Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Probably could have worded it better. But just trying to say how much I enjoy your contributions to this forum.

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Ah crap biscuits. Did they change it so you have to do the SL campaign now? Because it didnā€™t give me the option to skip it.

I was hoping to run some alts through just completeting world quests to unlock some mog stuff I want.

I seriously want those black angel wings because on undead when cast with Dark Archangel it causes you to levitate up with 4 wings, and you could probably get the ole Seraphim six with some Holy abilities.

But thatā€™s a lot of muck to drag myself cool for some sweet screenshots.

characters below 60 have to do the quests.

Characters at or above 60 have the fate option, and you can trigger that option even during the campaign once you hit 60, it will either trigger on its own or you have to talk to the fate guy behind the fate ring innā€¦ I canā€™t recall how it works at the moment.

Good news is Shadow Lands is fairly quick as far as leveling is concerned.


It seems the Game is kind of bugged and mess at this point. Itā€™s suppose to be daytime at the current hour of wow during 3:30 to 4:00 and Nighttime setting at 9:00 to 9:30.

Whatā€™s going on with the current time system of WoW?

Itā€™s been like that for a couple days now. Itā€™s weird. I think someone forgot to feed the hamster again and now they nee to buy a new one :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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No idea what the issue is (havenā€™t logged into wow in a day or so?) but Iā€™ve see it before where different items were working out of sync. For example I was in Revendreth and the elevator platforms were working out of sync with their chains, to the point that they were operating almost perfectly in reverse.

Itā€™s just some bug in the spaghetti code the devs are running.

Probably forget to add enough zeros to how many cycles a squirrel had to run. Seriously was a case in a game I used to play, they used an invisible squirrel and its animation cycles as timer for events. That game in case you are wondering was Titan Quest.

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Honestly Iā€™m begging to suspect Blizzā€™s neglect toward the Worgen is due to how difficult it is to find a transmog that looks great in both forms.

Upside is itā€™s very easy to find ones that look drastically different in both forms. Which seems to confuse people in PvP.

See also; dressing Warrior Ben in the most Priestly outfit I can muster replete with staff. Have been mistaken for a caster a few times much to the horror of my newest victim.

I had this issue too. I logged on yesterday around 6AM EST and ingame it was bright and sunny. Very jarring, especially since my window is next to my computer desk and it was dark out.

Thinking I should hold off on the Gilnean heritage quest until I can also do the Reclamation on my Worgen.

Definitely cant wait to be able to wear the Reclamation outfit though. Got a great little mog picked out that mixes and matches it with some SL stuff Iā€™d otherwise not use that together give a very shiny, tacky, Vegas magician like vibe.

Which is perfect for my character who Iā€™m picturing as having a fast-talking charlatan background. Still workshopping his name and other details. Thinking of Germain GĆ©vaudan. Germain for Count St. Germain, Western Europeā€™s weirdest 17th century professional conman. And GĆ©vaudan for the beast of GĆ©vaudan, a big butt wolf that terrorized 18th century rural France.


This was an old RPā€¦ note even a system just a bunch of us hanging out on a Forum telling a collective story.

We had a ā€œpriestly healerā€ in the group who used legit medical knowledge to actually do the healing. Later on, the group was in a bad way and nothing the Healer could do was going to keep anyone alive. The GM, basically editor/narrator, decided to reveal something about the magic of the setting, it could come from the individualā€™s belief in themselves and their own abilitiesā€¦ and also the beliefs others had about the person. In a short story they told of a family the healer never could have met praying to them for help saving their parent from an illness.

In that moment the healer was able to convey the plants they would need and how to prepare them. The family and others who believed in him in turn granted him the power to pull off a miracle and save the group neutralizing the threat and saving the day.


That sounds awesome. :blush:


Feel like thereā€™s a lot of content to mine outā€™ve that years gap between SL and DF;

Worgen is the best Druid race for an extremely simple but undeniable reason;

Their little werewolf flip jump going into or out of bird form is some of the slickest ish Iā€™ve ever seen.


Ya know I think Drustvar might just be my favorite zone on Azeroth.

Obviously I adore Duskwood, Silverpine, Nazmir, the Plaguelands and would fight for Tirisfal harder than I would my own hometown.

But the milisecond you walk in you know youā€™re in Spooksville. Drustvar does a good job of looking normal in the distance. But the moment you scratch the surface itā€™s all SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES.

Remains perpetually weird to me the Goblins set up the FOB there while the Forsaken handled Boralus proper.


Itā€™s definitely the best zone of BFA

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Just got back from seeing Madame Webb. Itā€™s not a good movie but itā€™s fine, nowhere near as bad as Morbius. There are parts where the plot doesnā€™t take advantage of potential that the premise has and there are parts of the plot that are bogus. All the actors did good, the abilities that are shown are cool and thereā€™s good characterization, but some characters abilities are barely shown and the script is bad. The reviews for this movie have been overly harsh, I give it a 6/10.

Honestly I just admire Sonyā€™s bold faced attempt to make a Spiderman cinematic universe without Spiderman.

So just finished Gideon the Ninthā€¦ I love this book. It was a treat to read.

Iā€™ll keep popping in and out, but Iā€™ve another book to read. The Olympian Affair, the sequel to the Aeronautā€™s Windlass.

Hope you all are having a good time, and all is well.

Contrary to many opinions, Iā€™m actually happy I frequent this place, lots of awesome people Iā€™ve met. Many long and peaceful years. :smile_cat:

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They were trying to flesh out Andrew Garfieldā€™s universe, but for some reason theyā€™re trying to put Madame Webb in Tom Hollandā€™s. The movie takes place in 2003 and shows Spider-Man being born. The problem with this is that there are a lot of spider people in this movie and some of them wouldā€™ve been mentioned at some point. AFAIK this movie is pretty comic accurate except for a tribe of spider people who live in Peru. That alone makes it where the movie canā€™t be canon and nullifys the point of trying to make this movie a prequel.

Really? Thatā€™s baffling. They established multiverse Spidermen in No Way Home. So they could do Garfield and still have a shot at a crossover.

Then again itā€™s Sony weā€™re talking about. The internet gaslighting them into getting Morbius to bomb twice is a moment in film history Iā€™m glad I got to witness.

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