Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

I am so very proud of you!!

You did it, I knew you could!!


I agree. Iā€™m not type to watch a movie because someone is in it, but I feel like he generally does good in the movies Iā€™ve seen him in.

It does take a certain style of charisma to pull off a villain like Killmonger.


Me either. Black panther was the first movie I actually saw him in. But he generally does do well in the other movies Iā€™ve watched later on :wolf:

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I have enjoyed him since I first remembered him from Fantfourstic, the Fantastic Four reboot in 2015, followed immediately by Creed, both of which I watched under duress and threat of blackmail by a coworker, who was holding my favorite coffee mug hostage for the first one, and threatened to tell everyone that I watched Fantfourstic if I did not watch Creed with her. She is still to this day very evil.

But Michael B Jordan immediately because a highlight of any movie he happened to be in. He is rather charming.


Dragonflight is my worst expansion right after TBC.

Man, holding BC up as worse than WOD, BFA, Cata or Shadowlands?

Tastes vary, of course, but goodness.


It killed Kaelā€™thas, Zulā€™jin, turned the Illidan gang evil and retconned all of the Draenei.

Zulā€™jin was never a good guy, the illidari were never good guys, and the draenei retcon is one of the best things that blizz did in TBC which everyone agrees with but you apparently

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Of course you support the alliance having all the races that are defined as the chosen people of the whole story. The bias runs deep.

Killing high elves is the most heroic act ever.

anti heros fighting the true evil aka the scourge.

The Illidari were created to fight the legion. But I know the lore is hard for you

I mean, the high elves could claim killing the Amani is just another day in the park for them. But that would be silly to say with any degree of seriousness

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the Amani are the natives wronged by the whites of the story. It is very obvious Blizzard is very racist and champions humans all the time.


/10 chars


How dare you folks argue about lore in the Lounge!


Cowers in fear Sorry! Please donā€™t throw the wrench at us!

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Excellent! Now letā€™s get back on topic. I agree Michael B Jordan is awesome!

Now, what are folks making to eat while watching the Super Bowl?


I got some deep dish pizza, bbq chicken wings, chips and salsa and toquitos

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Nice! I donā€™t have a big spread, but we have some nice burgers ready to cook.


Awesome. A good burger is always delicious, especially when you got some nice rolls to put them on. :wolf:


The Superbowl isnā€™t as big in Canada (at least where Iā€™m from) but I made a super tasty chili and some cornbread today! :bowl_with_spoon:


Yummy! Sounds delicious! :fox_face:

Also, I been leveling my vulpera monk in Pandaria, I got bored of legion at lvl 38, but I forgot how adorable Kiryn and Riko are :fox_face: