Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Tanks make solid FFCs and node guards. Only BG where they’re kinda useless is Seething Shore but frankly that’s a F Tier BG if you ask me.

I’ve literally singlehandedly won them on Druids and Hunters. As in with tracking and stealth I was able to rack up a game winning number of rocks.

And even then tanks could probably be annoying as Hell by stalling swarmed nodes. Plus never discount the absolute ace scouting ability of cat form. I’ve helped win multiple Silvershard Mines by just derailing carts. Which is pretty easy to do when you can stealth and track.


Talents are a mess is putting it mildly. I can make a build and it’ll do a thing… but I just wish it did it smoother.

48 keybinds… 48 abilities… that’s the expected bind load you are expected to know and have mastered when you walk into a heroic or a blighted mythic of anything.

Pretty much a fair mindset. I’ve found Totem generally is supportive of the build(s) I run on my enhancement shaman, but the “elite”, just more nolifers who can’t handle different opinions, are hell bent on undoing that because it doesn’t fit into the builds they value and push as the only measure of a true shaman’s worth… aka “how well you conform to their will.” Totemic’s key stone is the real problem it’s an AoE in the same style as a Death Knight’s Death and Decay which means it’s stuck in place and needs to be moved… but that’s separate ability that is on a 10 second timer and moves all of our totems, even the squishy support ones into the line of fire.

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I see little reason for it.

I would only wonder about it for the sake of a Lore Discussion, if someone else brought it up.

Blizzard’s previous attempt at such a goof ball antic lead to Heroes of the Storm…. RIP

Perhaps if Microsoft mixes in stuff they already have? Microsoft could facilitate an Elder Scrolls / Warcraft cross over.

Or if Microsoft went on a shopping spree, and bought other interesting IPs for this specific purpose.

Microsoft backing the Warcraft franchise does add a bit of heft to the potential portfolio.

I have a few weeks left in my season (my last day at work is not too far from launch, though on the wrong side).

So, like an idiot, I got a puppy. And she’s worryingly quick on the uptake, so I suspect keeping her neurologically stimulated is going to keep me busy.


The problem is that the scale of the universes is out of whack. I get that superhero stuff has this problem, but i think it would be worse.

A given starcraft faction would no diff diablo/warcraft, and the greater evils of diablo regularly get punked by the kind of hero Warcraft produces by the boatload.

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I do not think their cosmologies would function together. They would have to likely inject the Progenitors into all their lores to tie them together at the highest level and… why would they poison all their franchises like that.

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I would say that Starcraft and Warcraft could pair up well. Just frame the first ones as a group of Xel’naga. As the Xel’naga came from ‘the void’ (SC void, not Warcraft void) and take on host forms when interacting with universes that are not their own. Plus if a Xel’naga dies in said universe they are visiting, they return to the void and cannot enter that universe again unless there is something for them to latch onto. Like how Amon did with the Khala until his new Host body was complete. Which was instantly destroyed. Then the Khala was destroyed after the remaining Khalai severed their nerve cords. But in doing so you get confusing names like Warcrafts Void and Starcrafts Void. Look at the discourse when Shadowlands came out with ‘Anima’, which came up again with MoP Remix.

In all honestly I see no real point trying to tie them together. Easter eggs and little meta limited timed holidays do not make a compelling argument to say X and Y are part of the same universe. To me a crossover needs to impact the plot for it to be a case of X and Y share the same universe. If it does not affect the plot, it is merely a fun little thing or an easter egg.

My dogs just about a year old now but is still very much a puppy. She enjoys pawing at me when I’m on the computer and if that fails she rolls around and bites my carpet.

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Man, I’m just not feeling all that jazzed for the TWW story/campaign. Maybe its because I’m avoiding major spoilers and it could be a DF situation where I like it more than I thought I would (though i had really low expectations), but I’ve never been all that excited about Alleria/Knaifu/Nerubians

Dagran might be cool but I feel like he’ll be a Brann and be our generic archeologist NPC ally and not ever take a critical look at the Dwarves you’d think he’d potentially get due to his parentage and perspective.

