Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I meant armor as in full concealment since far as I can tell NBorne and Nelves look pretty distinctly different.

I think at least. I really have no reason to unlock the Shaldorei despite me liking them and considering them one of the better ARs. Suramar’s cool and I like their Greco-Roman vibes.

Velves I really like conceptually. Which is where unfortunately I have to end that statement as that’s about as far as the lore goes before giving up and saying “Fine duck you be high elves - BUT YA GONNA TURN PURPLE IN COMBAT SOMETIMES!”.


I actually like the Nightborne, swallowed a lemon look and all.

Those tattoos are fantastic and I adore the addition of the glowing hands. I also appreciate having a skinner model with traces of A WRIST.

Mine are a mage who always wears sandals (so he can run out of them) and a monk who hates to mess up her nails but loves the chance to learn new things because 10,000 years in a bubble with the same people to talk to and the same arts to perfect is so dreadfully dull.


Oh I definitely give the Shaldorei a thumbs up. They just share all their classes with the Forsaken and most races lose to the Forsaken.

Definitely looking forward to unlocking the Dark Iron. Be a good race for a Rogue I figure. Kul Tirans for Shaman. Was originally going to make a Kul Tiran Druid because I want her to be an evil hag. Then I remembered Shamans turn people into frogs and there’s no shorter shorthand for witchcraft.

Probably make a Zandalari Paladin while I’m at it, and likewise am thinking about making an unholy desert troll DK. Because only a dummy wouldn’t want a mummy.


I was thinking of trying to farm mythic Daz’alor raid on my druid for the white bone armor and race change to a Kul’tiran and RP as a drust construct that can shapeshift. The kul’tiran forms would be perfect for it. Or keep them as a worgen since I am currently RPing them as a half troll druid, which I’ve gotten compliments on.

Also might redo my hunter and keep them at lvl 55. I don’t need two high level chars and it would be nice to have one around lvl 50-55 to pvp on.

Choice choices man. :fox_face:

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I’ve been trying to farm Dazar’alor sets for a while, and they’re such a PITA still! :confounded: Conclave of the Chosen on any difficulty is a write off unless you’re a pet class like Warlock or Hunter, since the Aspect of Akunda just chain silences you to death even if you’re melee. Hopefully they adjust them soon so they can be solo-able to some degree 'cause the Mythic sets look GREAT.

Ah, I’m currently experiencing this too except with my ‘main’ toons. I am considering dusting off my Priest for TWW after I shelved her for DF, but my Shaman has been so fun. Analysis paralysis always gets me, I just log in and stare at the character select for a few minutes then log off to do something equally unproductive.


I hear Alynsa is okay, just has not been very much onli-

Ne’ermind, Sledgie’s got me!!

Oh no, do not think that!! No, I am not dead!!!

Yes, she must get better about letting people know when she’s taking breaks. Alynsa is very inconsiderate with her online friends.


So as some of you know, I am very prone to break-taking, and I’m kinda in the middle of one of those. While the weather is still normal-people cold outside (not to be confused with Alaskan Dwarf people cold, which is technically arctic cold and beyond all reasonable levels of cold), I have been trapped indoors just too much!! I must escape into the wider world of outsideness!! I shall not be caged any longer!!

I’m not formally taking a break; my subscription isn’t cancelled, and I have not decided to not play for a while. I’m just escaping the prison of home and running around in the too-cold world. But I shall not be online all too much.

I did realize today, this very morning, that I hadn’t said anything and I figured Nightsong would assume the worst (Heart you still!!) and Karebear would also worry (and heart you too!!!), but I did not have Sledgie absolutely nailing it on my card, which I really should have (and it goes without saying I heart you)!!

I shall check in between outdoor adventures, I promise.


These are good specs. This character would be arms if I hadn’t already leveled a warrior with that spec.

I often think about going through Dazaralor to get some crowns for my characters who didn’t raid Dazaralor when it was current.

My Warlock, my Rogue, and my Druid are the Characters I play most, and they all have a crown. But some of my Alts don’t.

I wish they would make that crown an account bound toy or something.

I just love that little Sunset Amber that shrinks people. People are like “hey who shrunk me?!” and it’s a hoot.

I have been here long enough to know that, I was gonna comment but as you said, Sledgie had it covered.

I figured you were doing your thing, but boy, can rumors start…. as you might recall.

I remember I switched High Schools, and I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t have many friends, I figured who would notice?

When I got to college, and saw people from my old high school, I heard all the rumors people made about me in my old high school to explain where I went. I couldn’t believe people thought about me, much less invented crazy rumors.

I was like : “no… that didn’t happen… I just switched schools because it was closer…”


Dangit. I was going to go for a day-long motorcycle trip. Now I might have to level up an alt in Drustvar again. Maybe I’ll try me a blow-it-up chicken.

Granted, I have a lot of house work that needs to be done and some pre-design work I need to do for an upcoming ballet.

But I’m blaming you.

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It’s particularly interesting as I’ve seen the region on Horde toons way more frequently than Blue ones.

So it was neat finally figuring out WTF was going on there. I did find it funny how they sent Horde races legitimately afraid of witches there.

Meanwhile I’m picturing my Forsaken wandering around like prospective home buyers.

“Wow so you’re saying that eldritch bramble thicket is made out’ve-”
Yep authentic cursed peasant souls. Harvested locally
“That really is a lovely touch. Hard to find craftsmanship like that these days”


Do it on a Horde Alt and it would almost be like doing both.

Reminds me of the Horde intro to Drustvar. I loved that - Me, Gallywix, and Eitrigg, all on a little Moto-Trike (or what ever that was), having an adventure.


As much of a wtf-ery the War Campaign was for everyone, the Horde one always felt like me and my pals going for a little shindig and causing a ruckus. The Alliance one was just filled with cringe human paladins and puntable gnomes. (Although there was that hilarious part where one of the aforementioned gnomes gets completely bodied by a San’layn)


In general the Horde always wins for the sense of comradery and shared purpose.

Like I’m not even sure when they tried to make “FOR THE ALLIANCE” a thing. But it does feel like an offbrand “FOR THE HORDE!” . Seriously they should’ve gone with like “Glory to” or “Long Live”. Just doesn’t roll of the tongue the same way.

And the sad thing for me is I think the Alliance could rock but they’re so stuck on making everything so damn human centric. Even the Worgen homecoming can’t be a full full moon fever affair because Tess is still a 'umie.

Idk it’s just weird. Like on the Horde I’m always little excited when I see another faction turn up. Hell yeah this is going to be a joint Forsaken and Goblin affair! Otherwise known as OSHA’s Nightmare. But on the blue team I frequently go “Ah. Humans. Alright well let me get into back up dancer position. This is their story I’m just here for it”.


I am a happy dr00d. Using the Cataclyst and my gear I gathered from emerald dream weeklies, I was able to turn them into Normal Amidrissal raid gear. So now I got two of the emerald dream sets that I wanted and a raid set without raiding

Can’t beat that. :fox_face:


Ironically, For the Alliance is older.

For the Horde is the knockoff.

That being said, For the Horde has been pushed so hard that it’s the knockoff that supplanted the original.


I do pay attention when people type.

Well, sort of.

Within reason.

Man, I wish I had your weather. It’s been BLEAK for the last week and half, so much so that all my travel plans keep getting punted back because there’s certain stretches of highway I don’t drive in dodgy weather without a good reason.

Instead, my big plan for today is making a bochet. I’m browsing recipes for meads and I think I’ll do 2/3 carmelized honey and 1/3 regular, a little bit of spices, and make a 1 gallon batch. I’m a lot more of a cowboy homebrewing than I used to be, but I get all my major wonk urges and fiddly tendencies to measure and sanitize and measure again and triple check and make sure temp is perfect to within 3 degrees out at work. Homebrew is for one gallon batch recipes and channeling my inner “CHAAAAAARGE”.


Sounds interesting but the last thing in the world I need to know how to do is create booze at home. The more concerned than judging look from the abuela at my nearby corner grocery is one of the few things that stops me from making even worse decisions.

But I haven’t drank in awhile. Well. Not counting the jugs of dirt cheap Italian table wine I turn into knock-off gluhwein or sangria depending on the weather. What? I went to Catholic school they were feeding me this and crackers since age 11.


I wish we had anything resembling consistent weather here. Yesterday morning I rode to work in just-above freezing temperatures and today I’m going to have to turn the AC on because it’s in the 80’s.

That’s Fahrenheit for you more cultured folks.


I know the feeling. I’m back on the banks of fair Lake Michigan again. Which fun fact translates to Lake Large Lake if translated from Objibwe.

And I’m always within the AoE of the winds of the Great Lakes but I haven’t been situated next to them in awhile. I’m like two blocks from a naval base so not literally on it but like I can walk two blocks and thar she blows.

And while it’ll be a boon in the summer it turns a cold day into a deadly day. Then you get it’s famous temperature shifts which creates the sort of fog I think I repressed the memory of that I saw when I lived in Kenosha.

Literally just;

I don’t care how tough you are. Everything is alarming when it’s an indistinct, exaggerated shape. And things just look so distorted. People sort of just materialize at random. And driving is sheer terror as all my high beams do is better illuminate the endless gray cloud I’m in.


My kitchen is a hoochatorium.

Actually most of them aren’t booze, but I have kombucha on the fridge, vinegars on the book shelf, sourdough starter in the window, milk kefir by the knife block, and usually a batch of kimchi or kraut going by the door. And an occasional small batch of mead, cider or beer depending on whimsy or ingredients over the stove.

The microbiome is best described as “varied”.

The great thing about ferments though is that I can happily ignore most of them most of the time (the kefir is a bit needy, relatively speaking).

It is dangerously easy to make tasty booze with some basic equipment and hygiene. And very little hands on time.

Greatest return on investment is the kimchi, though. As you all know, it’s not a real meal without something pickled in there, and the ingredients for kimchi are stupid cheap, the result is stupid delicious, the work is… not stupidly substantial, and the grocery store price is just plain stupid. (Including what my boss charges for mine at our store, to be clear).

Make a pickle today. Make me have to find a real job.