The story forums today are reminding me I’m actually glad Cata is no longer the default new character experience out of the gate.
I agree with pretty much everything you all are saying about Dragonflight. I couldn’t think of a good reason for any of my existing characters to go to the Dragon Isles so I had to make a new one, and I struggled to make one that I felt was decent. When the universe of WoW is looked at overall, I feel that the Dragon Isles is that place that will be, “Yeah we went there.” What’s odd is that I do like dragons and was interested in their storylines before this expansion, but I barely cared about any of them during DF, and I am massively disappointed with what they’ve done with the Infinite Dragonflight. I like what happened with the Blue Dragonflight but much of everything else is whatever.
I had been looking forward to that Infinite Dragonflight storyline for a long time. I wanted to see the Murozond story come full circle, but it veered away from what was foreshadowed, instead of a circle it’s a G. I figured Soridormi’s death that Kairoz saw would play some sort of part, if not involving the Infinite Dragonflight then atleast something in this expansion, yet I’m still wondering what the hell that’s about. Instead we got some sort of friendship nonsense that makes me think Danuser is a brony. They ruined that storyline.
I really enjoy stories that have set up and payoff, and time travelling dragons is a good way to do that. I like having hints sprinkled into the story for what’s going to happen, something that can make me try to predict where it’s going to go, things like Ilgynoth’s and Nzoth’s whispers really increased my engagement with the story. With time traveling dragons, you can see the beginning and end points and you can try to figure out the middle like a puzzle. One of my favorite movies is Shaun Of The Dead, the script for that movie is great, a lot of the dialogue from the characters in that foreshadows things that will happen later, and on rewatch it makes that movie even more enjoyable because it’s not something easily noticed on first watch. What they did with the Infinite Dragonflight came out of nowhere but wasn’t hinted to at all.
Anyway, I didn’t mean for this post to turn into a rant when I first started typing it. I’m hoping TWW doesn’t have the engagement problems that DF has. I don’t know yet who I’m going to play for that expansion, but I have hope it’ll be easier to pick. My gameplay choices factor into my character’s stories, so I’ll have to see the hero specs and go from there. Right now Azj-Kahet has my attention and I want to make a character story revolving around that.
It’s okay, i’ll leave on my own, it’s just
I never thought he would OFF HIMSELF, that was never the goal here, but I asked around and they were all sad, they all had this kind of expression that let me know that something REALLY bad had happened and then when they said they had woken up and gone to his room, heard no answer so they called the staff to unlock the door, were already running an hour late
And then they find him sprawled out on the floor with his eyes staring toward God, open and inquisitive, the eyes I only saw once. jk LOL I know it’s hard for you to know about this or how bad it feels, but he did himself away and even worse, get this, on his computer they found THIS THEAD, this EXACT thread, on his monitor. I honestly don’t know what to do anymore, it’s lonely living here in this sick town, I want out, i want to escape but it’s so HARD unless you know somebody who’s willing to hear you out and LISTEN
And maybe that’s why he did it and maybe it’s not, and I guess we’ll never know but the point is this: that I got back from the conference looking straight ahead at the road all the way home, my palms were glued to the steering wheel with sweat and tears and now I’m curled up in the fetal position here on the couch, picturing this in my head, STEVE ON THE FLOOR LIKE A RAG DOLL and knowing that minutes before he was looking at what I said, I don’t know how you see it but as I see it that’s about it so let’s close the case
This is the first return to WoW I’ve had in a long time, and I liked this expansion. The aspects had never been my favorite characters in the past, but evolving Neltharion a little past comic supervillain and more into a fallen idol figure who is just as cold toward his own flight is at least a better presentation than he got in Cata. Kalecgos is finally somewhat likable to me, since I’ve not been too fond of his writing since Sunwell.
It’s a little odd that they made a villain character so justifiable in their motives only to kill them in the first raid and then later retroactively make them even more justified (“Wait Raz was actually awake and cognizant all these millenia? Oh.”) which is probably my chief complaint.
A lot of 10.2 feels like an about-turn toward the themes of the next three expansions, they tried to keep it feeling somewhat smooth and natural but you can tell a torch was passed.
It’s me Karebear. Bored so I decided to show off my cute lil Vulpera monk version of Kare I have on WrA
And yet you have a flight connection to the place regardless Quel’danas too. Remind me where the neutral flight point to the Exodar is.
There is no need for a flight point to the least relevant city in the entire game. You’re trying way too hard now.
You have no clue how many times I and others forgot that the Exodar was even a thing in game. If you looked under the term irrelevant for WoW, Exodar is a shining example
Alliance has full access to Quel’thalas.
And the two raids in it.
Bloodmyst and That Other Island have literally nothing on them.
You are not comparing comparable things.
Quel’Danas is what the alliance has access to. They do not have full access to the actual capital. You’d know that if you were a horde fan at all.
What matters is ingame not the lore and as far as I can tell the Horde is not even clsoe to ever actually allowed in any alliance heartlands anytime soon.
I mean, goblins hang out.
Void elves were originally all blood elves.
Horde emissaries come by.
Death knights wandered through getting dead cooties all over stuff.
No one pitches a fit about Pandaren or Dracthyr, either.
I feel like the main reason you’re not allowed to visit Stormwind is if you’re currently attempting to stab somebody which is NOT UNREASONABLE.
Erevien probably thinks there a giant sign that reads
Wherever a alliance NPC happens to be at
How culturally insensitive. Piercing people with sharp objects is considered a respectful greating in Forsaken culture.
Hardly the Forsaken’s fault their human cousins are so attached to their precious bodily fluids.
And in-game, Quel’thalas has a lot going on for itself. Draino Islands are barren wastelands.
You’re comparing apples and bananas.
Now GTFO the community lounge with your shtick. This is for funsies, not Ereveins.
This is a room for everything not just nonsense.
Take your garbage takes elsewhere Erevien. Bad enough you plague every other thread with your hot and smelly takes, don’t do it here too
There is no realk talk in the lore right now because Danuser amde it as inoffensive as possible.