Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)


This alliance only story drains my energy. Not sure If i can keep this Up with two more zones.

Honestly, what with The Puppy, I haven’t gotten far. I’m not going to be blazing through
 because my idiot self decided an aussie rottie puppy was fine to adopt. This dog. She craves cows to herd.

We’re settling for a lot of excercise and socialization and new tricks.

She’ll eventually do skijouring and maybe agility or search and rescue if I can figure it out. But right now my main goal is to prevent her from suicide via cat or knocking the old dog over.


I’m probably gonna try and actually level a profession this time, but we will see how long it actually lasts. Between that and delves, I will have something to do at least

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I would hate this. I hope this doesn’t happen.

The Empire of Avaloren, this far-flung civilization of Half-Elves, sounds like a perfect expansion setting for 14.0.

A big reset after whatever red button gets pushed in The Last Titan, and grounded enough to feel like Warcraft (because Humans, Elves, and Half-Elves are quintessential Warcraft).

Erevien, at the risk of telling you what you already know
 you don’t have to.

If you’re not having fun, stop.

No one is making you play, then focus on what you don’t like and inflate it in comparison to what you do. There’s a lot of great games and universes to love out there, so if this feels like a chore, or like you’re not feeling engaged, or just plain old not a good time
 it’s okay. It’s just entertainment (and shlocky entertainment at that), not an obligation.

I ignored most of WOD for multiple reasons, and one of them was that it just wasn’t tickling my pickle. And it was all alright.


Problem is, we live in a strange age, where people find joy by making other people feel bad or suffer.

For instance, in another thread, people made fun of Me just because I pointed out that I like Blizzard’s current writing, because, as an Alliance player, I only want to be the Hero. (so Blizzard’s writing aligns with this wish that I have)

But then other people are not okay with this! They say that NO, you HAVE to hate Blizzard’s writing, you HAVE to think that Blizzard writing is against you. You are not allowed to agree with Blizzard’s writing.

These people say “Hahaha everyone is losing with Blizzard’s writing” and
 No? I like Blizzard’s writing. Am I not allowed to like it?

It’s sad, but it is what it is. We live in a strange age where people enjoy making others feel bad about something, almost as an attempt to rub salt into the wound. Sad!

To quote Walt Kelly, “Don’t take life so serious. It ain’t nohow permanent.”

That goes double for internet engagement.

And like, triple for internet engagement over games. Especially the determined haters and the mass hysterics some people have decrying everything as woke and being determined to see the boogieman of AN AGENDA (as though writing could ever be entirely apolitical) around every corner. It’s exhausting how many threads pop up with people clutching their pearls that a female character was written as competent when you know those same pearls remained firmly unclenched when it was a male character.

I saw a thread with someone complaining that Jaina was going to girlboss her way into taking Khadgar’s place as archmage.

The observant among you may notice a slight issue with that namely that it was Jaina’s spot first you absolute muppet

But anyway. No sense in trying to tilt at every windmill. Just the most vexing.


Khadgar fanboys are in shambles. Khadgar has just been exposed as the FRAUD that he is, he would not stand a chance against Jaina. Surely no one is left who doubts this, after that pathetic performance Khadgar gave?

Khadgar is lucky that Jaina never held a grudge. :slight_smile:



bait used to be believable


Finally finished the leveling campaign and dinged 80, some brief thoughts on each segment:

When it comes to the Earthen I liked them more than I expected I was a bit sour on them for being the allied race because I think shoving them into the Horde as well felt out of place and weird but I definitely enjoyed them. I especially loved Baelgrim,

and was a bit sad he went out when he did.
Enjoyed his more “edict-central” personality, and ofc gryphon rider.

The Machine speakers felt weird to me.

Could tell from the start we were gonna just replace the High Speaker and I didn’t really like that
, and it also feels weird to make them so distinct from the other Earthen in terms of leveling. The Kobolds were definitely fun though.

