Oh they got like a whole section of that stuff in exactly where you’d think to look on the internet these days.
And it was hard to find when I was a kid. Truly we live in an age of terrors and miracles.
Oh they got like a whole section of that stuff in exactly where you’d think to look on the internet these days.
And it was hard to find when I was a kid. Truly we live in an age of terrors and miracles.
Man can’t get a break today.
Was woken up at 4am by a client I’m pretty sure is clinically insane so that was fun. Spent all day hustling between appointments and chores.
Finally get a solid hour to kick back and relax, figure I’ll screw around on my new alt.
Annnnd Blizz is having weird server problems. Joy.
Something was on fire but I was ambulance so I had to sit on my hands and watch everyone else do stuff.
Which is WAY better than being busy in the ambulance in a fire, to be clear.
It was also at o’god thirty, so the whole day is going to be weird and groggy.
I knew it!
Well not really… but I just knew from the way you talked that you were involved in something that could go really badly. Emergency responder was on the list, but just by the nature of being one of many jobs where it’s a good day when nothing is happening.
Anyone know if Alynsa is still alive?
I’m worried about her too. I was just to come here and ask if anyone knew anything.
Actually, my day job is brewer.
I just have terrible taste in hobbies and live in a small town, so I’ve got volly shifts.
so many shifts
Alynsa is less chronically online than most of us and has a tendency to bounce on occasion when she’s not feeling it, so I probably wouldn’t be worried.
Huh, that’s I’m not even sure. So, your hobbies are to find more work?
Thanks, just outside of the norm I know for her… been feeling anxious for days. She keeps reminding me she’s old and I know enough biology and medical knowledge to have some very dark and dreadful thoughts when people just vanish.
She takes breaks without warning every now and again.
Just the way she engages with the game and game adjacent things. And life happens, as it does to us all.
Having alt choice paralysis. On the one hand shiny new Warlock. On the otherhand shiny new almost max level Druid. On the otherhand the Warrior version of Ben who’s been parked at level 36 for generations. On the otherhand original Horde warlock parked at level 60. On the otherhand…
And so on and so on until I’m looking at more hands than a Hindu deity.
Wait a minute. Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever done Blue outland content and if I did it was long enough ago for me to forget.
Huzzah! Content I’m interested in!
I’m listening vaguely to my radio and doing shuffle on my warlock.
I have no illusions of competence on an afflock, so if I have to jet mid-match, it won’t hurt my pride. And I can now use him to smuggle that good PvP kit to my other 70s. While my ability to actually play those toons is minimal (only so many hours in a day), it’ll be entertaining (for me) when I’m leveling them via PvP and they’re in full arena gear for TWW.
I’ve yet to get a spec I really love to max. Balance is okay but so far it feels actually similar to some variants Shadow. In that in a target rich environment they’re a blast but are pretty reliant on CDs for smaller fights.
Which isn’t bad persay but eh. Not my favorite playstyle. Ferals cool but I like Rogue better. And I like Resto but healing fatigue is why I’ve barely touched my main outside story events not concerning the titular Dragon Isles.
So I’m giving Warlock another whirl. Been ages since I played it so wanna warm myself up. Destro is definitely my favorite but damnit if I’m not hoping Demonology slaps. Summoning a metric ton of bitey little freaks is hilarious to me.
I like arms and windwalker.
But I am big dumb charge at heart, and if played with a modicum of caution, those have got me.
I do feel really good on afflock when everything goes my way, though. In good matchups, I’m moonwalking in the middle of the map while two people beat on me and my health bar hardly moves and everything meeeeeeelts and I am a terrible goose. On bad matches, my cast gets interrupted, I have one spell school, and I die impotently cursing the fates… because I sure can’t actually curse anyone.
For me it’s a toss up between Arms and Subtlety for my favorite melee. Which were the first two specs I ever mained come to think.
Sub’s been fun recently for the sheer fast paced ninjatastic feel. Arms I love because it just feels good. Like you can almost feel the heft off your weapon coming down when you pull off that perfect execute.
Fury is alright and was immaculate on Worgen imho but it’s more Tasmanian Devil than seasoned master strategist.
Monk I’ve liked but can never seem to stick with for whatever reason. Probably because I’ve still not delved into Pandaren content much despite me really liking what little I saw.
And you’re kinda stuck going;
“Alright so why is there a crane and tiger statute? Like I know why I’ve seen a movie from Hong Kong before but like what’s their deal on Azeroth”.
I really think it’d be interesting to see different race’s schools on it.
Well, I don’t know about you, but it often feels very out of place… and the pulling out of a barrel of booze doesn’t help me get into character… because I don’t do “drinking culture” just doesn’t apply to me.
My favorite monster in any RPG by far are the Moon Rats from D&D.
You might expect they’re rats from the moon, and no, it’s much stupider than that. They’re rats that gain human level intelligence under the full moon.
Now even if you think rats are inherently malevolent creatures this just isn’t much of a threat under all but the most unusual scenarios. But like more reasonably they’d probably just have an existential crisis for 8 hours then mercifully go back to hopping around, sniffing for food.
Final Fantasy VII Leaks are coming and they are crazy:
Aerith dies in Timeline 1 while Bizzaro Sephiroth(renamed Sephiroth Reborn) merges the Worlds forcing Cloud’s team and Zack’s Team including Aerith from Timeline 2 to fight him.
No actual proof that these Leaks are accurate by the way.
Now that I’m working on an identical warlock for both factions using two servers, anyone want to do the same with an identical Nelf/NBelf - presumably wearing armor. And of course a Pandaren.
I’m up to suggestion but Rogue and Hunter sound like it would be fun. We could turn up on either ends of WPvP as a little group of bandits causing chaos.
For some servers that a big ask… it’s almost more strange to wear armor then just run around in your skivvies…