humans with minimal cruelty. Sort of like we have ā€œAnimal Rights Activists.ā€ The irony.

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I know vanilla was grossly broken and a lot of talents and specs were useless, but thatā€™s the one thing I do miss about vanilla. It felt like a huge world and I used to love running from one zone to the next for certain quests

How you got your warlock pets in vanilla was especially fun, you had to go out in the world and actually bind them to you via quests. I also love how they bought back Metamorphis for Locks. Maybe itā€™ll make its way back into retail again someday


Yeah, the nice thing about SoD is that most (if not all) specs are being padded with runes and are now pretty much viable to play without being on the struggle bus. Obviously there are outliers as with any iteration of WoW (They already had to nerf hunters and mage healers due to being way over-tuned) but itā€™s nice to be able to play your ideal character without the need to drop a toon or spec because they arenā€™t viable.

This is honestly a HUGE part of the Warcraft experience for me. The class specific quests (Warlock demon quests, Shaman totem quests etc.) were so SO fun and added a layer of class fantasy that I really miss in retail WoW. While Iā€™m a big proponent of unlocking all the race/class combos in WoW eventually, I do think that little bit of race/class specific flare is sorely needed.

I also miss the cross-zone questing in retail like you mentioned. I know itā€™s not for everyone because it takes FOREVER but it definitely heightens the discovery element and makes the world feel giant!


Not really sure why thereā€™s this assumption that new race-class combos are something bad for the lore when they provide new facets of lore to be explored.

We got things like Harvest Witches and the Drust from human Druids, itā€™s less a thing of Blizz needing to stick to a small ultimately useless class-race standard and more a thing of Blizz needing to create experiences wherein your class/race feel like they influence how your character experiences the world (alike to other RPGs).

Even if they donā€™t make entirely new historical lore examples of a race-class combination, itā€™s still interesting to explore how a certain race is viewed among their peers of the same class when people like them arenā€™t considered the ā€˜norm.ā€™


Iā€™m taking a character through Uldum and Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ve remade the (numerous) in-engine cutscenes in this zone? Like itā€™s been a little bit but some of the camera angles and animations look different from what I remember. Dialogueā€™s all the same though. Donā€™t know when it would have happened.

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My only complaint I guess, is even though I love my druid, I donā€™t FEEL like a Harvest Witch you know? A worgen druid just feels like your generic elf druid 4286 and thereā€™s really nothing separating us from other druids besides the intial forms you get depending the race you pick.

Besides adding more class fantasy to the game, even if theyā€™re small side quests, I think the game also needs more customizations to help say, seperate a night elf hunter from your bog standard human hunter


Oh definitely.

Iā€™ve always been a member of the ā€˜this game has a disgusting lack of customization for an RPGā€™ crowd.

SLā€™s new customization additions felt like a dream come true. Only wish they kept the ball rolling with that, and gave us more class-based customization.

Felt like the minor glyph system they had was nice, but tying it to the barbershop like Druids now have would go a long way (along with bringing back old minor glyphs that they removed for 0 reason, cough cough verdant spheres cough cough).


Yeah, thatā€™s another thing that kind of saddened me. I hate how they completly abandoned the glyph system. But with the customizations they added for druids and warlocks for their pets via the babershop, my hope is that the new route they plan on going for future customization options.

Like how cool would it be to customize your elementals to some of the cool new models they added over the years, or add some armor to your wolf pet if your a hunter, etc.


Shaman is one of those classes that is in dire need of some customization.
Even just the ability to change what totems you use between the old and new models would be nice. Ghost Wolf not being tied to barber is also really weird considering thatā€™s the new standard.

Iā€™ve long lived under the hopeful delusion that Blizz would one day add an animation for your bird pet to perch on your shoulder or arm for hunter.

Hunter is another one of those classes where figuring out what customization to give them wouldnā€™t be too hard to do at all.


Hmm, itā€™s been EONS since I went through Uldum. In fact, I donā€™t think I have played through it since Cataclysm but I distinctly remember the cinematics being ā€˜shotā€™ at different angles to cater to the whole Harrison Jones thing in a bit of an action movie spoof. I could be wrong in that regard though.


All they really have to do is give us quivers. That is all I would need to be happy.

Well, and let me put bows and ribbons and other cute things on my pets.

I want a crocolisk named Petunia with a little pink bow, chasing down my enemies.


Then you are going to love Februaryā€™s Trading Post items. They have a pink heart bow :cupid:


The pink fox mount that was also datamined looks simply adorable. :blush:


Iā€™ll tell you this; I was not sure how I felt about this dark money trading house thing when it was first revealed. It seemed like a trick to make me do things I would rather not do. Like a boyfriend or whatever, basically. Offer shinies, con me into doing PVP!!

But so far I am surprised at how frequently I get a sound effect followed by me going all ā€œWho the what wazzat?!? Oh, more black money! Yay black money!!ā€ And just from doing my normal derpy derps!!