God damn I really gotta remember Iâm Alliance. Iâm flying around Azeroth on my Worgen waiting for BGs to pop and I keep autopiloting to Horde towns.
My recent experience tells me that it takes around 2 months to get used to this.
Two months⌠And counting.
Especially in places like Outland and Northrend and Pandalandia, where you havenât been to in a long while and forget not every flight path is a neutral one, and you cannot recall where the opposite faction even has a base because who even needs to know that??
Oh, and do not bother looking in Stormheim. Just Dragonfly elsewhere, because those Alliance flight paths must not exist in that zone at all.
I suspect itâll stay for awhile because man does my distaste for Stormwind rain on my enjoyment.
Iâve just really loved the Worgen Druid pairing. Iâve always loved Druidâs playstyle but Tauren werenât for me and while I enjoyed RPing a Revantusk Primalist turned Druid thereâs basically no lore for Trolls. The Worgen at least are self explanatory. Theyâre ducking werewolves of course they shapshift and have moon magic. Why wouldnât they in this setting?
I did love Worgen Combat Rogue and Fury Warrior with claw mogs. But itâs hard to be married to just one spec. If I could just have his beast forms be varying levels of werewolf I might main this.
It is traditional that I accidentally ride into Southshore at least once a pack.
It started as an accidental on my troll and has only persisted.
The nice thing about pvp gearing is that with the care packages I can send, a lot more than my main four are going to be set to Godzilla in the battlegrounds leveling for TWW.
Our next stop on the rainbow road of legislation and dead fish is the Keystone Pipeline, the metaphorical continuation of the hypothetical Tulsa river from earlier. Keep in mind that aquatic specialists and health experts think of things in abstract terms. The Keystone Pipeline, which only benefits the American economy despite disrupting Canadian ecology, filters out valuable materials from the Wastewater and delivers them directly to the famed golden hoard of Goldman Sachs. These valuable materials include Dilbit, a derivative of Dilbert, and Microplastics, which are used in popular consumer electronics, such as the Game Boy 2.0, now with twice the capacity and four times the resolution. The Game Boy 2.0 is truly next-level technology.
Connecting the Keystone Pipeline to the Crematory is the Keystone Pipeline Junior, a proposed offspring of the Keystone Pipeline and the Exxon Valdez. While breeding is currently in its early phases, the Keystone Pipeline Junior could be a more appealing variety for the general public, with youthful charm and exuberant naivete.
If you were a small microplastic riding the ferocious and unpredictable waves of the Keystone Pipeline, you would be surrounded by a nihilistic emptiness the likes of which no living organism has ever known. You would be nameless, faceless, a cog in a machine. You would be swept effortlessly through dark corridors entirely against your will, sucked and pushed around a labyrinth of confusing facilities until you ended up in the fuel tank of an Edsel. To counteract this soul-crushing monotony, the Keystone Pipeline regularly plays soft Muzak through loudspeakers overhead, to reassure the microplastics and dilbits that while they might soon be burned in a combustion engine to produce momentum, they can at least enjoy Barry Manilowâs top 10 hits on repeat.
How does the Crematory factor into this equation? Nobody really knows for sure. The last time the EPA issued them a subpoena they cremated it.
If you thought this process was finished, you would be a clueless idiot, because the fun just keeps on coming. Bohemian Grove, a facility with lavish parties and an inexperienced workforce as featured in the film âFast Times At Bohemian Grove,â produces at least 10,000 gallons of urine and cheap soap annually, providing an essential part of our wastewater equation.
The official flag of Bohemian Grove, displayed proudly atop Bohemian Groveâs roof, is nearly identical to the American flag in every way save one. There are no stars on it, representing Bohemian Groveâs mission statement: to disband all 50 states and turn them into a cost-effective Walmart. The urine and cheap soap leaves Bohemian Grove through the School-To-Prison Pipeline. While passing through the schools and prisons, the school-to-prison pipeline is filled with more useful components of the wastewater formula- cigarettes, saliva, expired milk, used condoms, and of course the secret sauce. Without these, the wastewater would be classified as wantwater.