Hallowfall was my favorite part. Everything about the Arathi were enjoyable, and I also enjoyed Anduin’s part in it - though I wasn’t a huge fan of some of his and Faerin’s talks. Some of them felt a bit melodramatic or her being so good that it made things feel weird for me reading them. Kinda took me out of it briefly.

The Nerubian portion near the end was also very enjoyable, and I loved the ancient anub-fella we interact with a decent bit. Fun expansion, so far.

Pop up
 “early access is live.”

 I’m aware now get out of my way. My Shaman is calling me to dust off the cobwebs and awaken her to again rampage.

Sadly, Shaman feels annoyingly weak unless you chose to play the degenerate build the “Elite” keep pushing and even than it’s not so much that they don’t still feel weak it’s just that they hit slightly harder more often
 which just leaves us in the dust as all of the other classes, even many of the tank specs, outpace us.

Oh well she’s still my first to finish the content class and she will remain so. At least I enjoy the visuals and general flow of my totemic build.


I’ve been struggling to work out my main for this expac. Druid feels a bit clunky as it got very little change, so I keep wavering but I am mostly feeling arcane mage right now.

Yes, because Jaina would be able to do a thing to the ancient elridtch horror from the dawn of the world, wielding the relic that eats all magic and empowers itself based on the input right after most of the power of Dalaran itself was absorbed. /s

Take magic from a mage, and they are just a normal person.


So about the whole profession idea? Slight change of plans. Already maxed out Skinning, just need to get the blue profession gear for it eventually. Gonna max Herbalism and Cooking also.

A little self sustainability and I can save mats for any gear I do want to get crafted eventually. If I don’t get anything from delves that is

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Man, I was not emotionally prepared for the dwarf Alzheimer’s quest.

Whoever wrote that did a pretty solid job on some of the presentation.


One thing I found interesting about Anduin is how, since he’s bereft of the light, close he seems to just be a warrior now. I wonder if we’ll finally see PalAnduin in the conclusion of his storyline.

I can’t speak to any other spec, but I’m definitely enjoying Druid of the Claw Feral so far - though you’re right that it got very little change, and I’m less enjoying of it requiring some level of investment into haste

I have early access but I haven’t even dinged a level yet. It’s been “work work”, but now with the weekend, I can do stuff.

On the first night of early access I got my Pally to the city, and was too tired. The second night, I got my Druid to the city. Now, with a couple days off for the weekend, I can actually leave the city and level up.

Feels like I lost half of the early access, but that’s life. Sometimes work comes before video games. Sometimes.

Oh that takes me back to when my cat was alive. He lived nearly 18 years, so he had a good run. He was a beautiful Russian Blue. He was the best cat ever, he had no fear. He would chase stray dogs off our property like he was a guard dog.

My brother got a pit bull puppy, and he got a little too close to my cat
. my cat taught him a life lesson that day. A couple slaps in the face from my kitty, and that pit bull never got too close again, even as he got huge.


Without spoilers, I’ve done mostly three out of the four zones. This expansion’s been pretty good, the storyline feels like an entirely different beast then what we got with DF. I’m really enjoying it.

A lot of the skepticism that I felt going in has already gone away. I’ve never really agreed with a lot of the rhetoric that’s usually slung around in the Story Forums, but I’m beginning to realize it’s tinted my perception of the story regardless.

It’s not a flawless experience, but it is good. There are still reasons to be invested in the story of this game. I hope Metzen and his team can put stuff like this consistently, going forward.


The young cat has already engaged the facepunch to the puppy’s shock and awe. The older one was tragically deprived of the capacity to slap sense into a dog before we adopted him, so it’s a learning experience.

My other half kindly volunteered for puppy supervision and nothing stupid happened, so I did get my monk to 75. Haven’t left Dorn yet, though I think I’m nearing the end. I’ve got a little more job left, so I’m not racing through
 but I have enjoyed it.

I’m finding the Earthen surprisingly poignant in general. Feels like a lot of love when into writing some of their stuff and dialogue. I hadn’t really made a plan for who I was maining besides the monk, but I’m sorely tempted to boot my Dark Iron warrior for a Horde Earthen warrior and give my big four a hearty shake to see what falls out.