You deny mak’gora, which no true Horde can deny. You have proven you are no Horde player.
You have proven yourself a snitch elf informer Tolkien.
The prosecution rests.
You deny mak’gora, which no true Horde can deny. You have proven you are no Horde player.
You have proven yourself a snitch elf informer Tolkien.
The prosecution rests.
As a member of the Caravan Association, we revoke his right to use any and all horde transportation. He is guilty of using them to aid his alliance buddies
Literally the worst way of making government. And everyone cheats with magic.
That was legitimately one of the best ally chains I went on. It was also the worse because it made the Horde seem rather foolish… but it demonstrated why we needed our cute cuddly little furry friends…
So technically it’s neutral… but… they are so furry and cute and cuddly… so also best.
Ahem… still not better than the Peoples Mocha though.
Do I HAVE to do the big sad fox eyes?
I swear it works…most of the time. Usually. At least I get a Aww everytime
"They brought back Alleria to her ancestral homeland ,to her home where she lived with her sisters ( who btw still hasn’t commented on the fact that one frkn died), and the first thing she blabbers about is a missive sent by a human, by Stormwind, come the heck on. Blizzard has a fet for 2 things, killing Horde leaders & elavating humans, even at the expense of the other Alliance races.
At least a half based take.
Man, that’s not what a true horde player would say.
Well, now that the People’s Mocha has destroyed any creibility Snitchevien the Informer Tolkien ever had, what jabroni will try for my title championship belt next??
Who dares to face the Mak’gora Master, the Dive of Decimation, the Lady of Laceration, the Mistress of Mischief, the… The Mocha Marauder, the Bandit Babe, the… Starting to run out of titles…
The Forum Fumigator!!!
He’s a spy for the Murloc Fishing Trolley assocation. We don’t trust his kind around these salty waters.
Chambona, for the record, leveled mostly through murder of Alliance players, making me better at glorious Hordebased bloodshed and therefore more of an authority.
Are you willing to risk the Bombastic Barrage of the Mocha Mauler in Mak’gora?!?
Are you trying for my featherweight title belt championship of the world, and the other world, and that other world too, and the timelost other-other world and also Shadowlands too I guess?!??
Ya know thinking of the Alliance VS Horde I’d love a full Cold War expansion.
Ideally this would necessitate a world revamp and would see players PvE wise adventuring for various 3rd party factions to influence them.
Blizz could bother to make the world more interesting and less a collection of strict ethnostates that still tries to say you racism is bad.
Some of the big dogs like Dalaran, the Argents, Cenarions etc. would stay neutral polities but they could use DF as a basis to introduce a bunch of gnoll, centaur, murloc etc. tribes.
And maybe rebuilt multi ethnic Alteracs, Theramores, etc.
With new battlegrounds and EBGs that would have instanced versions. But also overworld presence. Make Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Gilnean Isles and Warsong Gulcu actual places even if they’re just NPCs staring at eachother across fields. Make that clash between the Horde and Alliance a not constant but very visceral concept.
Maybe make Half Orcs the new race for it who like the Pandaren would choose a side. Just an idea.
It’s probably for the best that my reigning horde brawlers at the moment are an afflock and a rather hapless prevoker.
Because I probably couldn’t be trusted with supreme authority.
I miss the brawler’s guild…
I’m not keen on the Faction wars anymore, probably just me being older now…
There really needs to be something done about this. The whole racism is bad, because it is, message is very hard countered by the clearly divided up way the world is.
This could be interesting. Probably get about the same level of a response as the Stone Dwarves for Horde did.
I do as well… but entirely because they have stuff I want.
I had to read that a couple of times… kept wondering what the insurance selling duck had to do with pvp…
My main draw for WoW is the PvP, or moreover their class design. It’s one of the few games where I can tangibly feel myself improving with specs until you hit that limit, and then have to go into meta info about match ups and support.
Obviously this doesn’t have to be strictly factional. But I do think the factions spice things up. I love how Alliance and Horde structures are so striking you can tell who’s territory you’re waltzing in from silhouette alone.
I find open world war between the two asinine as MMO’s have to maintain a status quo by design so no matter what no one can really win or lose - dissapointing everyone.
A consistent B plot with flashpoints of outright conflict sounds cool. As does to me an expansion of several flashpoints, proxy wars and espionage.
Go back to that villain of the week system but with the narrative throughline of expanding your super power’s confederation spheres of influence.
And another cool feature which I’d make a huge painintheass and limit to 2 per server would be the ability to have a character defect to the other faction.
Look, all I know is I now have two Mak’gora challanges to my belt, both which ended in me still the Story Forum Mak’gora Undisputed, Undefeated, Undeniable, Undercovers, Unconquerable World Featherweight Mak’gora Champion of at least Four Worlds and Death Itself…
Alynsa Coffee Danger Pizza Barrage!!! The People’s Mocha!!!
Now… what kind of Coffee and Pizza are we talking about here?
Because Coffee isn’t just Coffee and Pizza… well that’s practically a world unto itself.
They are my names, Nightsong. They have no deeper meaning than that.
My parents both looked at the first things they saw. Mom just birthed a whole mocha elf into the world, so she saw coffee. Dad was hungry, so he saw pizza. They both agreed naming me based on viewed objects was dangerous, thus my three middle names.
It is very simple, as you can see.