Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

The lore is fine and DF has been a great start at starting on a newer and clean path again.

So again, go take your garbage takes elsewhere


Any place can have Horde in it if you’re not a coward.


Clean? More like non existent. Dragonflight is ltierally not mattering from the plot so far.

Clearly you haven’t played Dragonflight than because it sets up the next saga


Cultural expression is very important, but some cultures also have an aversion to being eviscerated and one should try to be sensitive to that as well!


No one will remember this since the villains were bland and boring.

I dunno. I’ve seen enough slightly thirsty Iridikon art to know at least someone is going to remember him.


That’s a typical Erevien bad take.

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So you will remember this.


Jailer was Thanos. Fyrakk is Killmonger.

Killmonger was an amazing villain who people want to see return because he had more depth and character than Thanos.

Big Fyrakk fan, huh?


Killmonger was literal the new Disney company who had to be put down by the fans because of the nonsense he spouts.

Didn’t know Killmonger wanted to kill a fictional elven tree in a fictional elven land based in Africa

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Usurping the other dragon leaders to light the world on fire? Yeah sounds right. Replace Alex with Wakanda and it fits.

No, he was a character in a movie.

No, one is a dragon and the other is a country. Both are fictional.


Yep, he wasn’t wrong. At least as far as the problems the world has are concerned. Beyond that full villain.

I still think they should have kept Thanos motivation as him trying to get death’s attention. It was basically a love story… at least from his perspective. Sadly, he never seemed to accept that she preferred Wade.


Fyrakk was never a leader of the Aspects or a part of them. He didn’t usurp anyone. Iridkron simply let him off the leash and Vyrananoth realized what her former allies planned for Azeroth meant the death of everyone so she rebelled

At least your consistent about not knowing anything about DF

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Micheal B. Jordan did an amazing job playing as Killmonger. I don’t think the character would have worked as well with anyone else playing Killmonger

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I finished the LFR raid and left. Not interesting enou8ghto keep subbing.

So you never got past the first raid. Explains why your ignorant regarding the events of the rest of the expansion

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