Upon completion of this route, the wastewater exits the School-To-Prison Pipeline and enters the Keystone Pipeline. From here, the water is disbanded and strip-searched, and promptly sent to the water treatment plant. From here, the number and length of pipes is limited and the esoteric structures in which the water remains for hours on end are numerous. A water treatment plant is the DMV of the water cycle.
Yeah, this just isnât funny or interesting. Sorry.
I had a friend who was into conspiracy theories. When ever he brought up Bohemian Grove, I would pretend I forgot the name, and call it âcoconut groveâ
âOh yeah that coconut grove sounds like scary stuffâŚâ
We havenât spoken in years.
I gotta tell you of all the immigrants I work with the Chinese are my favorite.
Because between pop cultutal osmosis theyâll frequently know how to say âI donât speak much Englishâ in utterly flawless, broadcast voice American English.
Then when I respond to that in English because why wouldnât you. Only to realize thatâs dumb so I try Spanish then duck mothering German like itâd be likely they speak that.
Then the rest of the appointment turns into a Vaudeville charades routine where Iâm gesturing at things and waiting for their weirdly perfect but basic English to acknowledge they seem to understand my point.
Theyâre in close second to British educated West Africans who speak with the most dramatic prose and in essay format. My favorite being a couple where there was an African American woman who married a Ghanaian.
âIt would be rather unwise to sleep in perilâ
âHe means that old tree looks like itâll come down in yhe bedroomâ
When I read the comments I thought that Mace Windu had discovered the particulars of Plagueisâs demise(which would make him a dangerous threat) only to watch the video itself and discover only the stuff Sidious told Anakin which would only suggest his source was not interested in giving Windu the full details.
Sidiousâs first order of business would have been to get Anakin to find out where Mace got his info on Plagueis so that he can silence the source. If it turned out to be just Tyrannus repeating vague info that Sidious gave out without revealing the Apprentice of Plagueisâs identity then he would leave it like that and everything would continue the same as normal.
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day.
Karestae, you are the best Worgen I know⌠Also, just a good friend.
Naovi, you are my favorite Draenei⌠Just ignore the low marks the others are setting⌠You are still a fun contributor to this forum.
Alynsa, what is there to say? You are the one and only Mocha Elf, that alone ensures you are amazing beyond words. Then you exceed it, the more I learn about you the more I want to know, discovering your existence has been the most terrifying and amazing experience of my life.
I wish you all better days and long lives on this humble Valentines Day.
Happy Valentineâs Day hun. Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for the kind words. Youâre a wonderful person and a good friend too
I wasnât expecting that, but that is simply adorable.
Speaking of vulpera though, finally got my heritage armor for them. Just need to get the Zandalari troll one. Leveling a druid to 50 is easy peasy though
I still have a Z Paladin kicking around. Donât know if they nerfed it or added in more counters but Bubble + Regeneration was outright broken. Back at full health and still have my Lay On Hands ready to go. Ish was diabolical.
I havenât messed with the Vulpera much but I do intend to get around to it eventually. Figure Iâll roll a Rogue and set up a nice little campsite in Stormwind.
Do wish they had more lore though. As it stands they just kinda pulled up to Orgrimmar in their RV and are just sorta here now.
I RPâd a Belf Lock as a Blood Mage who rarely left QuelâThalas and the first time one walked in he just stared dumbfounded before going;
âSo weâre not addressing the talking racoon? We just have those now, do we?â
You made my day so very much that I had to show this video to my coworkers, who all want to know why I have a zombie friend and what a âvoolpeerayâ is (that is the pronunciation they have settled on) is, and why WoW has people only selling onions.
So this is a double gift, because now I get to convince them that the âVoolpeerayâ Consortium, made up of players, do not sell the onions. They buy them and jack the price up on the auction house, because onions are the rarest food-based item in the game, necessary for most high level recipes.
Iâm not quite sure I know what this means but⌠thanks!
Real talk though, even though I come and go I definitely love reading everyoneâs posts on here! I donât have a ton of friends let alone ones who play WoW so itâs nice to have a sense of community around something I really love! Hope you all treat yourself to something special today!
Happy Valentines Day Guys. Hope you all having a good month so far.