Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I caved and ate gluten today >.< I just wanted a burger with a bun and not a lettuce wrap. (so far nothing bad has happened so that’s a + )


Do you have a gluten sensitivity?

Out of curiosity what are you afraid might happen? No pressure to answer, just me being curious.

Some of those sets are amazing…

Have you heard of method for farming via legion class halls? IIRC it’s still viable.


I have Celiac disease.

I’ve been on the mend so maybe my gut is healed enough to consume a little bit of gluten. but it causes a whole lot of health problems from sore bones/muscles to fertility issues. Brain fog, chronic anemia, and lethargy. the low iron does cause a lot of problems for me, the problem is it can’t be solved with iron supplements, because Celiac acts as an autoimmune disorder. heavy metals like iron are not absorbed because the body treats them like an inflammation, my body fights the absorption of iron.


Yeah the town is called Marble Bar, and in 2020, there were 32 days where the temperature was over 113F. Gets hot enough that the scorched earth will melt the soles of your shoes and you have to run a tap for several minutes if you want cold water, because the first time you turn it on, that water will be boiling hot.

It is in a beautiful region of Australia though. This is the local swimming hole.

You just need to… you know… survive to enjoy it XD


Never heard of that, how does that work exactly?

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That’s horrible.

Autoimmune issues are trouble in general and that one is evil because it hits you were it really hurts, the foods that give us comfort.

I hope nothing happens and much luck comes your way along with better days.

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Using the Class Hall to Farm Marks of Honor - Wowhead

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Y’know, that looks very beautiful, but it’s in Australia. So I know for a fact that beneath the beautiful surface of that water, there are fifteen giant crocodiles and three dozen highly venomous snakes and probably a few insects the size of my face, all thinking about how delicious a mocha elf sounds.


Thanks a bunch. Learned something new today :blush:

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I’ve had to mourn some of my favorite foods. it’s tough. like that banana bread, I made the other day. did not taste like banana bread. I was right there was no sugar :frowning: it’s so dense.


damn, Australia is pretty, too bad it has spiders the size of a basketball and a bajillion different species of snakes. Spiders I can probably deal with but not snakes.


Man, I miss the old Legion Warden Tower WQs.

I amassed so many marks from those. Just rolling in a group in the “pvp” objective, never even seeing more than a single Alliance player who wisely got out of the area and smashing through the objective in a minute or less, only for the murderpack to move over to the next one.


Actually that area is crocodile free. The locals wouldn’t swim there if it wasn’t.

But if you want to look at an area that is a crocodile nest, well…

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I do not now nor will I ever need to look at the spawning grounds of murder lizard.


Have a lot of respect for crocodiles. People often underestimate just how powerful their bite is and how strong they are.

You know you’re a tank when your species hasn’t had to change all that much since the days of the dinosaurs


But he just wants a hug…


I’ve tried going gluten free, was told it’d help with my joints… Finding the right recipe seems to be the real trick and the good ingredients are expensive.

IIRC those are still there giving out some small amount of Honor… which is well below the 2k needed to convert to marks.

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Yes, but see, he hugs with his mouth and I’m just not at the point in my life where mouth-hugs sound very appealing anymore.


Awe look at the little teef. He could just eat you up. :rofl: