Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

God King Anduin and his Holy Empire demand that you cease all hostilities and bend the knee. Maybe a few necks, but definitely bend the knee

"I think it’d be a good thing for both NB and BE to go neutral with that elven unification while also stop being associated directly with either faction. Like having them as a neutral kingdom with player characters free to play in either factions, but pollitically independent, like they should be lorewise
I agree there, first thing it will remove the hostility between the fans which is important. It’s fine for you to have your faction preference or even love, and the vein of the elf you prefer

your eldritch type will go void elf, you your fel type Illidari, your kaldorei arcane civilization type High/Nightborne, your kaldorei druidic type Hyjallian/Long Vigil, your light type paladin - blood elf, your light type priest -high elf, your wood elf rnger - high elf, your forest sentinel type Hyjallian."

Average alliance elf conversation on MMOC-.

That sounds like the opposite of Alliance because it’s very neutral.

Like, that’s more anti Alliance than you are right now, because it doesn’t even want the Alliance to exist as a force to be trampled forever proving your moral superiority and complete dominance.

That’s just no Alliance.


Who’d want the Alliance gone? The Kingdom of Stormwind has been the premier delivery service for years now.


Why do you insist on parroting what some people say on some other website?

I guess they banned you, but why do you have to bring that drama over here?

If people wanted to bother with that MMO drama they would go to that site…


I got banned for talking back to that specific user. That is how petty and biased they are.

I’d like to see the Elves in all out war. But given these unprecedented times we’re in I guess they don’t want to glamorize twink on twink violence.

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So then why are you spreading their gospel for them?

No one here would see it unless you copy/pasted it here - or very few would.

If they are petty and biased, then move on. That’s what happens with fan-run websites - they are moderated by biased excuses for Humanity that play favorites with their friend groups.

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I am at war with Blizzard because Blizzard is at war with Horde elves.

Blizzard… created Horde elves.

Everything you like about Horde elves? Thanks, Blizzard.

If Blizzard really was at war with Horde elves, they’d just be like “And then the Sunwell mysteriously spread turbomangescabies that’s instantly fatal, which passed into the nightborne tree (that I want to say is called the arcan’dor but I might be getting my trees confused because that feels too on the nose even for Bliz) and now they’re all dead. Oh well, here’s a free reroll to another race we hate less.” The end.

for what? Having Silvermoon is our last thing. We don’t own Quel’danas, most of the Ghostlands and our leader is a tool.

All Horde elf models are now replaced with the MOP era puntable marmot.

Complete with sound effect.

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How about that local sports team that has nothing to do with elves? Also apparently Taylor Swift is a Horde Stan that’s why she’s dating that guy from the Chiefs which is totally a rumor I just made up to drown out Erevien…

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I mean, there is a lot of red involved…


Are they? Idk ya’ll got two heritage quests before the Forsaken had one and the Darkspear still don’t have ish.

The Sin’Dorei if anything get a nauseating amount of screentime. Ya can’t go ten quests without running into one.

And I don’t necessarily mind. I like the Sin’Dorei. They’re tied with the Orcs for my 4th favorite race behind Trolls, Worgen and obviously the Forsaken.

But it’s dreadfully boring when they dominate the story. Because they’re basically just humans even though WoW’s elves look way more alien than most other setting’s. Seriously they got ears the size of yardsticks and arachnid-like feelers for eyebrows. They should be weirder…


Look at the good boy! I said look at that beautiful good boy!


Humans and blood elves dominate the story. After TBC blood elves barley got anything since Kael was their face.

The only thing “Kaels” face was used for was the smacking sound it made as it hit the ground.

Stop acting like Blood Elves are not simply awesome, after all we wouldn’t have a Mocha Elf without the Blood Elves first. So clearly, they are good enough.

Is this because Zerde hasn’t posted lately? are you feeling the lack of attention? Wait do you two even engage with each other? Maybe we should put you two in a room and just walk away.

Probably go get pizza.


No, that doesn’t seem true at all. You financially support them. You do not pay people to be at war with them.

I think you are just lying to get street cred.

I think you love Blizzard and their treatment of Horde elves, and you’re just here to gather information for them.

You are a snitch!!!


No because the blood elves right now are boring one sided Sindar. They lost the magic to the Nightborne and the edge to void elves and their leader is a literal Who? without powers. Silvermoon is all they have and they might lose that too in Midnight.