Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I totally understand. It’s the Gulf of Mexico here, and streams and weather patterns play havoc. We’re not even that far from hurricane season!


I bet your kitchen smells lovely! And I mean that earnestly, I love virtually all fermented foods.


It has a… unique aroma.

Obviously I love it, though.

Yeast and bacteria burps.

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You know the food is good if your farts make the rest of the house smell like your kitchen.

No, this is not peer-reviewed research.


I tried to make Koumis once, and the bottle exploding gouged out golf-ball sized holes in our wooden walls. That was an educational experience. Thankfully, we weren’t in the room at the time. There was glass in the weirdest places for years, however.

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It’s a lot worse during farmer’s market season when production at home expands beyond my personal stash and the table falls to the sprawl of culture.

I haven’t made a bottle bomb in a while but sodas can be cranky and I’ve absolutely painted the ceiling with some gushers.


I just need the helmet and I’ll have the full LFR color for the Shaman… I hate those shoulders, but the rest isn’t the worse thing I’ve put on a character…


I got the normal red druid set. It’s actually not a bad set. The helmet looks terrible on a worgen, than again every helmet outside of the Trading Post hoodies look terrible on a worgen.

Took me like 5 weeks for the chest piece from the ED weeklies to drop. I kept getting the same pieces I already had. :fox_face:


In my defense… just the act of thinking about going to the store results in a review of how many ways driving can go very wrong…

That’d be nice.

Thank you, for considering letting us know.

When you’re not pouring gas onto embers you aren’t that bad.


So is it just me and Zerde this show? Look I get it’s the definition of not-for-everyone and it’s DeviantArt, Hot Topic aesthetic even initially turned me off. But c’mon these songs slap.

They got Keith David to sing the words “You’re a power bottom at rock bottom”. Get out of my face if that doesn’t pique your curiosity if nothing else.


Honestly it looks like something I’d watch, I just don’t have the time and I’m not sure it’s on any of the services I’m currently grinding through.

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Best. Crossover. Ever.


It’s on Amazon Prime at least stateside.

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I’m in on it but asexual cryptid team mom is my overall goal for myself.


Ya know the fun part about the show is that could be at least two characters and probably more.

I’m somewhere between the hypersexual arachnid corn star and murderous midatlantic deer devil.

The latter, but that also probably has something to do with my diet of “When radio was” growing up before we had electricity.

Never did get a tv. It took me until streaming to catch up with all that.


Well I know who to have a sing off against if I’m ever trying to buy the affection of a somewhat estranged daughter-figure.


(post deleted by author)

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Hm having issues posting… just never mind…


I got distracted talking about fermented food but if crackers are important to you there is always Sailor Boy Pilot Bread, which is the greatest shelf stable flatbread cracker in the world, with your topping of choice.

And a staple of fish camp, dog sled trips, and my college care packages because they’re harder to find in the Lower 48 and the rest of the world.

I’m having mine with some extra caramelized honey from the mead making and I highly endorse the experience.