Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

hard to balance a budget when every 8 years someone takes an axe to the govt’s revenue sources.

Its like quitting your job as an engineer to go work as a dishwasher, but still budgeting like you still got that fat engineer salary. Doesn’t make sense.


Well I have finally got around to it but I now have all the heritage armors. Just in time for that to no longer be the case in a few days lol.

Side note: There should really be an achievement that helps you keep track for the core races.


The ‘Xal’atath tells you your personal story’ thing is kinda funny.

It says it should only take 3 minutes meanwhile I have been waiting for hours and it is only at 75%.

The only other character that says something will take a few minutes but ended up being wrong is…



She seems to enjoy mocking druids, but she sure loves shadow priests.


wait what, xal’atath tells you, your story?


Queen of Network Latency

I’m weak willed, I realized I could blow a fraction of my gold for tokens and get the expansion upgrade “free”, so I’ll be playing today lol

This is entirely reasonable amount of dwarves.

I might even argue it’s not ENOUGH dwarves, as elves and humans keep popping up in cut scenes where there could, hypothetically, be dwarves.

Why wasn’t I warned that ROCK GOATS were among my potential ponies to collect


Another alliance biased expansion No one needs

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I’m not super far in, but I will say that Dornagal has been beautiful. I’ve thought for a while having Dwarves in the spotlight would be good, and I’m completely correct. I especially love the little hovels built into cliffs like a hobbit house


I will say that restrained, rather even tempered dwarves is… kind of a fun choice. I usually like the complete enthused full throated flavor that most dwarves seem to get, but having the subdued dwarves (who are also huge!) is enjoyable.

Or it’s just the new expac smell. But I like that smell.


I am happy with how much effort they put into making the Earthen actually feel like constructs who have adopted some dwarven hobbies and not rock dwarves. Even small things like checking if someone yet “Functions” and not “Lives”.

If anything I sorta wish they had doubled down a bit more—Make the boiling hot tubs do a tiny bit of fire damage like you were standing in a fire, etc.



Just wanna say I like how Allerias and Xal’atath story is shaping up so far. Knaifu is soo awesome. Alleria is slowly growing on me too.

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I think the expansion is dreadfully boring.
And it’s amazing how heavy handed the Alliance-Only cast is, so that doesn’t help either.
On my way home today I stopped to think about how I said that Void Elves would steal the entire Thalassian spotlight from Blood Elves when velves first came out.
Lo and behold, here we are.
Done deal.
It happened.

They even gave the Alliance Sylvanas visa vie Alleria but also, lol, they killed evil Horde Sylvanas and made Good Alliance Blue Sylvanas the True personality.


Well then [character] must still be alive, because we did not get the Krillin-death effect

Though one could argue my warrior getting mountain thane and random lightning bolts is him going Moo-per saiyan…

My only question so far is what is the Arathi Empire’s deal? I originally thought maybe they’re simply a set of time displaced remnants of the original Arathi Empire that existed a long time ago. Yet, there’s one quest where you assist the only remaining mage of the Hallowfall expedition try to create portals to where the Arathi are from, and the quest text explicitly talks about how helpful the Arathi Empire’s armies and resupply would be in this moment. So what the hell is going on?

The Arathi Tribe went across the sea to some Continent on the other side of Azeroth and established an Empire with an Emperor.

The Emperor sent some Arathi looking for the Beledar in Hallowfall upon which they were hit with a storm that teleported them directly to Hallowfall I.E. the thing they were searching for.

I strongly suspect the Arathi established their Empire in Avaloren since in British Myth King Arthur is heavily tied to Avalon!

Since the Arathi are Half-Elves their land of Avaloren will likely appear alongside Quel’Thalas as the Midnight Expansion’s Continent!

Interesting. As a belf guy I would normally bemoan losing more spotlight for them but honestly I’ve loved everything Arathi so far so I’d definitely be down