It is already late here in my country and I can’t order food anymore. Sucks.
Superbowl what’s that? Lol, I’m not into sports, not even E-Sports.
However, food is being cooked. I’m cooking some sandwiches, nothing special just some leftover tacomeat and some cheeze between slices of bread the outside buttered and cooked to a golden consistency.
A very slow day at work for me.
Seriously with religious holidays the advantage of living in American city is a large number of people aren’t celebrating. Even during that Abrahamic hat trick a year or two ago still had Hindus and Buddhists to hook up.
But secular holidays? Gah.
Iridikron is Killmonger. Fyrakk is Algrim.
I think it’s funny when people ask me: “are you gonna watch the Super Bowl” , and I just say “no” - and they laugh.
I guess they were making polite conversation and expected some discussion about it? It does make me laugh when they laugh, though.
Like… I wasn’t joking… but it’s funny that you thought my answer was funny…
I live in Vegas so the Super Bowl has been on everyone’s mind here more than normal. I can actually see the stadium from my upstairs windows.
Support the Chiefs or you are a TaySwift hater
I’m an old Vikings fan. All the caring has been beaten from me.
(Also it’s one of my shifts, so I’m jumpy anyway.)
I’m a long time 49ers fan. So it’s obvious who I’ll be rooting for
The main sporting event I’ll be watching is the bird wars over my feeder. The Chugach blend from Arctic Wild Bird is legit. I have so many little visitors and it’s the most middle class fancy I’ve been in my life.
The redpolls are dominating but we have two kinds of chickadee and I’ve seen both.
There’s also a certain amount of “small brown bird which goes peep” because I’m not THAT fancy.
Right?!? I tried telling them but nobody listened to me!!!
This is a safe space from lore trolling, and they have ruined it for me for all time. All time!!!
That is not what is on my television, silly Alison.
I am eating pizza while watching YouTube videos!!
Sad puppy dog eyes
But I think we scared them away. For a while at least.
I had a deep dish pepperoni pizza before. Was delicious
I always enjoy watching YouTube videos. Can waste hours doing it sometimes
Wait, the Supper Ball has Vikings?!?
They do THAT at the Supper Ball too?!??
Old Vikings and their Chiefs doing “49ers” on Tays Wift. I knew sportsball was confusing, but this sounds like it shouldn’t be on public television at all!!
That made me laugh. Thanks, needed that
I’m starting to think I’m not the one that lives in the gutter. Then again, I actually understood that…
Oh well, at least the company is good.
The small birds that go peep are pine siskins.
I HATE not knowing things.
I can relate so much… Smart Phones have been a Blessing and Bane all in one…
I’m only really an ice hockey fan because;
A. The Black Hawks are the only Chicago team that hasn’t been mostly embarrassing for my lifespan and
B. There’s a decent chance the players might beat the ish out of eachother and/or a wayward foot blade might slit someone’s throat.
The everpresent specter of violence and gruesome death keeps me locked in. Couldn’t really get into the others.
You were right.
I underestimated quite how ridiculous things were but you were right.
Engaging on more than a very superficial level will only lead to headaches, bafflement, and consternation.
I think the pine siskins make more sense and I just watched one bounce on the back of another bird and push its head under the seed. I’m just going to take a deep breath and let people be wrong on the internet.
You see? I know things. I know all the every single sportball.
Kick-n-Run Ball is basically inappropriate TV.
Stick-n-Run Ball is about seeing how bored you can be watching a game with a weapon nobody even uses.
Bouncy Ball is about running back and forth, back and forth and some more back and forth.
Knife Shoe Ball doesn’t even have a ball!! It’s about watching people violate the Geneva Conventions on each other.
Kick Ball is for everyone except Americans.
And Stick Baby Ball is for old white men.
I know every sportball.
I remain confused why baseball players don’t take that cudgel with them. Surely you’d have a better chance at victory if you just ran and swung it at people.