Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Erevien, unironically, is actually the alliances biggest supporter.

He’s a traitor trying to steal our precious variety of elves horde side! :fox_face:


The only race to get new customization features and playable classes for the undead after the Forsaken’s Reclamation of Lordaeron were the elves.

I think the game would be better if all knife eared variants just sat it out for an expansion. Have a few token characters pop up in minor roles at best.

I want an expansion with the Goblins and Gnomes at the front. It’s been almost a decade of waifish knife ears sobbing about how they were really bad at protecting their magic forest preserves. Enough!

I want to hear from the short kings who make exploding buzzsaw mech suits and laser spider tanks.

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At the risk of being extremely Sledgehammer, this setting could absolutely stand to lean a little more Girl Genius and a little less ethereal yearning for days gone by.


All Horde races deserve better. But Blizzard thought it was the best idea to kill all their leaders and reduce their main race to a single stinky village in a frozen wasteland.

Nope, even if Silvermoon goes neutral, even if the Elves all go neutral, Silvermoon will still be the Blood Elves home. Nothing less than the whole city and a good chunk of the forest being destroyed would ever result in Silvermoon being taken from the Blood Elves.

So bloody what.

What do powers have to do with being a leader?

No. It was Horde since 2007. Turning it makes no sense.

They are random tolkien elves. I want my fel sucking mana vampires back.

A good leader isn’t losing a fair fight to a random ranger captain.

But consider.

What if the ranger captain has a steambow that shoots rocket powered arrows that also have a compound that attracts angry wolves?


I’m qualifying the Royal Apothecary Society in this. Most of old ones have had Lord knows what parts for whom and write “SCIENCE” when asked for gender.


Than the angry wolves summon honey badgers, and since we all know honey badger don’t You know what, Azeroth is now under the protection of the honey badger and everyone went up in peace because no one wanted to fight the badger

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That’s just what we call style. Flair. class


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I dunno what MMO-Champion did to you, but Orgrimmar is neither a village nor in a frozen wasteland.

Take that back to the Blizzard police, Snitchevein!!!



All I’m saying is that if a character had a metal fist (possibly with blades) attached to their arm by a chain that could be retracted or thresh about, I’d sleep a little better at night.

Unlike everyone on Azeroth, probably, but details.


Orgrimmar is a barracks. Razor Hill is a barracks. Wor’gol is the clostes thing we will ever get to see an Orc “settlement” ever.

“Are you a boy or girl?”

I am Forsaken

“Well, what’s in your pants?”


My real gender is destruction.


Hah, I knew it!! I knew you were an Alliance boy who only plays Alliance elves because you love the Tolkien!!!

You are a fake Horde informer!!! A Snitch Elf!!!


I demand Mak’gora!!!

If you do not accept, then you admit you are a fake Horde snitch elf informer Tolkien!!!


Show me the buildings where real people live in Orgrimmar. Is it just a place for soldiers. If the Orcs actually get a real capital I will be happy.

Dwarf, Sledgie.

We all know your real gender is dwarf.

My gender is chaos and my middle name is danger.

Alynsa Coffee Danger Pizza Barrage, the Chaos Mocha Elf.

The People’s Mocha.