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Same. My main worry is they struggle to do the Void well. Cosmic horror and power fantasies don’t really mix too well in my experience. Giving Cthulu a healthbar sort of defeats the purpose of it being incomprehensible.

And I’m kinda meh on the other aspects. Earthern will probably be fun but I kinda wish they were just regular stunties. Dwarf+ is kind of an odd concept.

And I’m still confused about Arathi. There’s just been a whole butt empire of humans just over there this whole time? Idk weird concept but I’ll try to stay open minded.

The Nerubians I’m up for though. Hope they wind up being more than Patch 1 dungeon fodder.


Anyone catch that cinematic teaser?

Because it has Khadgar racking his staff like a shotgun. Sold.


I think they can play with the cosmic horror theme a bit by exploiting the expectations of how things like HP work; as much as I hated it they did a good bit of work back in the burning of Teldrassil with the unachievable goal of rescuing everyone in the tiny time amount provided. It was a good subversion of standard quest mechanics to make clear the tragedy of it all.

I am a sap for constructs learning to be people, so I am a fan of the Earthen. It amuses me they have a diet of metal and rocks and their idea of relaxation includes sitting in literally boiling water or laying on scalding hot stone slabs and drinking something that burns organics nearly to death from the inside out if they drink it.

The Arathi are an interesting choice. I am thinking they are the foundation of what comes after this saga. The other side of the world is a blank map for them to work on, and filling up blank maps is a lot easier than doing another Cataclysm size world update for the side we have.


I was figuring the Dark Heart basically draining Dalaran’s battery was how it would fall out of the sky…

…man this is a bad match for Khadgar, The master mage vs the person with the relic that not only absorbs all magic cast at them but also empowers its owner.


Personally I think it’d be fun if the Void broke the fourth wall a bit and screwed with you the player. I doubt they’d ever do it due to the hell it’d unleash on customer support but stuff like logging you out and making it seem like your characters are deleted would be a good way to screw with your actual sanity.

And that’s fair. I guess I get my inhuman fill from the Forsaken already and prefer my Dwarves fleshy but I can see how that’d be interesting.

And I hear you but honestly I want them to do Cata style revamps. With Classic forms of BC and Wrath and now even Cata there is 0 reason not to redo those places. I would love to see Outland reimagined with modern technology. Fix up the setting we already know and love before you add more.

If they do a similar “impossible timed drama quest” for Dalaran, I will /dance the timer away. Screw the quest if the game wants to pull that after BFA.

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I will make sure the nice dog owning inn keeper is okay and then /point and /laugh at any Silver Covenant npcs I see

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I didn’t get to see that quest firsthand in BFA. I was too busy being dumbstruck by Sylvanas firebombing the whole strategic goal of the invasion in lieu of a snappy comeback (and boy is it weird her actual reason was even dumber).

So I wouldn’t be opposed. That actually does seem like a great way to introduce a villain with a bang. Less so when you’re promising a morally gray war story between playable factions.

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My favorite part was the intercontinental ballistic catapults when they also had the opportunity to show the destructive power of azerite war machines.


Nominally, wiping out Teldrassil did achieve one of her stated goals in ensuring the horde homeland is secure by taking out the last major Alliance base on the continent (technically there’s the base off Feralas, but that’s an easily scouted trek through hostile territory before reaching the Horde borderlands.

(I’m ignoring the fact that Copeland decided to give the Barrens to the Alliance in the lore books for this example because i find that stupid as hell)

Now, the “Bring the Alliance to the table so they stop attacking us every 5 minutes” goal, now that was completely dead in the water afterwards.

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Given the range limitations of IRL catapults with far, far smaller payloads, the orcs must be fantastic classical engineers or be gods of materials science.

Their catapults must have been designed by the same person who built the Tauren’s perpetual motion elevators