Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Why are you awake at 4am? Go back to bed!

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You forgot “Fly all around everywhere but grow frustrated because the racial category of dig site you need isn’t up, but the only way to get it to pop is to keep going to all these dwarf and night elf ones that you already have the cool stuff from, and never see any of the prizes you want anyway”

What other professions did I need for my Underlight Angler? Or my three (or was it more?) mounts exclusive to fishing? And dozens of pets? Or toys? Or titles? Or…

I know, this is just unfair because we both know fishing is superior to archeology.

After all, one makes you tons of gold and the other is archeology.

Now I’m’a go fish up some more island dorito fishes to sell on the AH because the twenty minutes I spent yesterday netted me about 4k gold, making it a 12k gold per hour gold farm.

All while watching YouTube videos about Antarctica mysteries!!

You know what you did, Twinkle.

You know what you did.


All i did was speak the TRUTH


It’s only the truth if you are a blasphemous hater of all the good things.

It’s only the truth if “fishing sucks” is code for “I’m’a poke the AlynsaBear and see what happens when she too wakes up at 4am, but east coast time.”


Fishing is boring and I can barely stand to do boring things that make money to feed myself irl and i will roar this truth and will not be suppressed by the Alynsauthorities


Fishing is not boring, because fishing brings joy and happiness to all willing to put the time into it!! Fishing is bliss!! Fishing is the Way!!!

You play a rogue.

I debunk your argument!!


I love fishing in WoW, but even I will admit that I do wish they’d look at some of their competition to improve it a bit.

RIFT has a fantastic fishing system. You can choose where you place your bobber and depending on where you place it (shallow or deep water) you get different types of fish. You also have to click the bobber multiple times if you get something rare.

Guild Wars 2 also added an awesome fishing system in their previous expansion, End of Dragons, where a control bar would appear when you caught something and you would have to keep the green mark in the control zone to catch the fish. The more skill required to catch the fish in relation to your own, the faster and more unpredictable the green mark would move, making fishing very challenging if you had low skill and were trying to fish up something in a higher level area or something that was rare.

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Because movement is fun, that is to say, the exact opposite of what you do in fishing

Fishing is like something for your hand to do while you do something more engaging with your brain, like watching videos of paint drying on YouTube >:c


I enjoy fishing to an extent, though I enjoy archaeology more. How much I enjoy fishing depends on the expansion. I haven’t enjoyed it for DF because it mostly seems to be a way to get renown. I tend to think things are more enjoyable whenever the activity is a reward in itself. WoD sucked for fishing, and I only did it in SL because it helped with cooking.

This isn’t much of a problem if you do archaeology on an alt you’re leveling, since archaeology is good for XP. By the time you get what you want you’ll get a decent amount of XP, and it’s guaranteed you’ll get all those prizes if you keep at it.

Alchemy and cooking requires fishing, which just means it takes longer to make things because you have to get fish. Other professions don’t require archaeology. So if someone likes making potions or food, they have to put up with fishing which they might not enjoy.

Archaeology drops give a decent amount of gold as vendor trash, fish don’t. You have to put fish up on the auction house to get money from it, which takes time to do along with figuring out what price to sell for.

When Blizzard puts in portals because people complain about it taking too long to get to places, it should make sense for Blizzard to lessen the time it takes to do professions.

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Then you should love it, because that exactly describes playing a rogue!!

And why is engaging your brain suddenly a bad thing!!

If Archeology’s biggest selling point is “you can use it to level an alt quick” then it is boring, because leveling ends and is itself also boring.

So what you’re saying is that not only does fishing get you fun mounts and pets and toys, it also makes you money because lazybones alchemists and Ramseys need you.


The answer is always one copper below the other people, and watch it sell before you’ve even put the next fishies up.

Fishing is best, and you all know it. Do not be jealous because you do not fish up island doritos for the hungering masses with me; instead, join me.

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One of the biggest points of the anniversary is being able to level quick.

Archaeology does all this with less effort.

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Exactly, because it is boring and something people want to be done with as quickly as possible.

By my chosen interpretation of your own admission, Archeology’s biggest selling point is that it too is boring and something you want to be done and over with quickly.

No. Getting your mounts and pets from archeology is a worse grind than renown. Go over here and get nothing done!! Now go over there and get nothing done!! Ok, you’re done now, time to fly from Silithus to Winterspring because it’s always fun to fly all the way across a whole continent!! Congratulations, you got a 10 gold vendor item for all that work. Less than 10% of the selling price of a single island dorito fish.

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You can’t speed up fishing.

Working to earn gold is probably boring for a lot of people.

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You also really don’t need to. It’s much quicker than leveling and archeology. 4k gold, 20 minutes.

See, archeology is work. You gotta fly over here, fly over there, fly back where you started, fly over to the middle. And then make your survey thing, follow it’s signal, go to a different spot, get your fragments of vendor trash, repeat a few times. All that for 10 gold.

THAT is work. That is minimum wage work. You can choose to work for minimum wage, running around for hours and hours, all to make not enough gold.

Or you can fish and be rich. A minimum effort, high reward profession.

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It’s me. Hi.

The one about the Pyramid?


That, something about a mystery hole in the mystery ice, bad guys having military bases there, and it all goes down the rabbit hole into hollow earth stuff.

It is great brain junkfood!!


It is but you have to be careful of that pipeline.

Turn back when you get to the lizard people run our governments are are eating babies. our governments are predatory but for wholly unextraterrestrial reasons.


There was some kind of thing there in the 80s


Yes, I heard. A shape changing alien Kurt Russell was found there. It was very tragic and sad.


There was a Predator vs Alien movie set in Antarctica.

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